Gracias para el aplauso, asno listo. Si usted no era egotista tal, yo continuaría esta diversión. Sin embargo, yo llego a ser aburrido con sus comentarios previsibles. Adiós por la final vez.
Y que con las cervazas en la playa? No bebes? Andale no seas de ese modo. En verdad somos hermanos de razon de motos. No me digas que no puedes ver que tambien eres egoista, aparte de ser previsible igualmente...
Al final de que sirve esto, solo para entretenernos, y posiblemente educar a la gente.
Que dices pues, cerveza si o no?
Moved to the Spanish Section.....

Oh wait.. I dont have that power.. dang!!

Cache.. you need to make a spanish section so we can move this thread to it.

Thanks for the applause, ready burro. If you were not an egotist such, I would continue this diversion. Nevertheless, I come I be bored with its foreseeable comments. Good-bye for the final time.

And that with the cervazas in the beach? Do not you drink? You walk him be not of that way. In truth we are brothers of razon of motorcycles. Tell not me that you cannot see that tambien are egoista, aside from being foreseeable likewise.. Al final that serves this, alone to entertain us, and possibly to educate to the people. That you say therefore, beer if or not?
Okay, I'm not fluent in anything besides my native tongue, and I'm starting to feel left out..........
he's tryin to get all Jessie Jackson (sp?) philosophical on them, commending their "wisdom and truth"...while at the same time organize a drunken sand pounding circle-jerk at a local beach.

Oh well, to those of you that take offense in the spanish, sorry. Just can't help it. I need to practice my espanol anyways. Besides it is nice for you to read and pick up on it since you just might take that trip to Mexico, Central America, South America and/or Spain. Adios Queridos Hayabusa Hermanos Y Hermanas
Moved to the Spanish Section.....

Oh wait.. I dont have that power.. dang!!

Cache.. you need to make a spanish section so we can move this thread to it.
That's funny Senor Ron. Hey by the way, did you get the Chatterbox all hooked up to your helmet? How was the fit on it? Opps sorry about the hijack.
if your people do not like the conditions in which they live, then it is up to them to make the changes within THEIR OWN COUNTRY and leadership structure.
Swimming, running, crawling, hiding in hidden compartments, digging tunnels, floating on rafts hoping for the right tides....does NOT give anyone or their offspring the right to speak, eat, live, breathe, work or make claim to be an "American Citizen."
This goes for EVERYONE!  Mexican, Cuban, Haitians, Columbians, Africans, Iraquies, German, Chinese, Japanese ....E V E R Y O N E.
(except for Hungarian and Sweedish women

If we could turn back the clock a good 35 years and then "lock the gates" or "shut the doors on immigration" perhaps then our homeless and jobless Vets, who truley seek work and shelter may have a chance at those agricultural jobs or any of the others you mentioned that are currently dominated by the "latino" community.
We have our own problems like those biotches that abuse the system with welfare and child care abuses.  Generations of women and communties that are taught that the more kids you squeeze out, the more money the system pays you.   PHUK them... they should have six months to get their shiot together or else the money gets cut off!

There are LEGAL way to enter this country and obtain citizenship...either abide by it or getthfukout!  
Our president and elected officials can't seem to find the time and money to educate our youth, pay our teachers and feed our own hungry....but we can search for imaginary WMD and hunt down people that will eventually show their face and get shot anyways.  Let us feed our own people heal own own wounds and resist those that feed off our less than perfect immigration system and bleed us like leaches because we can't manage to keep them out.

I have seen places like Miami where the media ridiculed and bombarded the Coast Guard with words and rallies on thier enforcement of the law reguarding "rafters" which the ploicy  states "if they reach the beach (get to land), then the Coast Guard cannot interfere."  It's up to local authorities and INS to weed them out.
There was a day when the CG was using a water cannon to push back a craft away from from shore until a larger vessel could meet up and take the people into suffering...but the media was ruthless on it and gave nothing but bad press.
WTF is this country coming to?  I also went into a BurgerKing (what's more American than that, eh?) for lunch one afternoon. There was not one word of English on the menu....and nobody on duty spoke English...hello..this is FLORIDA...not cuba not mexico!
I started to order by picture....but wound up using the only sign language I knew...  I said  
"this is AMERICA" and gave them the middle finger...and walked out.

there is so much to say about this topic that I almost had to bite my tounge and click away from it due to it's volitility.  Yet by not speaking, it's the same as saying "it's okay"...and THAT is definitely NOT the case.
I am not personally taking away one's personal accomplishiments, but in light of your paren't "illegal" status..then you too in my eyes would be illegal, therefore not entitled to any of the rights and priviledges afford to you by my tax money...which include healthcare, education and eligibility in  the armed forces of this country.
Consider yourself lucky our "lazay fare" attitude towards immigration of the last 5 decades has put you where you are.
It's great to have pride in your heritage...but if you want to explain it to other or share it, I suggest "going home" to that particular country or look for those "seeking" your information.

Frankly, if anyone that fits into my "narrow mind view" doesn't like it, then they should try their "immigration techniques" on a country like China or Vietnam or Russia...and see how fuggin far they get!

I have seen in the news this group that has lately been "stepping up" and trying to help fill the gaps of an otherwise flawed enforcement sytem on immigration...there link is here:
I would sooner support this group with whatever donations I felt comfortable with, rather than spend one dime on that rat piss they bottle and call "corona"

we in Florida should have a similar should mandatory of all boat owners to spend at least one weekend a year "patrolling" our coasts.
Well I will admit that you have a very good point.... About Swedish and Hungarian women that is. Unfortunately, I have to tell you that you haven't seen anything until you see what Sarajevo girls have got in store for you. You might have seen my post entitled "Ladies of last weekend's event"
In it is a good idea of what is commonplace, and they weren't even that hot compared to everyday Sarajevo beauty.

Back to topic at hand. By your own argument, you should be well underway to turn back the clock on Gas prices.
What about helping the homeless. It is a little known fact that most suffer from one or more forms of mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bi-polar, socio-phobias and on and on. How much effort do you think and employer wants to devote to holding hands with people like this when he can have able bodied and intelligent (although non-english speaking) Mexi-guy working for him. How many vets do you know that would work picking tomatos, washing dishes, busing tables or cooking Mexican food. Think about what they were given responsibilities for in Vietnam, or Iraq. Then go and find some to prove your point. That my friend would be very noble of you and might earn you the Nobel Prize.
My people are American they don't change things in this country either because they are too busy paying their SUV Loans, other bills, and mortgages.
Quote: "Swimming, running, crawling, hiding in hidden compartments, digging tunnels, floating on rafts hoping for the right tides....does NOT give anyone or their offspring the right to speak, eat, live, breathe, work or make claim to be an "American Citizen."
<span style='font-family:comic sans ms'><span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:firebrick'>Wrong, Cuban people get to use this exact rule you claim is wrong to acheive immediate legal residency.</span></span></span> Yeah well that sucks, right? In order to survive an ever changing society, people need to be flexible. People did it under the rule of Rome, Byzantium, Barbarianism, Stalinism, Naziism, etcetera... Maybe you should look into it. If you really don't like it use your democratic rights to start a movement to really fix it. I guarantee you won't get far because for that you will have to get hundreds of thousands of people to join you, and not just talk but action, then they will all say " I gotta go to work man so I can pay my bills and I am saving for that big screen, you know?"
So then try to stop the defense industrial complex from marketing a war to people, you will have even less luck there.
Finally try to stop the State Department and Federal Government from giving your very own (domestically usable for social programs) tax dollars to Africa, or Serbia or Kyrgysztan (for phuks sake). Why do we American Taxpayers have to pay them to handle their own damn country.
That is the real problem, and it is creatively masked using domestic nuances such as the Mexican immigrant problem using up federal money. It uses no federal money, on the flip side it feeds the federal machine. Believe that because it IS TRUE.
I better take myself back to Mexico since you consider me illegal. Just one of my bank accounts has over six figures in it, I will take that too. That is instead of creating good jobs in the US for disgruntled lazy ignorant people.
Tell you what, why don't you go to your cabin in Montana, The Everglades, Alabama, Louisiana and round up all dem good ol' boys you call good folk. Then come after people like me. Take us home. Do you know where you'll end up? In the wealthy suburbs of California, Florida, New York, Virginia, Washington DC, Chicago everywhere. Where you could only ever fantasize about living. Because your ignorance will keep you angry and simple and paid accordingly; just above poverty.
So use your free time patrolling the coastline of South Florida. Some wealthy Self-Made Cuban-American sailing a 250' yacht will probably save you when your canoe from the da' glades springs a leak. You will thank him and enjoy the ice cold expensive imported beer made of piss that he stocks his giant on board fridge with, because you just swallowed a bunch of sea water while dog paddling close to drowning in the Gulf of MEXICO.
Have a nice day. Have a cold Bud cuz it is American even tough it tastes worse than Mexican Bottled Piss. Hmm, I could sure go for a Corona right about now. Who's with me?
Moved to the Spanish Section.....

Oh wait.. I dont have that power.. dang!!

Cache.. you need to make a spanish section so we can move this thread to it.
That's funny Senor Ron. Hey by the way, did you get the Chatterbox all hooked up to your helmet? How was the fit on it? Opps sorry about the hijack.
Works great!!!

That is one awesome piece of equipment!!!! thank you very much!!

I ordered my cell phone cord for it and that should be in today. Anxious to see how my phone works with the system

The stereo part of it worked great, and using it for talking with Charles and Julie this weekend was great also.

At one point I thought Charles was in front of me but I didn’t know HOW far in front, so I asked him where he was and he said "I am behind you" lol
Moved to the Spanish Section.....

Oh wait.. I dont have that power.. dang!!

Cache.. you need to make a spanish section so we can move this thread to it.
That's funny Senor Ron. Hey by the way, did you get the Chatterbox all hooked up to your helmet? How was the fit on it? Opps sorry about the hijack.
Works great!!!

At one point I thought Charles was in front of me but I didn’t know HOW far in front, so I asked him where he was and he said "I am behind you" lol


Tune in next week when I rant about how all Americans should bow down and kiss the boots of anyone of Anglo-German heritage.

i.e., Me.
Moved to the Spanish Section.....

Oh wait.. I dont have that power.. dang!!

Cache.. you need to make a spanish section so we can move this thread to it.
That's funny Senor Ron. Hey by the way, did you get the Chatterbox all hooked up to your helmet? How was the fit on it? Opps sorry about the hijack.
Works great!!!

At one point I thought Charles was in front of me but I didn’t know HOW far in front, so I asked him where he was and he said "I am behind you" lol
Yeah the real funny thing was Julie was in front of me and I was about to try and pass her to see if I could catch Charles.

if I would not have had the Chatterbox there is no telling how far and fast I would have gone to catch someone that was behind me


I personally have a passion for the Spanish speaking population.  Always got along nicely with my Hispanic patients and I'm semi bilingual.  I'd be fluent if I weren't so friggin lazy.  I think it's imperative that we begin to learn the spanish language to adapt to the changing times.  Noone can change the fact that people of all ethnic backgrounds are entering this country, some I work with have even made the comment "This is America, should I have to learn spanish?".  My response was don't learn and you'll be lost in 10 years (if there is a world in 10 years).   The Hispanic population has surpassed the African American population as the largest minority group in the US.  

So what are you goin do?  Just like China Town in NY, are several spanish speaking communities popping up all over the US.   I think the US has been so forgiving as it relates to immigration, that there is no need for illegal immigration.

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Tune in next week when I rant about how all Americans should bow down and kiss the boots of anyone of Anglo-German heritage.  

i.e., Me.  
Good one. Ha ha. I'll be right here with you because one of my relatives on my mother's side is German (In Mexico, yes, they went there too). For that matter my entire mother's side is Spanish, French, German, Italian and etc. I must be... get this....
Moved to the Spanish Section.....

Oh wait.. I dont have that power.. dang!!

Cache.. you need to make a spanish section so we can move this thread to it.
That's funny Senor Ron. Hey by the way, did you get the Chatterbox all hooked up to your helmet? How was the fit on it? Opps sorry about the hijack.
Works great!!!

At one point I thought Charles was in front of me but I didn’t know HOW far in front, so I asked him where he was and he said "I am behind you" lol
Yeah the real funny thing was Julie was in front of me and I was about to try and pass her to see if I could catch Charles.

if I would not have had the Chatterbox there is no telling how far and fast I would have gone to catch someone that was behind me  
That would've been one for the ages to come, Thrasherfox chashing... no one

In the words of BaBusa"APOP"




whos talking trash about the Irish?!! Sorry I think its time to shut down the borders until we fix the problems in this coutry . Yes the country was built on immigrants coming in but the rooms getting full, and this country was founded on a Christian government and still gave religous freedom but the other religions have complained about ours so much that we can't say anything about it . As far as speaking the language , I think if you visit a country you should at least try to learn it , if you live in it you should know it . If you think this country has to many problems you should go through the proper channels , remember majority rules. If you don't like that leave. As for on the backs of another race I get my tax return , thats bull . I live in Wa. state and we have alot of hispanics here working they pay taxes like everyone else unless there here illegally then they work under the table. They need to become legal or leave, sorry  about that but thats life. Our school system says that we HAVE to teach every child in this country even if there here illegally and if they don't spaek our language we have to spend more resources to teach that . Alot of our taxes are spent immigration more needs to be spent on education . Now i'm rambling later . I'm not trying to offend anyone race but we need to take care of the country we are in not the ones we come from. Sure be proud of your heritage but be prouder to be an American ! My 2 cents!