Oh we are totally on track in this part. Cops do have more direct contact with blacks, and have more violent encounters, and encounters resulting in their deaths with the black community at a disproportionate rate.. Than any other racial group. COPS. Not white cops. Or are you disputing that it's only the white cops that do? So using your apple scenario. If 50 apples fell from the tree and I were an apple farmer. And of those, half of them had worms, should he let those go to market or should he eliminate them from the good apples?Jesus you're working hard to find a way out. No, racist cops don't track down black people in hopes that they can kill them. But evidence shows that cops have contact with, and use violence against black people more frequently, and black people die at the hands of police more frequently. Why is that so difficult for you to accept? If I told you that there were more apples on the ground in the apple orchard than there were in a parking lot, you wouldn't deny that would you? It would make sense right? More apples are a result of more apple trees in the vicinity.
The only exhaustive part is waiting to hear how their community is helped by murdering far more innocent, than they protest killing of one man, eulogism him as great man, and they destroy the business owned by the same black community they are supposed to be serving.
Minn riots of 2016, 4 years to the day of these did the same thing. For the same reasons. Ferguson 2014. Same thing.
As to your inclusion of the history of slavery. Since you bring up that new topic. Yes any of our founding fathers owned slaves. At that time were it was legal. Nobody were breaking any laws staining to our history as they were. I guess the reason why they don't teach that part, is that it was the same laws they that allowed black slave traders to round them up and sell them to the European slave traders When I question this with Black Culture museum in DC, the presenter stated that slavery a comlipicated relationship with black slavery traders. So let's not select what to leave out of the history of slavery. That is 400 years ago. Nobody alive is a slave, owned a slave, abused a slave, or has a history of it. Is that part of history ever going to be history that isn't rooted by the actions of the black community today?