I think I saw someone Die today on our ride.....Please read.

well hes in critical..his name sounds familiar... i hope to God i dont know him. ill probably beat the crap out of him if i do... once he heals of course... But I know that name...

anyways, critical condition could mean a lot of things..???
What an episode.

ATGATT...even if it's just 'going to the corner store.'
Probably not in keeping with the original tone of the thread but I just wonder why? Why people don't gear up?

Here's another one. Some of the people I know have both sport bikes and cruisers. When they ride the sport bike, it's all the gear, no questions asked. When they ride the cruisers it's jeans and t-shirts.

Does the pavement hurt you less if you're on a cruiser? I should think that road rash hurts just as much either way.

So the question here is, what's the difference?

The answer is, Vanity. Indeed, the squids around here are in it for the vanity too, it isn't limited to just the cruiser guys.

Truly amazing.

You know I rode Harleys for 20 years, no helment real badass huh. Well one after noon Me my shopforeman and a good friend and coworker and friend set out to go for a Saturday evening ride. We stopped at several ice houses along the route. I didnt drink at the time i was collecting chips at the local AA house, but Todd(shopforeman and friend), and Mark (co-worker and friend ) would have a cold one and then we would mount up and continue to ride on our predestined route. We got to the last stop before finishing the ride. Todd and Mark slammed down a cold one or two. I mentioned too Todd that Mark did not know the switchback route we were fixing to take and we needed to warn him to keep his speed down, so we both spoke to Mark if were doing 30mph you do 20mph. Mark had just gotten his bike a beautiful 2001 Softail custom and was still green in the saddle. As we set off to head back I realized the bike I was riding a custom sporty with no gas guage and I ran a Pingel gas guzzller petcock which has no reserve feature. That I was needing fuel. So I caught up with Mark and told him I was going to stop at the last stop gas shop at the corner of where we turned off to head down a very dark switchback road. Mark says "OK. I'll catch up to Todd and tell him whats up." He dropped it gear and roared off. It couldnt have taken more than 2 minutes for me top off (Superglide Tank), when I heard sirens. I thought WTF that couldn't be for Mark and Todd it's' only been 2-5 minutes. So I pull up to the driveway of the store and sit there and wait maybe 30 seconds thinking they would be coming back for me. I relized this wasn't going to happen so I head down the dark road. About a mile and half up I see red and blue ambulance lights. As I pull up I see Mark sprawled out right beside his bike and about 3-4 feet from a utiltiy pole that he just hit at 70mph(speedo locked there) Mark has bled out and is turning gray as blood ran from his ears nose and mouth. He hit the pole and the next thing that hit was is head on the pole with no helment. Mark died right there in front of my eyes, one of the most horrible things I have ever seen or felt. I fell to my knees and asked God to be with him. Not to take anything away from the original thread, but I feel I needed to process this again to remind myself what a good friend I lost that night and how when the DPS officers asked us had Mark been drinking or had me and Todd been drinking. I honestly said I had not. and out of respect for Mark and his family I denied he was. I dont feel bad for lying to the DPS, but it still hurts inside that maybe I should have done someting to stop them from continue to ride after drinking. Either way Mark Silversides is dead and he was good friend and I doubt a helment would have saved his life that night, but having good judgment when coming into the switchback that killed him probably would have helped. Im sorry Mark. I miss ya. Wish you were here to see me race on these rice rockets we hated for years. Fully geared at every outing. God speed Mark.
i was behind a good guy in Knoxville ohio 15 years ago riding to a weekend run from pittsburgh, randy was riding behind my ole sportster it was spittin oil so i said feel free to pass me in line no problem we were in 2 up formation staggered randy on the center line, me two bikes back also on the center , a hard right turn in the road on a rise we met a triaxle it was an old autocar with a huge front end, he hit the bend a little to fast, and rather than holdin and tappin the front brake he panicked and nailed his rear, needless to say he hit the front of the triaxle sideways, and was thrown clear of the fire balll but landed in front of the rear wheels and was run over by all six wheels on the drivers side of the truck, i was the first one to him under the truck his left leg was still under the last wheel, and he was still alive!!!! his body was twisted like a Towel coming out of the washer after a good spin cycle, nothing was pointed the right way!!! his shoes, and lid were off. and laying near by. In the end he lived and other than losing 2 inches of bone some where on that road hes completly normal, and only walks with a slight limp.

God saved him, it was his time and his wreck the morale Dont focus on it! ride your ride your way, so many people saw that wreck that day and some never rode again and many changed the way they ride, but over cautious is often more dangerous than overzealous. I have pics of the aftermath in my desk to remind me never stop thinking and never bang your rear break in a curve
Just wanted to update this...

I guess our boy didnt make it. He passed on.

Please be let this thread not be in vain......

Garner whatever you can from it.. Ive taken a lot from just the last few stories here...

Thank God we have an .org at all where we can learn from "others' mistakes"

God Bless.