I have questions,maybe you have answers. George Floyd & Karma

Jesus you're working hard to find a way out. No, racist cops don't track down black people in hopes that they can kill them. But evidence shows that cops have contact with, and use violence against black people more frequently, and black people die at the hands of police more frequently. Why is that so difficult for you to accept? If I told you that there were more apples on the ground in the apple orchard than there were in a parking lot, you wouldn't deny that would you? It would make sense right? More apples are a result of more apple trees in the vicinity.
Oh we are totally on track in this part. Cops do have more direct contact with blacks, and have more violent encounters, and encounters resulting in their deaths with the black community at a disproportionate rate.. Than any other racial group. COPS. Not white cops. Or are you disputing that it's only the white cops that do? So using your apple scenario. If 50 apples fell from the tree and I were an apple farmer. And of those, half of them had worms, should he let those go to market or should he eliminate them from the good apples?

The only exhaustive part is waiting to hear how their community is helped by murdering far more innocent, than they protest killing of one man, eulogism him as great man, and they destroy the business owned by the same black community they are supposed to be serving.

Minn riots of 2016, 4 years to the day of these did the same thing. For the same reasons. Ferguson 2014. Same thing.

As to your inclusion of the history of slavery. Since you bring up that new topic. Yes any of our founding fathers owned slaves. At that time were it was legal. Nobody were breaking any laws staining to our history as they were. I guess the reason why they don't teach that part, is that it was the same laws they that allowed black slave traders to round them up and sell them to the European slave traders When I question this with Black Culture museum in DC, the presenter stated that slavery a comlipicated relationship with black slavery traders. So let's not select what to leave out of the history of slavery. That is 400 years ago. Nobody alive is a slave, owned a slave, abused a slave, or has a history of it. Is that part of history ever going to be history that isn't rooted by the actions of the black community today?
I'm not sure where you got that I said the race of the officer is important, I've maintained all along that it's not.

Any farmer worth his salt would wonder what caused half his apples to have worms....

We've had the "nobody is alive still that was a slave" conversation, and I see that you still think that in 1865 a magic wand was waved and everything was as if nothing ever happened. That's just as ridiculous as it was last time you brought it up. Since you're having difficulty with my words making sense, maybe an illustration will help.....

1954? Wallace blocked the door at the U of Alabama nine years later in 1963 so it didn’t really come to an end in 54.
Brown v Board was decided in 54, so that marked the end of legally supported (de jure) segregation. Of course, as you point out, actual (de facto) segregation continued after that decision.
Brown v Board was decided in 54, so that marked the end of legally supported (de jure) segregation. Of course, as you point out, actual (de facto) segregation continued after that decision.

Yeah, sadly long after Wallace was out of power.
My response to your core question was first and foremost: The person isn't the issue. Constitutional rights are not applied equally, thus my explanation.Your failing to grasp that is part of the problem. It's not me dismissing the question, it's just that you don't like the answer. Another part of ithe problem is your assuming that all black people support BLM, that's simply not true. Third, to say that all BLM support is violent is akin to saying all members or supporters of any group are. Since you don't know anyone else who thinks BLM can be peaceful perhaps you're not asking the right people... There are plenty of readily available examples of protests which did not devolve into widespread violence. It's not a coincidence that in the vast majority of these law enforcement met (in some cases joined) the protestors to reinforce their disgust with what sparked all of this. Fourth is your focus on politics, racial or otherwise. Again, that's a division tactic, not an issue.

You keep coming back to "our" race (whites) vs "your" race (blacks) so please, answer me this: what places a person into either category? Since you feel it important to note that you see a difference, what does that difference entail?

I'm not making the argument that Floyd was a good person, I don't think he was a martyr, I am aware he was a flawed individual. It's not about the man. I don't know how many more times or ways I can say that. His treatment at the hand of power is bring used to bring a larger institutional problem into sharper focus. Too bad the police didn't choose the correct victim to arouse your sympathy, I'm sure they'll do better next time.
I quoted Morgan Freeman as saying he didn’t want to be called a black man or African American, but a man and an American. You dressed him down and explained how this was wrong in your view. I know you to be a word smith, but it seems you are using both sides of the question to win your point in your second paragraph. I’ve read your use of black and white in describing gropes of people, Maybe you can explain ?
I have a cousin who got his CCW with me. He was pulled from his 500 series MB on his way to work in a $400 suit and made to lay face down in the road while they searched his record cuffed. He's a defense lawyer though so they are going to regret that.
I guess you have to weigh the chances of getting pulled over by a bad cop while carrying or being caught out and run in to some other trouble and not have your gun.
Lol I had the same look. I remember though, in the 70's in Los Angeles, we would joke that whoever had Dwayne in his car better behave, because Dwayne is black. It's never been a level playing field, and that's what Colin Kaepernick for example, has tried to bring to everyone's attention.
I lived in LA a lot before I was 14, The picture of me above was taken in Anaheim. It's funny one time me and my Asian friend and one if his black friends drove in to Watts to a friends of the black guys and on the way were joking with each other about how the three of us looked driving around there.
The racial divide is long and deep, I think time will resolve it....it took a long time to get to where we are today, organisations such as the BLM movement are adding to the divide (IMO) it creates a racial divide in it's own design. As soon as any other "race" sees this they all say-"all lives matter too" as they all feel excluded as it feels to them as these are the only lives that matter. If any other race were to portray a saying such as "Islamic Lives Matter" or the like, they would not be looked at in favor and be shut down in a hurry.

I believe anyone regardless of who they are can have opportunities to better their lives if they apply themselves, we have very good, strong examples of this even on this forum, it isn't just because we own Hayabusas that there are successful people on this board of all races.

People can play the victim and stay in the "mud wallow" or rise above and move out of it as many have. The "mud wallow" is color blind but it is ever present. Police are always present in the "mud wallows" as more crime happens in them.

There are "privileged" people of all colors, money, fame and attitude make one privileged, birth right can be a factor but everyone in both our countries have the ability to gain higher education and therefore better jobs-there are many, many examples of people who have climbed out of the "mud wallows" and succeeded.

Sadly, we could discuss this until our keyboards wear out and there will be little done...the "big heads" have to get going and find a way to resolve this without compromising everyone.
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If you believe in things like science and arithmetic, most of the country is still highly segregated.
Segregation absolutely occurs. BLM by it's very name "BLACK" segregates. Universities founded by funded for and meant to be populated by a specific race, segregates.

People tend to self segregate. We tend to hang around with other groups of people more alike than different than themselves. It happens in public parks. Sporting events. Etc. Blacks sit with blacks. Christians sit Christians Or teens will sit with teens. It's not math. It's innate in our nature.

Here we are a Hayabusa supporter group. We have segregated ourselves from say Harley Davidson owners.

Is there anything wrong with that?

Many Harley guy tells me how I'm not really a real motorcycle fan because I don't own a bike like theirs.

I am Busa priveleged. I am not going to destroy my bike to make the Harley guys happier.

If they tell me they can't afford my bike, because the insurance co is charging them too much, am I supposed to stop paying my premiums in protest? Or do I tell them to stop getting tickets and follow the rules and in time, they can?
I quoted Morgan Freeman as saying he didn’t want to be called a black man or African American, but a man and an American. You dressed him down and explained how this was wrong in your view. I know you to be a word smith, but it seems you are using both sides of the question to win your point in your second paragraph. I’ve read your use of black and white in describing gropes of people, Maybe you can explain ?
I'm not sure what you're asking. I said Morgan Freeman was wrong because as a black man he knows that racial colorblindness misses the point, and I'm asking this person why they insist on pointing out that they see themselves as different from black people while discussing social issues.
Segregation absolutely occurs. BLM by it's very name "BLACK" segregates. Universities founded by funded for and meant to be populated by a specific race, segregates.

People tend to self segregate. We tend to hang around with other groups of people more alike than different than themselves. It happens in public parks. Sporting events. Etc. Blacks sit with blacks. Christians sit Christians Or teens will sit with teens. It's not math. It's innate in our nature.

Here we are a Hayabusa supporter group. We have segregated ourselves from say Harley Davidson owners.

Is there anything wrong with that?

Many Harley guy tells me how I'm not really a real motorcycle fan because I don't own a bike like theirs.

I am Busa priveleged. I am not going to destroy my bike to make the Harley guys happier.

If they tell me they can't afford my bike, because the insurance co is charging them too much, am I supposed to stop paying my premiums in protest? Or do I tell them to stop getting tickets and follow the rules and in time, they can?
We can go round and round with this for ever.
If you fail to grasp that organizations like BLM, HBCU's, the NAACP etc are restorative in nature nothing I can say will lead you to that. Why BLM? Because they don't matter equally. Why HBCU's? Because black people weren't allowed into colleges. Why NAACP? Because black people were denied social advancement. Why BET? Because black people weren't given an opportunity to work on TV. The evidence supporting all of those statements is unquestionably clear. Now who do you think denied black people all those things? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't black folk. The irony is that in the face of this denial when black people navigate around the roadblock and become successful in spite of racial discrimination, ignorant people claim that they are racists for doing so.

At the sporting events I attend, I sit by fans of the team I support. In public parks I sit with other parents watching our kids play. I don't go to places where black fans and white fans of the same team sit in different areas. That you do says a lot about what you believe, that you think it's normal says even more. Racial segregation isn't innate, it's learned behavior.

Comparing something as optional and meaningless as choice of motorcycle ownership to something as defining and consequential as race is insulting.