How to get rid of cats

You people are mean...

go to wally world or a sporting goods store and pick up a 1200fps gamo .177 pellet gun,they wont hangout @ your place long.
Go to Walmart and get the cheapest priced Red Pepper seasoning they have and sprinkle it next to your Bike or Truck. When the cats walk through it, It get in thier fur when they try and groom themselves. P.S. Sit back and laugh at watch what happens next.
I do like animals, its the people that take care of them that get under my skin... BTW those who remember the neighbor with the dogs...

home owners association took care of the problem.. have not see either dog running loose since... (I really do like animals)
I used to have the same problem. It is hard to get rid of cats. I finally just set a live trap and shot them in the trap and disposed of the carcass. Trapped about 10 of them before they went away. Alot of the cats you see are probably feral. Not pets. They breed several times a year and the population is soon out of control. When they mark their territory (your yard) others try and pee over it and cat pee STINKS! Trap them and drop them off to your local animal shelter, or just shoot them. I guarantee alot of them are wild and not pets. I am not in to hurting pets, but with cats, shooting them is usually the only option that works.
We love our cat so we bought the new kitty holder. They're cheap and easy. And the kitty loves 'em. Stop the hatin' and begin the love...

Same problem here !!!! niebhor lets 3 cats out during the daytime and the little SOB's use my mulch bed for sh#tin in..and my concrete pad near the front door behind the grill to pee at....
called the land manager and they sent a letter saying no animals are allowed unleashed or free to roam...hasn't stopped yet...
the lady is home all day so shooting it with pellets, she can see my house of aim....
I sprayed coffee all over the keyboard laughing at this thread!
if you don't want to pee all over your yard get a bucket of ammonia and pour it around your place. They will sense this smell as a bigger animal and they will leave.
Gonna go the pepper powder first.. Like I said I dont want to off the furr balls, but I want them gone. Looked out the window in the front bedroom a few min ago, 2 cats were on the roof of my truck. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
I can loan ya Mojo for a few days. Hes so fast he needs goggles!! He needs new brakes though, doesnt stop so well
