I know it should bother me that she lies... but it doesn't. Or maybe that I expect politicians to lie, and I have grown numb to it.

What does bother me is that she lies about the stupidiest things...

"Yes Child, Tell your MOMMY that If she Stopped Having Babies and Got Off Her Lazy AS. and Applied a Little Effort into some Formal Training and or School she wouldn't be Making that Minimum Wage"  
Wow. Quite an assumption considering we have no idea who we're talking about.

Ms Semi, don't shut up...I need some back up around here!

I will back you up! I do want to say to everyone, not everyone on assistance is a bum! I am as single mom of 3, a fulltime student,and a fulltime manager for Walgreens. I get some assistance from the state. I receive a medical card and some daycare assistance. I am bustin my a$$. I do not receive a lot but even a little bit helps. I am trying to better myself for me and my kids. I do thank every tax payer and I thank semi every payday when he gets more federal taxes taken out than me. I pay taxes too. It is sometimes frustrating because I have made 20 dollars more than the cut off for daycare assistance and I had to come up with over $1300 for daycare. Luckly, my daycare was understanding and They allowed me to make payments. I eventually got it paid off.
I apologize for this rant!
Welfair, and gov asstance is WAY mismanaged here in SC.. Last year this was this big raido and TV advertising push about getting on food stamps.. If i remember right it want something like, even fi you have a job you may still qualify.. At the time I was making 80K and Jessica was bringing in about 50K running the daycare.. SO for the heck of it she applied.. Now the household income was 130K, out bills were 27K a year,, so that left us with over 100K to buy food... We were approved for 250 dollars in food stamps a week. My jaw hit the floor..

my mothers coworker is a state house rep, I told him about this. He said he is going to bring it up next time the house of reps was in session.
If the family truly needs it fine but i think they should have to pass a drug test to even be able to apply for for welfare or GOV assistance since us as tax payers in most cases need to take a drug test to receive a paycheck they should need one to receive our monies this was in a email once and i aggree 100% and if you fail it you can never get gov assistance go out and work like the rest of the world yea i know im the  
I agree! Just a thought... The DARE program at schools have a ceremonie for the kids in elementary school for being drug free. I knew alot of their older sibilings through school and they were gettin their kid brother or sister high. They too should be drug tested before getting the certificate for being drug free!
I will back you up! I do want to say to everyone, not everyone on assistance is a bum! I am as single mom of 3, a fulltime student,and a fulltime manager for Walgreens. I get some assistance from the state. I receive a medical card and some daycare assistance. I am bustin my a$$. I do not receive a lot but even a little bit helps. I am trying to better myself for me and my kids. I do thank every tax payer and I thank semi every payday when he gets more federal taxes taken out than me. I pay taxes too. It is sometimes frustrating because I have made 20 dollars more than the cut off for daycare assistance and I had to come up with over $1300 for daycare. Luckly, my daycare was understanding and They allowed me to make payments. I eventually got it paid off.  
 I apologize for this rant!
Perfect example that not everyone on assistance is a deadbeat. That generalization is very dangerous. I'm sure there's a lot of abuse of the welfare system, I've seen it firsthand, but I believe that's because of not enough funds, bodies, to do the housecleaning. The system is just too easy to cheat on.
tax payers in most cases need to take a drug test to receive a paycheck they should need one to receive our monies.
Perfect. That would help to curb the "government sponsored drug dealers".

I see this crap constantly in my work, which is one of the reasons I am so burned out. It will probably NEVER change, given that all too many people are making money on the system. Christ, if it wasn't for medicaid and medicare I would be out of a job. Got to keep those 30 year old's on disability, so they keep comming back.

Rant over.

"Yes Child, Tell your MOMMY that If she Stopped Having Babies and Got Off Her Lazy AS. and Applied a Little Effort into some Formal Training and or School she wouldn't be Making that Minimum Wage"  
Wow. Quite an assumption considering we have no idea who we're talking about.

Ms Semi, don't shut up...I need some back up around here!

I will back you up! I do want to say to everyone, not everyone on assistance is a bum! I am as single mom of 3, a fulltime student,and a fulltime manager for Walgreens. I get some assistance from the state. I receive a medical card and some daycare assistance. I am bustin my a$$. I do not receive a lot but even a little bit helps. I am trying to better myself for me and my kids. I do thank every tax payer and I thank semi every payday when he gets more federal taxes taken out than me. I pay taxes too. It is sometimes frustrating because I have made 20 dollars more than the cut off for daycare assistance and I had to come up with over $1300 for daycare. Luckly, my daycare was understanding and They allowed me to make payments. I eventually got it paid off.  
 I apologize for this rant!
It's my personal opinion that most people on assistance are not bums. I don't have any stats or figures to prove this, but I think most people are decent people that don't want a free ride. Also, it's not like being on welfare puts you in the lap of luxury.

Ms Semi, I was raise under simular conditions that you are raising your children, and I have a tremedous amount of respect for you. I would like to live in a society where you would be able to go to school for free, and be supported while you try to improve yourself and improve your family's life. I think it is important that you have the opportunity to spend as much time with your children as possible and not have to work 4 jobs to pay for daycare while having someone else raise your kids.

I realize that this is an idealistic opinion and it leaves the system wide open for abuse and it will never work until we get rid of the 'Us vs. Them' mentallity and start living in a community.

I know that I am getting off topic here, but it's simular to this board. It is a very unique place. I've seen numerous members helping out other members in one way or another. This simply doesn't happen in most places. It would be wonderful if the rest of the world could take a lesson from the great members of this board.
I have seen people abuse the helpfulness of state assistance. Both parents not working, just because they don't want to, and had 10 kids in a awesome house. I have seen their receipt for the linkcard (food stamps) and it was for more than I make in a month. Unreal. But I am glad it is there for me to improve myself and my family. A year and a half left befor I get my bachelors in business!Woo Hoo!!!
"Yes Child, Tell your MOMMY that If she Stopped Having Babies and Got Off Her Lazy AS. and Applied a Little Effort into some Formal Training and or School she wouldn't be Making that Minimum Wage"  
Wow. Quite an assumption considering we have no idea who we're talking about.

Ms Semi, don't shut up...I need some back up around here!

I will back you up! I do want to say to everyone, not everyone on assistance is a bum! I am as single mom of 3, a fulltime student,and a fulltime manager for Walgreens. I get some assistance from the state. I receive a medical card and some daycare assistance. I am bustin my a$$. I do not receive a lot but even a little bit helps. I am trying to better myself for me and my kids. I do thank every tax payer and I thank semi every payday when he gets more federal taxes taken out than me. I pay taxes too. It is sometimes frustrating because I have made 20 dollars more than the cut off for daycare assistance and I had to come up with over $1300 for daycare. Luckly, my daycare was understanding and They allowed me to make payments. I eventually got it paid off.  
 I apologize for this rant!
Girl, you are EXACTLY what all of the assistance is suppose to be for. You are busting your butt STILL WORKING insead of being a dead beat. You pointed out just another flaw in the system....when you make $20 too much they punish you.


What are you studying? Whatever it is I know your going to be great at it. It's the people with your work ethic and drive that always come out on top.

I'm proud for any of my taxes to go to moms like you...
Wow just reread my post,, not 250 a week, 250 a month.. Man a 1K a month grocery check would be SWEET lol
Ms.Semi i respect that my mother raised me a single parent their are those that truly need it like yourself and my mother did in the past... what gets me is the true deadbeats that would rather spend it on getting their nails done in exchange of food stamps or their nails did or paying the drug dealer and then the drug dealer selling them for cash just a real messed up world we live in these days and im sure alot more people will be going on welfare or something if these gas prices and food prices keep going up and for day care they want 2300 a month for my two kids so as a board member i think you guys should start a send my kids to daycare so i can screw off all day fund thanks in advance Joe lol J/K
I am not a traveler and really have never lived anywhere besides Ohio. But, where I come from only the people who "WANT/have no choice" to make minimum make minimum wage. I like to call those jobs High School/retirement jobs. Where people either can not work jobs(under 18 and in school) or they have to limit their salary (retirees). NOBODY where I live could live on minimum wage and I live in a LOW LOW cost of living are of the US. They would have to raise the min wage to well over $9 an hour to even constitute making a living where I live let alone somewhere like LA or NYC. Poverty in the US is way out of wack. Tell me how someone who only makes $21k a year can support a family of 4? That is like $250 a week after taxes.

You want to know how? GOV assistance. There are people (again in my area) choose to be on Gov assistance and not work. Hell they make a living from it and for some reason have no shame in it what so ever. IMHO Gov assistance should be just that short term assistance for families in need not a perm lifestyle we pass on generation after generation.

The gov should focus on fixing Walfare 1st and fix that....

I live in the same general area and can agree w/ this 100%  Hey Kyle, did you go see Bill when he was in Lima last month?
I don't associate with married men who get more strange then I do being single..

"Yes Child, Tell your MOMMY that If she Stopped Having Babies and Got Off Her Lazy AS. and Applied a Little Effort into some Formal Training and or School she wouldn't be Making that Minimum Wage"  
Wow. Quite an assumption considering we have no idea who we're talking about.

Ms Semi, don't shut up...I need some back up around here!

I will back you up! I do want to say to everyone, not everyone on assistance is a bum! I am as single mom of 3, a fulltime student,and a fulltime manager for Walgreens. I get some assistance from the state. I receive a medical card and some daycare assistance. I am bustin my a$$. I do not receive a lot but even a little bit helps. I am trying to better myself for me and my kids. I do thank every tax payer and I thank semi every payday when he gets more federal taxes taken out than me. I pay taxes too. It is sometimes frustrating because I have made 20 dollars more than the cut off for daycare assistance and I had to come up with over $1300 for daycare. Luckly, my daycare was understanding and They allowed me to make payments. I eventually got it paid off.  
 I apologize for this rant!
Not that it matters to ya but, I have no problem or issues with what you are doing. The Walfare system was designed to work exactly as you are using it. I am quite sure you will be making a hell of a lot more after your assistance than before it. You in turn will then pay more taxes and actually "repay" the money that the Gov has helped you with. If you took it to heart I am sorry..

I was not talking about people in your situation. I was talking about the "Lifers" who don't care to better themselves and have no problem with living off of us their whole lives.
What use to amaze me is people would call 911 for something stupid like a cut arm, or stubbed toe, get there and as soon as you walk in they hand you the medicade card.. SO here are the tax payers paying for a 600 dollar transport for a few stitches in the arm.. never mind the fact that the people working the medic unit are paying 300 a pay check for insurance on their family that only covers 1/3 of ambulance rides..

ms Semi,, You are the exception to the rule, you are trying to make something out of your life. Your not backing down and saying "I cant, or I dont know how".. You are taking the bull by the horns and improving your situation.

I can not tell you how many times i have pulled up to a home in a section8 hood only to see 2 new cars in the drive way, with "rims" and the people inside wearing Mc DOnalds uniforms.. yeah I am sure mc DOnalds pays enough to buy the BMW buddy.
Okay she was just here. At my daughters school over the weekend. I just saw her on Jay Leno. She had the nerve to say a 10 year old kid said "excuse me maim, My mommy makes minimum wage, is there anything you can do to help my family"    

"Yes Child, Tell your MOMMY that If she Stopped Having Babies and Got Off Her Lazy AS. and Applied a Little Effort into some Formal Training and or School she wouldn't be Making that Minimum Wage"  
You got that RIGHT

"Well maybe I forgot that we were not under sniper fire when we landed"

There is not a "good" politician in the country... anyone really worthy of the job as commander in chief is smart enough to stay the hell away from it.. SO what we get is some lying "has been" old lady that has never run anything of any consequence... A guy that has been schooled in "hate America" by his preacher and a third guy that "bought a book" on the economy...

But what the hell, all they are going to do in office anyway is fight with a bunch of crooks on capitol hill that are more worried about padding their pension/retirement funds than where they are taking this country...

God help us all.....
"Well maybe I forgot that we were not under sniper fire when we landed"

There is not a "good" politician in the country... anyone really worthy of the job as commander in chief is smart enough to stay the hell away from it..    SO what we get is some lying "has been" old lady that has never run anything of any consequence...  A guy that has been schooled in "hate America" by his preacher and a third guy that "bought a book" on the economy...  

But what the hell, all they are going to do in office anyway is fight with a bunch of  crooks on capitol hill that are more worried about padding their pension/retirement funds than where they are taking this country...

God help us all.....
These people on the hill have lost touch with "normal living" many many years ago...

"Well maybe I forgot that we were not under sniper fire when we landed"

There is not a "good" politician in the country... anyone really worthy of the job as commander in chief is smart enough to stay the hell away from it..    SO what we get is some lying "has been" old lady that has never run anything of any consequence...  A guy that has been schooled in "hate America" by his preacher and a third guy that "bought a book" on the economy...  

But what the hell, all they are going to do in office anyway is fight with a bunch of  crooks on capitol hill that are more worried about padding their pension/retirement funds than where they are taking this country...

God help us all.....
that cracked me up
.I enjoyed her back peddling
yea I wish it was a "left/ right" "Dem/Rep" thing but it goes way beyond that I am afraid..

Sort of reminds me when Willie G took HD back... All you execs are going to ride the bike you are building.. Frankly the HD turned into a fairly decent bike..

Maybe it is time to make these guys sitting behind their elected offices and "live" in the country they are running instead of an insulated cocoon away from what matters...