I think I saw someone Die today on our ride.....Please read.

Sad story indeed. Sorry you had to witness such a tragity Rashad. But, thanks for sharing it. It is a reminder that any thing can happen at any time. Sometimes I hate to read stuff like this because it makes me a little hesitant to gt out on the bike, but I do and the thought stays in the back of my mind and keeps me from wanting to do anything stupid and keeps me more aware of my surroundings. One time I rode across the street to the gas station with just my helmet. It felt too weird, I was actually uncomfortable. Though I go in jeans, I do have my lid, jacket, gloves and boots. Gotta work on getting me some nice riding pants. Be strong brother and get back out there and ride. Have fun and be careful.
thanks guys.. I actually cant ride.. cords showing on back tire..:whistle:

But I am gettin a michelin pilot sport ct2 somewhere..so hopefully ill be back out soon.
Sorry you had to see that. I have seen a few ealy bad wrecks and you never forget. Helmet laws make no diference.He would have only had a brain bucket on which are not DoT.They are only a novelty peice of plastic.They look cool but pffer very little.Dont ask how I know. I always were my full helmet on my busa.
On a motorcycle PPE is a must!
This is something I hate to see but everyone makes their personal choices. I have freinds that think comfort or coolness is more important than safety. It can be a short life doing what you enjoy. ???
I drive a wrecker an work with a few different LEO depts. an see this all the time. Good people an smart people can make poor decisions at any time an end up suffering for it. Gods speed rider. LEO officers and I see to eye on the motorcycle accidents that usually go around here. The cruiser guys go slower but wear no gear an get seriously hurt or killed and the other guys on sport bikes are all geared up but traveling to fast to be saved by the gear. Is everyone who has gone into the triple digits on sport bike wearing ATGATT on a public road an idiot??? Or taking a 30- 35 mph blind turn at 50- 80 mph??? Or was it a bad decision that fortunately didn't cost him/her or some one else there life. I can't even count the number of times in my 20 + years in emergency road service where safe riding could have saved a completely geared up rider or where a something as simple as a helmet could have saved a person who passed away from 35 mph crash. Don't see the point in insulting someone who has made a bad decision an paid for it. jmo R.I.P. rider:please:
Terrible story with a great message. Sorry you had to see the deadly reality of someone's choice but you are making the best of it by delivering a positive, and potentially life-saving, message. WEAR YOUR LIDS!
God speed! I lost a friend of mine on a ride earlier this month when a truck turned into us. I know how hard this is on everyone as I lived it.

I can't tell people enough to wear the gear but sometimes that won't save you. Be careful on the road and watch for drivers not paying attention. Sometimes it is out of your control, you just have to pray that God will get you through.

Prayers sent, God Bless.
God speed! I lost a friend of mine on a ride earlier this month when a truck turned into us. I know how hard this is on everyone as I lived it.

I can't tell people enough to wear the gear but sometimes that won't save you. Be careful on the road and watch for drivers not paying attention. Sometimes it is out of your control, you just have to pray that God will get you through.

Prayers sent, God Bless.

May God Bless you brother, I am so sorry you lost someone. You ever need to chat or feel like pming me you are more than welcome bro.
Your ability to convey the event clearly through writing takes us all into the moment. Thanks for the vivid warning.
thanks, I used to post like that all the time (on the GTP boards etc) but it did annoy some people who wanted me to get to the point.

In this particular situation I wanted everyone to "see what I saw, and feel what I felt as much as possible. I truly almost broke down typing it..."

HES ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mill Hall motorcyclist injured in area crash

A Mill Hall man suffered what were termed major head injuries when his motorcycle crashed on Route 287 near the Tioga County line on Saturday.

Brandon Steinbacher, 21, was not wearing a helmet when his 2002 Harley-Davidson Dyna Wide Glide when he reportedly crashed into a rock embankment in Pine Township at 5:30 p.m.

The motorcycle continued on its side for an unspecified distance until it and Steinbacher came to rest in the middle of the road.

A medical helicopter flew Steinbacher to Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, where a nursing supervisor said Monday he was in critical condition.

Prayers do work huh?
Great update - thanks. I hope he lives & learns. He could be a great ambassador to the cruiser group as to why wear a helmet.
Great update - thanks. I hope he lives & learns. He could be a great ambassador to the cruiser group as to why wear a helmet.

No, they'll just concoct some bs as to how if he had worn a helmet, his neck would have broken or something along those lines.