What are "they" then? Insert your own word. People,folks,protestors,whatever.
The point: Hasn't this gone far enough?
MY RIGHT to an' opinion. This krap has gone on long enough.
Who are the protestors...even the non-criminal ones,shouting at?
There is nobody there with the power or authority to make change.
Screaming at the National Guard...screaming at local police...
The mob can get out of control.
What's your answer then? I want this to stop for the good of the innocent.
I'm all ears. What's your answer? Pretend the lives of innocent people are not being ruined?
I'm pissed off. This behavior is rediculas. But,I'll just be quiet now, let folks like you fix it.
Let’s see what compares to your questions,
First, “They” I already called them thieves, period, not protestors.
As for, ‘hasn’t this gone far enough, long enough’?
I don’t suppose you mean police brutality, maybe just maybe, (that’s) why they’re shouting, at the only ones they see as their enemy. I’m sure ‘they’ think (that’s) certainly gone on long enough.
As for “There is nobody there with the power or authority to make change.”
But the ones truly responsible aren’t in sight, the powers that be, governors, mayors, police chiefs, county sheriffs, those who have the ultimate responsibility to properly train and direct the activities of their police forces.
”The mob can get out of control?
How long have the policing forces of this country been out of control? Maybe someone should look into that?
“What's your answer then? I want this to stop for the good of the innocent.
I'm all ears. What's your answer? Pretend the lives of innocent people are not being ruined?
I'm pissed off. This behavior is rediculas. But,I'll just be quiet now, let folks like you fix it.”
Good of the innocent? Pretend the lives of innocent people are not being ruined?
Which people? The dead ones? Murphy, Arbery, Taylor, Reed, Jean, Ford, Brown, and yes even Floyd, just to name a few.
I agree, (that) behavior is in fact, ridiculous and change is long overdue.