"Yes Child, Tell your MOMMY that If she Stopped Having Babies and Got Off Her Lazy AS. and Applied a Little Effort into some Formal Training and or School she wouldn't be Making that Minimum Wage"  
Wow. Quite an assumption considering we have no idea who we're talking about.

Ms Semi, don't shut up...I need some back up around here!

I will back you up! I do want to say to everyone, not everyone on assistance is a bum! I am as single mom of 3, a fulltime student,and a fulltime manager for Walgreens. I get some assistance from the state. I receive a medical card and some daycare assistance. I am bustin my a$$. I do not receive a lot but even a little bit helps. I am trying to better myself for me and my kids. I do thank every tax payer and I thank semi every payday when he gets more federal taxes taken out than me. I pay taxes too. It is sometimes frustrating because I have made 20 dollars more than the cut off for daycare assistance and I had to come up with over $1300 for daycare. Luckly, my daycare was understanding and They allowed me to make payments. I eventually got it paid off.  
 I apologize for this rant!
Not that it matters to ya but, I have no problem or issues with what you are doing. The Walfare system was designed to work exactly as you are using it. I am quite sure you will be making a hell of a lot more after your assistance than before it. You in turn will then pay more taxes and actually "repay" the money that the Gov has helped you with. If you took it to heart I am sorry..

I was not talking about people in your situation. I was talking about the "Lifers" who don't care to better themselves and have no problem with living off of us their whole lives.
You didn't offend me at all. You just started a topic that I can actually talk about. I don't know much about alot of topics on here however, I do try to interact as much as I can. Thank you for talking about a topic I can work with.
I think once everyone gets to know me, you will all noticed I am an honest, down to earth, laid back, go with the flow kind of girl. I love to laugh and I make no since at times.(just because it's fun!) Thank you again for allowing me to express myself!
"Yes Child, Tell your MOMMY that If she Stopped Having Babies and Got Off Her Lazy AS. and Applied a Little Effort into some Formal Training and or School she wouldn't be Making that Minimum Wage"  
Wow. Quite an assumption considering we have no idea who we're talking about.

Ms Semi, don't shut up...I need some back up around here!

I will back you up! I do want to say to everyone, not everyone on assistance is a bum! I am as single mom of 3, a fulltime student,and a fulltime manager for Walgreens. I get some assistance from the state. I receive a medical card and some daycare assistance. I am bustin my a$$. I do not receive a lot but even a little bit helps. I am trying to better myself for me and my kids. I do thank every tax payer and I thank semi every payday when he gets more federal taxes taken out than me. I pay taxes too. It is sometimes frustrating because I have made 20 dollars more than the cut off for daycare assistance and I had to come up with over $1300 for daycare. Luckly, my daycare was understanding and They allowed me to make payments. I eventually got it paid off.  
 I apologize for this rant!
Girl, you are EXACTLY what all of the assistance is suppose to be for. You are busting your butt STILL WORKING insead of being a dead beat. You pointed out just another flaw in the system....when you make $20 too much they punish you.


What are you studying? Whatever it is I know your going to be great at it. It's the people with your work ethic and drive that always come out on top.

I'm proud for any of my taxes to go to moms like you...
Business Management and Administration.
I believe this field can take me anywhere! On my journey I received all A's and 1 B. I tried to argue my way to an A but it didn't work. Hehehe! I am now studing online through Univsersity Of Pheonix. Let's just say it is a lot harder than the traditional campus classes.
I'm gonna refrain from getting into this topic ...I've already been banned from one site this week for overly voicing my political opinions about Hillary and Obama .
What use to amaze me is people would call 911 for something stupid like a cut arm, or stubbed toe, get there and as soon as you walk in they hand you the medicade card.. SO here are the tax payers paying for a 600 dollar transport for a few stitches in the arm.. never mind the fact that the people working the medic unit are paying 300 a pay check for insurance on their family that only covers 1/3 of ambulance rides..

 ms Semi,, You are the exception to the rule, you are trying to make something out of your life. Your not backing down and saying "I cant, or I dont know how".. You are taking the bull by the horns and improving your situation.

  I can not tell you how many times i have pulled up to a home in a section8 hood only to see 2 new cars in the drive way, with "rims" and the people inside wearing Mc DOnalds uniforms.. yeah I am sure mc DOnalds pays enough to buy the BMW buddy.
I want rims...
It took me many years to get a new van that I desperatly needed. My last van was on its last leg for 2 years. But it got me from point A to point B. No air conditioning, the windows didn't go down, odometer didn't work, and I couldn't get out of the drivers side door. Yep it sucked. Now I have a newer van (2003) w/ air, the windows go down and I can get out!

You wanna see GOV assistance cut by 70%, let the GOV. start drug testing for anyone recieving a Gov assistance check. They faail the test, then they should fail to get a check.