How fast have you gone with your BUSA?

After the break in period on a long, flat, straight road with no traffic and no side traffic to worry about got it somewhere around 170 i saw a turn coming up.
pegged it!way to fast for mortals.
speedohealer installed and gps checked, ran up to 175 before I got too chicken and backed off...road gets really narrow with the tunnel vision at that speed..
Here are my last recordings with my bikes


The last with the ZX-12 (it has a G-Pack), but I already had one with 305 with my Garmin


With the Busa, still without the g-pack

On some nice open roads the speedometer won't go any further
Just hangs on that Special Number !*6 or a little past! But then that would be illegal,  Right ?? Not Me! Up here they have passed a new law. Anything 50 kilometers over the speed limit is bye bye licence, racing charge and vehicle is do you stop and give them your bike and your license..mmmmmm.?

still breaking my in 820 miles on it manual says you can go up to 8k rpms at that i was around 140 and she want it to go can wait till i pass 1000 miles so i can open her up
speedometer read 165 for me a couple times. but i stick to the track now. no worry of getting a ticket there.
Hit 140mph before I ran out of road. I think the tach read somewhere in the 8000 range... Stock K8; crazy fast for me. Love every bit. Gonna push it some more when I find a road that won't run out so fast here in NC. Shouldn't do so because I have to have a license to work my job (EMS), but I just can't resist the temptation to throttle up!
After a Few BEERS while Surfing on the ORG. 200MPH Tops !!!

In Reality about 170

Gotta LUV the TRUTH !!!!!!!!