It has begun...

Covered a lot of ground in a short period of time. I want a big butt garage so me and the busa can have a place together. I was thinking a garage with an apartment above.
Are you sounds like yer Dad's more excited bout the new shop than anyone.
Nah, he just gets up earlier than I do when I'm off.
Ok, pics of today's progress. One wall is built. The other is almost finished. Almost ready to start hangin' trusses. The framin' is goin' pretty quick.

You know I'm a sucker for close-ups and detail shots. Just a random shot of the strings we used to square things up.

Well, that's it for today. Pop is still doin' a little measurin' and cuttin' for some bracin' but he's about to knock off. The nail gun blew up on us.
Looks like a thunderstorm is about to roll in anyway.

We done pretty well this weekend considering we only had part of Saturday and part of today to work on it. We had to work around graduation and Mother's Day parties. Next time we hit it we should get the other wall finished and start hangin' trusses.

Movin' right along with it!
Oh yeah ... coming right along and looking good ... thanks for sharing the pics with us ... wow that's going to be a huge workshop !!
Hey train, does dad wish you worked more and took less pics?
Those pics give some real dimension to the shop! Lookin' good and lookin' big!