They do numb the symptoms but the problem with these drugs they are passing out like candy are the side effects. LISTEN to any drug commercial. 10 seconds of what it’ll cure and the rest is rattling off possible side effects. Sure millions of people get by daily on ADHD drugs and similar. And millions don’t hurt anyone when on them. But then there’s that one that flips his/her lid and shoots a bunch of people. ‘Suicidal thoughts and or tendencies’ ‘fits of rage’ ‘violent episodes’ are all things said for just about every drug I see commercials for.I’ve always believed in treating the cause of bad behavior. Drugs in my very humble opinion only numb the symptoms and can easily increase elevated neurosis. The alphabet conditions as I call them are a result of experiences in almost every case.
That said, I don’t see this philosophy as tied to either political party. It’s misinterpretation of the why and the how.
Several of the recent mass murderers were admittedly being treated for mental disorders. I’ve said it before. I’ll say it again. WHAT drugs were these people being given? How many other mass murderers were on same drugs? WHERE are the toxicology reports from these people? Let’s compare them and I still bet we’d see a commonality between many. BUT I’ll also bet you big pharma the largest political lobby in dc tells politicians not to ask those questions publicly. I’ll also bet media has been told to be quiet on these concerns. Meanwhile let’s blame the tool they used and not even consider what lit their switch.
Until that happens and we have serious discussions about these psychotropic drugs these sad events will continue.
The guns have always been here
People have always been here
What’s changed? I’ll tell you it’s americas addiction to prescription drugs. The last few decades have seen pills come out for everything. People can’t deal with reality anymore unless they are drugged up.