Just my .02

I think a reality check needs to be made here.

The English language is being learned, taught and spoken in most other countries all over the world

The English language is becoming the defacto language for everyone on this planet, and is the required secondary language for most larger countries.

So if everyone on this planet is learning English, why are Americans going to start speaking Spanish?

And why is it that the rest of the world is learning English?

Because Americans probably travel more to foreign countries on a whole than any other foreign country’s citizens travel. So it is good business to learn English.

And I have to say.. I just don’t get it and probably never will.

Why do people leave Mexico to come to the United States if Mexico is so great?

Why do you want to turn the United States into something you are willing to risk your life to leave? for goodness sakes people get a fricken clue.

Don’t turn the United States into something that you left, that is just stupid.

This is probably going to offend some, and I don’t mean to piss anyone off, but until I can come up with a better analogy this is the only one I can think of:

Kind of like crapping all over your own home, trashing it, peeing everywhere, pooping everywhere and then instead of cleaning it up you decide to move into your neighbors house, at first he kind of ignores you, but then he sees you have the same habits that you had when you trashed your own home and he sees you starting to trash his house, then he kind of gets ticked off, tries to throw you out, then everyone he knows starts calling him names saying he isn’t compassionate.

With everything you have good and you have bad. Not all illegal immigrants are bad, but not all are good either. I will share with you what I see and what I have experienced.

I have a friend who is a teacher at a highschool, I wont mention any specifics but he has had this young highschool girl that apparently has a lot of emotional problems stemming from the fact that her real dad is from Mexico and lives there. He comes up illegally into the United States and has sex with his own daughter and then goes back to Mexico.

Apparently the authorities cannot do anything about it because he is not a U.S. citizen and I guess there are some other issues involved. This girl has had a few children by her own father.

I don’t think illegal immigrants can get drivers licenses, if they cant get a drivers license that probably cant get insurance. So now you have people driving on the streets that have no license and no insurances. Accidents happen, that is why they are called “accidents†unfortunately however when an illegal immigrant is involved in an accident they feel they have to run from the scene of the accident, which is probably true because if they stick around to accept responsibility they will be in a world of shid, illegal immigrant, no license, no insurance.

So like the motorcyclist who was hit by the farm van last year (one of the board members, I forgot who. Had a friend killed when a farm van hit his friend at an intersection, it was back east I think)

They found the van and it was registered to someone in Colorado. Everyone in the Van scattered and no one called for help for the guy because everyone in the van was too worried about getting in trouble. More than likely because they were illegal immigrants and they knew if they were caught they would get deported.

And as far as paying taxes and illegal immigrants not being able to file a return to recoup their money, guess what? It is called taxes.

First off, if they are paying taxes using a dead persons SSN, that is illegal and identity theft, if they are using a living persons SSN, that is identity theft.

If they are using a living persons SSN and reporting earnings on that persons SSN, guess what? they are screwing someone and possibly causing the IRS to come down on someone who had their identity stolen by an illegal immigrant..

Is that fare? is it fare for an illegal immigrant to cause IRS problems on an ususpecting American? no it is a bunch of B.S.

I doubt very many illegal immigrants are paying taxes however, I have the inside scoop that most are paid under the table. No taxes taken out.

And like Frisbee said, our already over burdened school systems are required to teach and provide schooling for children of illegal immigrants who dont pay taxes.

So American citizens who do pay taxes are picking up the slack and the burden

And even if they do get taxes taken out illegally using someone else’s SSN, all they have to do is claim as many dependants as they want and they will have less taxes taken out than they should.

So don’t even try to tell me that someone who has illegally came into the United States, who is probably driving without a license and without insurance and also has stolen someone’s identity and is using their SSN is going to be honest about the amount of dependants they have.. that is ludicrous to even think that would happen.

So no, illegal immigrants are not really helping our country.

Legal immigrants help our country, always have.

Illegal immigrants however, just for the fact they are under pressure to fly under the radar prevents them from effectively participating fully in our society (even if they wanted to) causing them to circumvent policy and procedures in place to try and enhance our societal structure and the over all good of the collective whole.

In summary, if you like your own house live in it, if you decide your neighbors house is nicer than yours, don’t move in and try to make it like the place you just left, in the end you will be just as unhappy as when you lived in your old home and you will end up pissing a lot of people off in the process

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Thanks for moving it to the Latin Section NE
Just my .02

I think a reality check needs to be made here.

The English language is being learned, taught and spoken in most other countries all over the world

The English language is becoming the defacto language for everyone on this planet, and is the required secondary language for most larger countries.

So if everyone on this planet is learning English, why are Americans going to start speaking Spanish?

And why is it that the rest of the world is learning English?

Because Americans probably travel more to foreign countries on a whole than any other foreign country’s citizens travel. So it is good business to learn English.

And I have to say.. I just don’t get it and probably never will.

Why do people leave Mexico to come to the United States if Mexico is so great?

Why do you want to turn the United States into something you are willing to risk your life to leave? for goodness sakes people get a fricken clue.

Don’t turn the United States into something that you left, that is just stupid.

This is probably going to offend some, and I don’t mean to piss anyone off, but until I can come up with a better analogy this is the only one I can think of:

Kind of like crapping all over your own home, trashing it, peeing everywhere, pooping everywhere and then instead of cleaning it up you decide to move into your neighbors house, at first he kind of ignores you, but then he sees you have the same habits that you had when you trashed your own home and he sees you starting to trash his house, then he kind of gets ticked off, tries to throw you out, then everyone he knows starts calling him names saying he isn’t compassionate.

With everything you have good and you have bad. Not all illegal immigrants are bad, but not all are good either. I will share with you what I see and what I have experienced.

I have a friend who is a teacher at a highschool, I wont mention any specifics but he has had this young highschool girl that apparently has a lot of emotional problems stemming from the fact that her real dad is from Mexico and lives there. He comes up illegally into the United States and has sex with his own daughter and then goes back to Mexico.

Apparently the authorities cannot do anything about it because he is not a U.S. citizen and I guess there are some other issues involved. This girl has had a few children by her own father.

I don’t think illegal immigrants can get drivers licenses, if they cant get a drivers license that probably cant get insurance. So now you have people driving on the streets that have no license and no insurances. Accidents happen, that is why they are called “accidents†unfortunately however when an illegal immigrant is involved in an accident they feel they have to run from the scene of the accident, which is probably true because if they stick around to accept responsibility they will be in a world of shid, illegal immigrant, no license, no insurance.

So like the motorcyclist who was hit by the farm van last year (one of the board members, I forgot who. Had a friend killed when a farm van hit his friend at an intersection, it was back east I think)

They found the van and it was registered to someone in Colorado. Everyone in the Van scattered and no one called for help for the guy because everyone in the van was too worried about getting in trouble. More than likely because they were illegal immigrants and they knew if they were caught they would get deported.

And as far as paying taxes and illegal immigrants not being able to file a return to recoup their money, guess what? It is called taxes.

First off, if they are paying taxes using a dead persons SSN, that is illegal and identity theft, if they are using a living persons SSN, that is identity theft.

I doubt very many illegal immigrants are paying taxes, I have the inside scoop that most are paid under the table. No taxes taken out.

And even if they do get taxes taken out illegally using someone else’s SSN, all they have to do is claim as many dependants as they want and they will have less taxes taken out than they should.

So don’t even try to tell me that someone who has illegally came into the United States, who is probably driving without a license and without insurance and also has stolen someone’s identity and is using their SSN is going to be honest about the amount of dependants they have.. that is ludicrous to even think that would happen.

So no, illegal immigrants are not really helping our country.

Legal immigrants help our country, always have.

Illegal immigrants however, just for the fact they are under pressure to fly under the radar prevents them from effectively participating fully in our society (even if they wanted to) causing them to circumvent policy and procedures in place to try and enhance our societal structure and the over all good of the collective whole.

In summary, if you like your own house live in it, if you decide your neighbors house is nicer than yours, don’t move in and try to make it like the place you just left, in the end you will be just as unhappy as when you lived in your old home and you will end up pissing a lot of people off in the process
English is spoken in many foreign countries, including this one because the ENGLISH colonized them years ago, not because it's convenient to U.S travellers. It might be used as a way of doing business now, but let's not forget that it's English, not American.
The examples you give of illegal immigrants are valid, however we do not need to look too immigrants, illegal or otherwise, to find people who are incestuous, flee the scenes of accidents, cheat on their taxes, fly under the radar as you put it, or steal the identities of others. We have plenty of born-here idiots that fit those descriptions exactly. If you think that all illegals are here "wanting to crap in their own nest" you need to get out more. I will grant you that some are, but you will find that most are just trying to make a better life for themselves and their families. Due to discriminatory immigration laws here, they enter the country illegally, work doing stuff most of us don't want to and making less than most of us would accept.
The Southwest at one point in time belonged to MEXICO,it was part of the Mexican Nation. It was not just inhabited by Mexicans or their various indigenous and European ancestors.
Why is it when white people say stuff like this they are labeled "racists" and carted off to a re-education camp somewhere?

I consider myself SO lucky to be a true American.  My father was Hispanic / Caucasian (grew up in the Valley in Texas - Del Rio to be exact), my grandfather was Native American / Caucasian (Mescalero), my mom is Irish . . . I don't care who's black, who's white or who did what to whom 200 years ago.  I don't care about ancient borders and I don't care about make believe races or ethnicity . . . it is all pretend. We're all Africans - end of discussion.  What belonged to who at what point is pointless - who cares?  One world, one people.
The Southwest at one point in time belonged to MEXICO,it was part of the Mexican Nation. It was not just inhabited by Mexicans or their various indigenous and European ancestors.
Why is it when white people say stuff like this they are labeled "racists" and carted off to a re-education camp somewhere?

I consider myself SO lucky to be a true American. My father was Hispanic / Caucasian (grew up in the Valley in Texas - Del Rio to be exact), my grandfather was Native American / Caucasian (Mescalero), my mom is Irish . . . I don't care who's black, who's white or who did what to whom 200 years ago. I don't care about ancient borders and I don't care about make believe races or ethnicity . . . it is all pretend. We're all Africans - end of discussion. What belonged to who at what point is pointless - who cares? One world, one people.
I'm African!!!!!!

Cooool!!!! I knew there was something special about me!!!!
oh so true.... and until people learn to stop flaunting their crap and realize it's a place "belongs" to anyone....

If you ask me..France is to blame for all of the crap in the States! They weren't stupid back when they gave us that statue....and inscribed...
"With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

The French knew that Austrailia wasn't going to be a penal colony they needed a new place to send "undesirables"....whereas we thought it was just a classified ad offering to hire a few to carry our bags and shine our shoes, we just forgot to take the ad out of the paper.


Projekt: did you even read 1/2 of what you wrote? whine, biotch, moan, repeat what the other guy said, bragg about where you live (with nine other families in the same house), tell him to do the same thing he told you to do... and then claim it all in the name of "peace".
fuggin's always the same when others do not agree with you and you holy-moly god give ideals.
Estoy hasta la madre!

too bad your still saving for your big screen...
I guess the decimal point and two zeros to the right are part of YOUR "6 figures in one of your accounts."
I'ld let ya watch through my back patio...but my pet chupacabra might have other ideas for you.
as for being ignorant and paid just above poverty...well you know nothing my little Mamon.

as for being a "good-ol-boy".....well...I am younger than most around here I suspect, and couldn't really give a rat's ass about where you're from or where you've been, until shiot like this gets stirred up.
I say kill'em all and let god sort'em out.
If we wanted your mexican food or cuban food or any particualr cuisine, then we would travel for it.

If I am considered a racist by some then I am happy for them. I know in my life I have been with women from Peru, Morrocco, Whales, Ireland, Laos, Vietnam, a few African-Americans and those US of A white meat ladies too. At no time did I ever think twice about any of their backgrounds when with or otherwise...matter of fact, the better sex was with the ones from outside the US. (ssshh don't tell my wife!) So I know that it's not me that care who you are or where your from...just don't push it on me or let it interefer with my life.

oh a little reading:
"Beginning in 1994, the U.S. government has interdicted Cuban rafters before reaching U.S. shores. Under the U.S. Coast Guard's "feet wet/feet dry" policy, only Cubans who make it to shore (feet dry) are permitted to pursue their rights to apply for asylum while those interdicted (feet wet) are returned to Cuba. "
Yes cubans have a particular special relationship with big brother... but what I was referring to was the ILLEGAL attmeps to enter the country....I had already stated that there are "LEGAL ways to immigrate", which the vast majority never pursue.

I have hopes that they will soon complete the training of the chupacabra hunting team....first set to roam the US borders of of the US....all seashores, mexican and canadian regions simlutaneously. they are bieng trained to hunt down and eat any burritos and cigars trying to cross in the south and all those that put vinegar on their french fries in the north.
once the eat enuf and reproduce....LA, NY, Miami and Dallas will be targets of the new breeds...searching and eliminating that which has gone unchecked for too long.

just remember this is a busa site...for all things good and bad...
"petty-anti this...anti that "personal crap can be blogged elsewhere.

Ve a chuparle el peson ha un chango!

Reason for Edit: "Tengo que miar que mis dientes flotan"|1121175908 -->
man.. I didn't even try to read this whole thread.. I'd like to see some statistics on that whole illeagal immigrants paying taxes thing.. yeah I'm sure a few of the ones on work visas or whatever pay a few dollars when they can't figure out how to avoid it.. but get real man.

if you want to posts some number i'm sure we can all go google the approximate costs of children born to non-legal immigrants that end up getting supported by the government and we'll see if it breaks even...

I'm not trying to be an ass... and I can understand why it bothers you.. that doesn't mean you can spout off a few lines and expect us to go for it hook line and sinker..

Apparently at some point everybody forgot that Americans used to do the agricultural work.. and I think you need to remember why the Mexicans are doing the work now... businesses/landowners figured out they could pay them peanuts a day... and when they offered that to the man trying to support his family in THIS country.. with THIS countries living expense he did the quick math... and went elsewhere.. or worse (better?) sat on his ass and said .. I refuse to work for those wages... as well he should.

I know the workers are trying to support their familys and all that jazz... but lets look past the touchy feely crap... they wouldn't get a job in america as illegal immigrants if they weren't willing to work for 1/4th the minimums.

yeah, I understand its' alot cheaper to live in Mexico so $40 a day is all cool and what not... but as soon as those mexicans start demanding the same wages to support their familys that it takes to live in the US.... they too realize it ain't gonna work and go on and better themselves.. like you for instance... you made something of yourself which is great... but that still don't make how you got here right man.

I've said it before, and i'll say it again... when the companys finally export all the jobs to make more profit and stop paying the people that were making the stuff enough to afford the product... what they gonna do then?

80% of the worlds goods go to America... and they are doing their best to outsource everybodies jobs to build the bottom line up... making for their own demise... all thats gonna be left are lawyers, doctors, and fast food people..
I like Taco's...





and Tortillas...

I love Tequila, and the Sunrise it makes... And if you all promise not to tell anyone I'll even admit to loving Sangria.

I love the Latin women, I love the Tan skin and the healthy booty's, dark hair and Eyes... MMmmMMmMmm.... Stir in a little bit of attitude... Good Stuff.

So I dunno what all the hostility is about... No one but the Native North, South and Central American Indians have any real claim to belonging here. All the rest of our ancestors stole or killed for the Land we live on... Hell, The Spanish and Portugese pretty much wiped out the South and Central American Indians. So unless your a Native, you pretty much got nothing to stand on a podium about.

Nothing. Spanish, Portugese, English, French, etc ARE NOT NATIVE LANGUAGES, they are not native cultures. So lets move on with the undersanding that we all pretty much suck.

Besides, the more we blend, the more we crossbreed, the more we mix and match, the better off the species will be, the stronger and healthier we'll be, OH and the prettier the women will become...
How long does a culture have to be somewhere before they are considered native? Or does it mean you were first? I think i'm native Amarican , I was born here, as were my mom and dad, and my grandparents.???
I like Taco's...





and Tortillas...

I love Tequila, and the Sunrise it makes... And if you all promise not to tell anyone I'll even admit to loving Sangria.

I love the Latin women, I love the Tan skin and the healthy booty's, dark hair and Eyes... MMmmMMmMmm.... Stir in a little bit of attitude... Good Stuff.

So I dunno what all the hostility is about... No one but the Native North, South and Central American Indians have any real claim to belonging here. All the rest of our ancestors stole or killed for the Land we live on... Hell, The Spanish and Portugese pretty much wiped out the South and Central American Indians. So unless your a Native, you pretty much got nothing to stand on a podium about.

Nothing. Spanish, Portugese, English, French, etc ARE NOT NATIVE LANGUAGES, they are not native cultures. So lets move on with the undersanding that we all pretty much suck.

Besides, the more we blend, the more we crossbreed, the more we mix and match, the better off the species will be, the stronger and healthier we'll be, OH and the prettier the women will become...
Yeah.. what Rev said
i started nodding off after reading 1/2 way down...

snake got one point to make-- illegal immigration is a criminal act and they should be treated as criminals. Period. We have laws, and they not should brushed aside at the risk of offending liberals or the criminals. I really wish the bush admin had a few more kahones with respect to this.

The US is at war. Meanwhile we have unsecured borders-- not logical...

Immgration is fine-- apply, wait, come, just as all legal immigrants did and just as my great grandparents did. Otherwise kick 'em the heck back to where they came from.

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I like Taco's...





and Tortillas...

I love Tequila, and the Sunrise it makes... And if you all promise not to tell anyone I'll even admit to loving Sangria.

I love the Latin women, I love the Tan skin and the healthy booty's, dark hair and Eyes... MMmmMMmMmm.... Stir in a little bit of attitude... Good Stuff.

So I dunno what all the hostility is about... No one but the Native North, South and Central American Indians have any real claim to belonging here. All the rest of our ancestors stole or killed for the Land we live on... Hell, The Spanish and Portugese pretty much wiped out the South and Central American Indians. So unless your a Native, you pretty much got nothing to stand on a podium about.

Nothing. Spanish, Portugese, English, French, etc ARE NOT NATIVE LANGUAGES, they are not native cultures. So lets move on with the undersanding that we all pretty much suck.

Besides, the more we blend, the more we crossbreed, the more we mix and match, the better off the species will be, the stronger and healthier we'll be, OH and the prettier the women will become...
oh ya

whos talking trash about the Irish?!! Sorry I think its time to shut down the borders until we fix the problems in this coutry . Yes the country was built on immigrants coming in but the rooms getting full, and this country was founded on a Christian government and still gave religous freedom but the other religions have complained about ours so much that we can't say anything about it . As far as speaking the language , I think if you visit a country you should at least try to learn it , if you live in it you should know it . If you think this country has to many problems you should go through the proper channels , remember majority rules. If you don't like that leave. As for on the backs of another race I get my tax return , thats bull . I live in Wa. state and we have alot of hispanics here working they pay taxes like everyone else unless there here illegally then they work under the table. They need to become legal or leave, sorry  about that but thats life. Our school system says that we HAVE to teach every child in this country even if there here illegally and if they don't spaek our language we have to spend more resources to teach that . Alot of our taxes are spent immigration more needs to be spent on education . Now i'm rambling later . I'm not trying to offend anyone race but we need to take care of the country we are in not the ones we come from. Sure be proud of your heritage but be prouder to be an American ! My 2 cents!
I hear you, and, if you really read the other posts I have made higher up you will see that I agree with you 100%. In fact as a very proud American, even though some clowns might try to grandfather me into being illegal "cuz ma mama crossed the border illegally", I believe that Domestic problems should be fixed first.
Think about all of the foreign aid we hand out every day, that amounts to much more than any thing you may perceive as a problem "educating those illegals" They feed there own economy. We all reap the benefits from their even under the table employment. Many more Americans here also work under the table. So how about that... What about the fat, lazy, sloppy, no goal having, gov. cheese eating, welfare recipients that have the ability to pick tomatos but won't.
i started nodding off after reading 1/2 way down...

snake got one point to make-- illegal immigration is a criminal act and they should be treated as criminals. Period. We have laws, and they not should brushed aside at the risk of offending liberals or the criminals. I really wish the bush admin had a few more kahones with respect to this.

The US is at war. Meanwhile we have unsecured borders-- not logical...

Immgration is fine-- apply, wait, come, just as all legal immigrants did and just as my great grandparents did. Otherwise kick 'em the heck back to where they came from.
On that note, had we abolished mass legal immigration during your culture's entry into the US then you would have posted a telegraph message around the world complaining.

Once again and again the reason it is not really shut down is because the Government knows these people are valuable to the domestic economy.
I like Taco's...





and Tortillas...

I love Tequila, and the Sunrise it makes... And if you all promise not to tell anyone I'll even admit to loving Sangria.  

I love the Latin women, I love the Tan skin and the healthy booty's, dark hair and Eyes...   MMmmMMmMmm....  Stir in a little bit of attitude...  Good Stuff.  

So I dunno what all the hostility is about...   No one but the Native North, South and Central American Indians have any real claim to belonging here.  All the rest of our ancestors stole or killed for the Land we live on...  Hell, The Spanish and Portugese pretty much wiped out the South and Central American Indians.  So unless your a Native, you pretty much got nothing to stand on a podium about.    

Nothing.  Spanish, Portugese, English, French, etc ARE NOT NATIVE LANGUAGES, they are not native cultures.  So lets move on with the undersanding that we all pretty much suck.  

Besides, the more we blend, the more we crossbreed, the more we mix and match, the better off the species will be, the stronger and healthier we'll be, OH and the prettier the women will become...
Outstanding Analysis big Rev.
This is exactly the object of this post...
I am as much mixed European as any Trans Generational American person. I have the Native Indigenous roots as well as European like everybody else. We are all a big mix.

I was just trying to bring to the surface factual argument to combat the typical ignorant propaganda about "illegal immigrants".
Why was it made illegal in the first place? And, for those who argue that the country is filling up, I have seen Colorado, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nevada most of the states and there is plenty of room and food left. Heck, we have given millions of tons of corn and rice and wheat to Africa and other nations. Why not use it to do something here. Because the system is messed up, you don't want me to get started on that one.
So lets just crossbreed and get the women hotter...
Just my .02

I think a reality check needs to be made here.

The English language is being learned, taught and spoken in most other countries all over the world

The English language is becoming the defacto language for everyone on this planet, and is the required secondary language for most larger countries.

So if everyone on this planet is learning English, why are Americans going to start speaking Spanish?

And why is it that the rest of the world is learning English?

Because Americans probably travel more to foreign countries on a whole than any other foreign country’s citizens travel. So it is good business to learn English.

And I have to say.. I just don’t get it and probably never will.

Why do people leave Mexico to come to the United States if Mexico is so great?

Why do you want to turn the United States into something you are willing to risk your life to leave? for goodness sakes people get a fricken clue.

Don’t turn the United States into something that you left, that is just stupid.

This is probably going to offend some, and I don’t mean to piss anyone off, but until I can come up with a better analogy this is the only one I can think of:

Kind of like crapping all over your own home, trashing it, peeing everywhere, pooping everywhere and then instead of cleaning it up you decide to move into your neighbors house, at first he kind of ignores you, but then he sees you have the same habits that you had when you trashed your own home and he sees you starting to trash his house, then he kind of gets ticked off, tries to throw you out, then everyone he knows starts calling him names saying he isn’t compassionate.

With everything you have good and you have bad. Not all illegal immigrants are bad, but not all are good either. I will share with you what I see and what I have experienced.

I have a friend who is a teacher at a highschool, I wont mention any specifics but he has had this young highschool girl that apparently has a lot of emotional problems stemming from the fact that her real dad is from Mexico and lives there. He comes up illegally into the United States and has sex with his own daughter and then goes back to Mexico.

Apparently the authorities cannot do anything about it because he is not a U.S. citizen and I guess there are some other issues involved. This girl has had a few children by her own father.

I don’t think illegal immigrants can get drivers licenses, if they cant get a drivers license that probably cant get insurance. So now you have people driving on the streets that have no license and no insurances. Accidents happen, that is why they are called “accidents†unfortunately however when an illegal immigrant is involved in an accident they feel they have to run from the scene of the accident, which is probably true because if they stick around to accept responsibility they will be in a world of shid, illegal immigrant, no license, no insurance.

So like the motorcyclist who was hit by the farm van last year (one of the board members, I forgot who. Had a friend killed when a farm van hit his friend at an intersection, it was back east I think)

They found the van and it was registered to someone in Colorado. Everyone in the Van scattered and no one called for help for the guy because everyone in the van was too worried about getting in trouble. More than likely because they were illegal immigrants and they knew if they were caught they would get deported.

And as far as paying taxes and illegal immigrants not being able to file a return to recoup their money, guess what? It is called taxes.

First off, if they are paying taxes using a dead persons SSN, that is illegal and identity theft, if they are using a living persons SSN, that is identity theft.

If they are using a living persons SSN and reporting earnings on that persons SSN, guess what? they are screwing someone and possibly causing the IRS to come down on someone who had their identity stolen by an illegal immigrant..

Is that fare? is it fare for an illegal immigrant to cause IRS problems on an ususpecting American? no it is a bunch of B.S.

I doubt very many illegal immigrants are paying taxes however, I have the inside scoop that most are paid under the table. No taxes taken out.

And like Frisbee said, our already over burdened school systems are required to teach and provide schooling for children of illegal immigrants who dont pay taxes.

So American citizens who do pay taxes are picking up the slack and the burden

And even if they do get taxes taken out illegally using someone else’s SSN, all they have to do is claim as many dependants as they want and they will have less taxes taken out than they should.

So don’t even try to tell me that someone who has illegally came into the United States, who is probably driving without a license and without insurance and also has stolen someone’s identity and is using their SSN is going to be honest about the amount of dependants they have.. that is ludicrous to even think that would happen.

So no, illegal immigrants are not really helping our country.

Legal immigrants help our country, always have.

Illegal immigrants however, just for the fact they are under pressure to fly under the radar prevents them from effectively participating fully in our society (even if they wanted to) causing them to circumvent policy and procedures in place to try and enhance our societal structure and the over all good of the collective whole.

In summary, if you like your own house live in it, if you decide your neighbors house is nicer than yours, don’t move in and try to make it like the place you just left, in the end you will be just as unhappy as when you lived in your old home and you will end up pissing a lot of people off in the process
Look in the kitchen next time you go out to Eat. Then you will realize that the expensive meal you are about to have could be a lot more expensive were it not for the illegals working to cook your meal. Then hire some citizens to pick tomatos, avocados, apricots and other produce and pay them $12 and hour because they won't do it for less. See how much you will pay then for a lb of produce. Then go employ some Americans to clean your building at work. See how fast you start vacuuming, wiping, and cleaning the place yourself because services are too expensive.
Start a construction company using only American laborers, see if you can actually win one bid with your all American well paid work force.
Send the illegals home and this country will shut down. How is that for economic ramifications? How does that compare to a few borrowed SSNs specially when all they do is pay in, and not get credit cards and run them up?
I am just painting a picture for you, no offense man, really. We just all have to look at the deeper issue.
Forget about everyone else making analogies about people messing up there own country and trying to mess up ours. <span style='color:firebrick'><span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>Every culture lives in its own community, don't go there for tacos, burritos, or cheaper imported beer if you just can't take it</span></span>.
Let them speak their language, just like jews and hebrew, italians, southern creoles, southern french, polish, russian, serbs, and everyone else. It is just more visible because it is a very large group in this nation. Politicians recognized that fact a long time ago and now try to cater to them by advertising in Spanish...
They are learning ENGLISH by the way.