hayabusa = grandpa bike??

I'm a grandpa so I guess it is a grandpa's bike... but try to run this grandpa and grandpa is going to stomp you'r slow a$$!!!        Its only words in my book people want what you have and they can't have it so they take shots at you to knock you down...  Same thing goes on at car shows with my Stang.  I 1/4mile race the car at the drag strip and drive it on the street to.  It has some chips here and there in the paint. People have to point it out at the shows and cruises.  They then go get in their rusted out mini vans and go home.  They the great paint experts don't own $hit...  Its no big deal its only words... you are up on them and they don't like it...

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If you ever get the cahnce, show him how your Grandpa Bike can cover him in a smoke cloud sitting at a red light.

Sheet!!! I'm 29 and would never even think the Busa is a grandpa machine. My last bike was a Gixx750 and that didn't even feel nearly as powerful as my Busa. I've been told that my bike can't corner. Then those same dudes end up eating their words after they see me knee draggin the corners and setting the pace. I think folks are just jealous that we have one the best production bikes out there and it's the whole male complex "my thing is bigger than yours" idea.
<-- grandpa ... w/o grandkids !! ... n happy about it.! guess I ought to start "cruisen" .."LeasureWorld" ....lookin for ..."grannie"
Sheet!!! I'm 29 and would never even think the Busa is a grandpa machine. My last bike was a Gixx750 and that didn't even feel nearly as powerful as my Busa. I've been told that my bike can't corner. Then those same dudes end up eating their words after they see me knee draggin the corners and setting the pace. I think folks are just jealous that we have one the best production bikes out there and it's the whole male complex "my thing is bigger than yours" idea.
yea.. he's next "line", just liek alot fo others i hear, are ... "yea..but it cant turn" so i end up proving them wrong, then when i hit the straights.. i show them what TORQUE is.
I was told the sound of my bike was "Celestial" when I blew past a gsxr600 and a zx 636 when they were both at full throttle

As for the Busa being a "grandpa" bike.... ummm... it's an "older" person bike... I believe most owners are in their 30's and 40's.... but, I'm 18.. and I ride a busa.... so much for that theory
Grandpa bike?!
Guess that makes me GrandMA...

Jealousy is a helluva thing...I've finally stopped accepting money from those that just want to touch it...
it IS interesting that older/wiser/smarter people with years more experience get a Hayabusa, and young, immature, not so bright men buy "tree dart" 1000cc crotch rockets and end up dead. seems a choice of SMARTER people, not just older people
I am 29 also.
People tell me that I must be crazy to ride such a thing as the death wish Hayabusa.
Then I show them one of my over 180mph videos and they are amazed at how well a crazy man can ride a death wish hayabusa and split lanes in a third world country for that matter.
Some of my acquaintances (standard and chopper riders) almost beg me to slow down for my own safety. I guess you don't know what going fast is until you ride the Hayabusa.
I could not hear them say that because they were about 2.5 miles behind me. If i am not mistaken I read their lips and they said ohhhhh Shitz.
I'm a grandpa so I guess it is a grandpa's bike... but try to run this grandpa and grandpa is going to stomp you'r slow a$$!!!        Its only words in my book people want what you have and they can't have it so they take shots at you to knock you down...  Same thing goes on at car shows with my Stang.  I 1/4mile race the car at the drag strip and drive it on the street to.  It has some chips here and there in the paint. People have to point it out at the shows and cruises.  They then go get in their rusted out mini vans and go home.  They the great paint experts don't own $hit...  Its no big deal its only words... you are up on them and they don't like it...
nice Mustang
it IS interesting that older/wiser/smarter people with years more experience get a Hayabusa, and young, immature, not so bright men buy "tree dart" 1000cc crotch rockets and end up dead.   seems a choice of SMARTER people, not just older people
i'm old /wise/smart and immature/young/not so bright cause i got both.
guys your killing me here. the busa can be a grandpa bike. after 40 + years of riding several types of bikes i finally got a busa just like my sons GSXtacy and i'm a grandfather of 9 ! we recently went on a ride with 9 other busas and this old man found that i can hang with any of them. we all know it dosn't matter if your 18 or 80 , when you twist the throttle on the busa its going to put a smile on your face. who cares what anyone says? they just dont have a clue!
I did hear a sportbike rider look me over at a gas stop and say to his buddie "It's a F-ing couch with a motor in it...". I think alot of things about other people and the toys they play with, but I keep my opinions to myself...
Never got the "Grandpa" thing. People usually comment on it as a "nice bike" or "that thing looks fast" or "crotch rocket, huh?". Never "Grandpa" though.
Sounds like dude's jealous as hell.
I did hear a sportbike rider look me over at a gas stop and say to his buddie "It's a F-ing couch with a motor in it...".  I think alot of things about other people and the toys they play with, but I keep my opinions to myself...

One of my close friends that rides, and I trust him implicitly, I let him take the bus out for a spin a few weeks ago. He said it felt like he was driving a cadillac. He couldn't get over how comfortable it was to ride, and how an 1/8 twist of the throttle rocketed him into the "unsafe zone."
He was nervous as hell getting on it, but he was amazed at the comfort and power combined. He said it was like riding on air.

That was pretty cool. Although, Brad comes from the dirt world where comfort is like riding a 2X4 that has a nice groove for your butt. You know, anything that doesn't give you monkey butt immediately is "comfortable."



My favorite question is: "Is it fast" I always say whats your definition of fast? Is 200 fast? I guess it is then. Grandpa bike that funny.