I have questions,maybe you have answers. George Floyd & Karma

People believe and worship as they choose or they are free to not participate if they choose. Destroying religious statues on private property is really stepping into other's personal space if you ask me. Why don't they make some Arabic looking Holy Families if it so important to them or else go to a church that already has that.

I'm rapidly going from not supporting BLM to opposing it.

Does Shaun King speak for all of BLM?

We need help and we need help right now. I'm paraphrasing but Trump basically said he's amused with the destruction happening in liberal cities. Only problem is not everyone is liberal there and we're all his people, liberal or not.
Personal attacks are uncalled for. If that's the way it is, it's not a discussion anymore.

You know, you’re right (damn auto correct) what I meant to say was that anyone who says that anywhere but in a room by himself, anyone who believes that, is an imbecile.
Peaceful?Listening to the mainstream media?All bs.After a while(usually not too long) they fall over themselves.It’s like when you tell a lie to somebody and the a few weeks later forget you lied and the cat is out of the bag:).

I'm going to go out on a limb and surmise that no American alive today has ever owned a slave, nor has any American alive today ever been owned as a slave. Especially in the socialist PNW.

I think the only way that humanity will ever come together is if we're faced with a hostile threat from off-world. We just enjoy picking on each other too much.

Well I have little hope that America will get better for awhile, I just don't know how much worse it will get. I've watched it crumble over the past 30ish years at a more rapid rate. Our politics is broken. Business is about greed and is broken. Our medical system is broken. We can't even produce our own basic healthcare equipment. We pollute our resources. Our media isn't journalism any longer. Our churches have deteriorated to the point that they are exposed as either extremist or morally corrupt. Who support a president that as far as I know doesn't even go to church.

I'm an not a religious man. But if I were, like my black friend Leon is, he will tell us the Bible is telling us this is how it ends for us. Diseases, hurricanes, plagues, fires, cities being destroyed, man hating man etc etc etc as is unfolding. He and I can love each other but in the end it won't change the trajectory laid out. He believes he is prepared to be received by his God. He thinks it will be heaven. I don't have faith in his God he does.

My skin color makes me guilty of nothing by birth. Assuming I have some part to play in slavery is about the same as me saying a man is a slave because he has black skin. I can't undue what happened 400 years ago. But nobody is going to make me act like it's 400 years ago so they can play a victim role and are entitled to whatever they like because of it. There are absolutely racist in the USA. It comes in more than one skin color. Perpetuated by politics. Our country is weaker, not stronger. And our enemies are licking their chops hoping it gets worse.
Valid point.

At the end of the day, you're all Americans. And you should stick together. By adjectivizing and hyphenating your American-ness, it only tears you apart. Divides you. It doesn't matter where you came from, or where your ancestors came from, or the colour of your skin, you're American. Just American. Anything else cheapens the brand, and weakens the bond.

You're not each other's enemies. You're allies. But you have real enemies in this world and as stated above, they're joyful in the spectacle that is your current situation. Want to really get WOKE? Wake up and look around. You're playing right into their evil hands.


The sad thing is ‘inside the US system’ there are forces at play pitting everyone against each other.That can probably be said for a lot of countries but you are the world leader at least perception wise.
I'm an not a religious man. But if I were, like my black friend Leon is, he will tell us the Bible is telling us this is how it ends for us. Diseases, hurricanes, plagues, fires, cities being destroyed, man hating man etc etc etc as is unfolding. He and I can love each other but in the end it won't change the trajectory laid out. He believes he is prepared to be received by his God. He thinks it will be heaven. I don't have faith in his God he does.
I wouldn't sweat "The End of the World" just yet.All that stuff you mentioned above has been going on long before george died. Covid does not equal the plagues. Fires and looting in the street does not equal world wars.Hurricanes...meh...now you have "Hurricane Parties." :beerchug:
Man hating man...yup, since the dawn of time. Some neanderthal caveman ate the last piece of pterodactyl meat and the fight was on.
Religious folks have been known for centuries to blow things a little outa proportion. Doom and gloom is part of the bible and other religious writings and beliefs.Now you can start stock pilling food,water and toilet paper if you want,it's all good.
Roman Catholic was the religion of choice for my family.Yup,Rubb went to Sunday school. Lotta fuggin' good that did right.
But it's my ace-in-the-hole.Go ahead and be a mean ol bastid for my whole life...then beg forgiveness for all my sins on my death bed. :thumbsup: Huh,huh...awesome right. I ride on Sunday's,zero time for church.Now Tom,and anybody reading this,I want you to promise me one thing...
If you decide the end is near and run off to some cult to drink the "coolaid" you'll sign yer Busa over to me first.

I'll ride it to hell and back.

I wouldn't sweat "The End of the World" just yet.All that stuff you mentioned above has been going on long before george died. Covid does not equal the plagues. Fires and looting in the street does not equal world wars.Hurricanes...meh...now you have "Hurricane Parties." :beerchug:
Man hating man...yup, since the dawn of time. Some neanderthal caveman ate the last piece of pterodactyl meat and the fight was on.
Religious folks have been known for centuries to blow things a little outa proportion. Doom and gloom is part of the bible and other religious writings and beliefs.Now you can start stock pilling food,water and toilet paper if you want,it's all good.
Roman Catholic was the religion of choice for my family.Yup,Rubb went to Sunday school. Lotta fuggin' good that did right.View attachment 1621487 But it's my ace-in-the-hole.Go ahead and be a mean ol bastid for my whole life...then beg forgiveness for all my sins on my death bed. :thumbsup: Huh,huh...awesome right. I ride on Sunday's,zero time for church.Now Tom,and anybody reading this,I want you to promise me one thing...
If you decide the end is near and run off to some cult to drink the "coolaid" you'll sign yer Busa over to me first.

I'll ride it to hell and back.View attachment 1621488
Like I said I'm not religious. And even though Leon is, we have our differences, we still love each other.

When I say leave, I mean leave the U.S. Sometimes I do feel like there is Karma. For the past few years I go visit potential places to live. I go to places like Argentina, Panama, Belize, etc. to scope them out. All seem happier in general. Now the Karma part. I had a circumstance to meet a boat detailer. From that he told me of a sailboat that was a Marshall seizure. It's large enough to live on, large enough to go anywhere. If it is meant to be I will get that boat (Karma). If I do, it will be my retirement. I'll sell out and join the exodus out of a country with cancer that is consuming it. I want to visit places where people live together better than we do here. If that boat doesn't happen, I will still leave.

I love the community I live in. But as a country we are failing. Eventually that cancer will take us. I'd rather be in a boat in Thailand etc to live out my days in peace.
This kind of crap isn't necessary and adds to the division...

It's sad that the animals don't realize the world has turned on old world hatreds. What NASCAR did yesterday inspired by a small minded idiot was incredible. I worked with NASCAR briefly in Richmond (as an architect) and they are totally opposite of their fans reputation. They are a progressive company and they hire some of the best minority talent out there. Many don't realize that NASCAR is hurting. The perception of races being redneck parties has trapped them into a smaller and smaller audience. Most people who like racing watch NASCAR watch on TV and won't go to a race because of the fans there. NASCAR was(is?) looking at closing a lot of tracks and becoming an insignificant curiosity.

What those riders did yesterday was trying to save their sport. No doubt some of them felt what happened to Bubba was wrong but it's the sport they were worried about. All those sponsors painted on those cars are looking at their operations from top to bottom and trying to present the most inclusive faces they can. Sponsoring a racist sport is not going to cut it because that get's them a small, quickly shrinking market.