So many comments above out of ignorance of the facts. Too many on here listen to the Clinton News Network (CNN) or other state media.
I personally don't give a dang about Trumps so called moral character as long as the country is doing good. Who's life on here is worse because of the Trump presidency and why? Record high stocks (401k) and lowest unemployment in history, more people off food stamps, prison reform, rebuilt the military, cut red tape, redid NAFTA, China trade deal in progress, work for veterans and so much more.
See the link below for more accomplishments. The uninformed will be surprised.
The Trump administration’s often overlooked list of achievements has surpassed those of former President Ronald Reagan at this time and more than doubled since the last tally of accomplishments after his first year in office, giving President Trump a solid platform to run for re-election on. As...
The Clintons were very corrupt from the beginning. White Water scandal, Haiti earthquake scandal
(See article below), uranium sale to Russia, the corrupt Clinton Foundation now failing since they can't use their office for influence. Clinton sex scandals which he was convicted of perjury and paid out a lot of money to women. They Hilderbeast's campaign paid for the fake Steele dossier which was used by the corrupt Obama DOJ and FBI to get the FISA warrants, Soo much more.
Plenty of speculation has revolved around the Clinton Foundation and some have suggested it’s nothing more than a slush fund for Bill and Hillary Clinton posing as a charitable non-profit.
Obama started the division in this country and did so many corrupt things. Blamed police and had them investigated in many cities causing hatred and riots against them. Now they get ambushed just sitting in their cars. All these groups came up and were allowed to destroy property and hurt people without consequence. He gave Iran one hundred million in cash!! The meeting at the airport between Bill Clinton and His AG, his first AG held in contempt and more below -
The Seven Most Undercovered Obama Scandals
- IRS Targets the Tea Party.
- Fast and Furious Scandal.
- VA Scandal Gets Less Coverage Than Local New Jersey Story.
- Relying on “Stupidity of the American Voter” to Pass ObamaCare.
- ObamaCare Failures.
- Solyndra Scandal.
- Ransom for Hostages?
Donald Trump hasn’t even been sworn-in yet but the liberal media has obsessed almost over every Trump tweet and controversy. Conversely, Barack Obama’s administration has been full of scandals and gaffes but liberal reporters have insisted that his record is clean as a whistle. Former NBC...