How fast have you gone with your BUSA?

with the g-pack

got a speedo-healer on mine and i never looks down to see how fast i'm going cause my speedo stops at 180....but i know it lights up the tire at 170mph:thumbsup:
About 300 km/h a few weeks ago in Germany. Most of the time was spent on deceleration though (a Kawasaki GTR 1400 was on the same trip) :hehe:
Up here they have passed a new law. Anything 50 kilometers over the speed limit is bye bye licence, racing charge and vehicle is do you stop and give them your bike and your license..mmmmmm.??
this will probly sound stupid but if colorado had this law they would work their ace off for every bolt of this busa, it'll be a very cold day someplace when i had over my busa without a extrem effort to keep it.

anyway to the question at hand about 170- 175 (didn't want to take forever to make sure i got the exact speed at the moment)
12k in 6th with the derestriction mod set to fool the bike that it was in 5th gear. That was fun! Stock gearing with full r77 system.
with the g-pack


is this software on your phone???if so, where can I get it and what kind of phone is that??? I've got a Q9 with windows on it but about to get a new phone next month and would love to have that gps software on it!!!
9600 in 6th.

can anyone tell me the stock gearing on a K8???

as far as cops on busa's more power to you. if im ever in oklahoma ill wave as im passin. you know youve opened up your own bike a time or two "in the line of duty"..... if your roads didnt call for over 200mph, they wouldnt give johnny law a busa!!!
Moved to General for housekeeping.

exactly my thoughts

+10! I dunno bout anyone else, but after 150, I swear Its like everything around me slows way down, really...

Kinda makes me wonder about the possibility of time travel:whistle:

yea, I said it!:laugh::laugh: no lie though