Actually I am not a 100% and I honestly am guessing at this.ThrasherFox,It's illegal.So is speeding, but I'd be willing to bet you've done it more than once......It is against the law to come into the United States illegally.
Any other arguments / debates to the contrary are totally irrelevant and pointless.
Bottom line. It is against the law. period.
So what part of "Illegal" is not understood?
The only reason things are illegal is because there is a law against it. Anything could become illegal/legal tomorrow. Some people are willing to break the law because it suits them, why should we treat the lawbreakers who haven't gotten caught yet differently because they want to live here? Do you call the cops if you are driving down the Interstate and some busa rider blows by you at 160+? I don't, I'm not a Cop, and they aren't hurting me. Illegal immigrants don't hurt me anymore than the lazy-ass welfare dwellers that were born here, hell the illegals prolly cost me less. If the government wants to start eliminating the people who suck the system dry, they should start with Corporate America, get them to quit lying, breaking laws, and having me, Joe Taxpayer foot the bill,and work down from there.
And if I am doing 70mph in a 55mph zone and I get pulled over and get a ticket.. guess what.. I deserved it.
And some people do call the police on speeders.
At my base they published the phone number to the back gate security and have encouraged people that if they see any one speeding to call the back gate and have them pulled over..
have I ever done it? no. But if I ever speed I always keep in mind I could be speeding past a police officer or someone else that just doesn’t like bikes and someone could always call the police on me.
Have I ever called the police on an illegal immigrant? No
Have I ever cared enough to join a minuteman group to help patrol the borders? No.
To me honestly, I am not personally affected by it so I have other things in life to worry about that DO personally affect me.
Do I think coming into this country illegally is wrong? Uhh yeah. And it is not just about terrorists. It is about population control for one. We have had border policies in place WAY before we were concerned with terrorists crossing borders.
And yeah, we have some laws I don’t agree with. But they are laws. And there is nothing immoral about wanting to control our borders.
Again, as I stated. It is illegal. Period. Morality has nothing to do with it. Each of us have and make our own definitions of what is moral and what isn’t. That is why we need laws to guide is. Because everyone has their own definition as to what is moral and what isn’t, what is right and what is wrong.
That fricken freak child molester they just caught that killed that boy and had the little girl with him. He had some internet blog somewhere that the police found and he stated he could not longer tell what was right and what as wrong.
So just because someone on this board thinks something is immoral does not make it immoral, and just because someone thinks something IS moral does not make it moral.
But law is law. Period
And this topic is not about traffic laws, or gun laws, it is about immigration laws.
Good points and good illustration. I see your opinion and understand your supporting argument, I even see your philosophy. It is all good...
This thread had no clear direction when I laid it down; it didn't start out with the intention of ruffling feathers. I didn't intend to push buttons. All I wanted to do was to enlighten people on some facts. I was aware of the worst case scenario (being misunderstood repeatedly, accused of bias and grandfathered as illegal myself) and that has since passed a couple of pages back. I knew I was sticking my neck out for the hatchet or noose. I am fully aware of the impact that my "manifesto" could possibly have.
Immigration is illegal for most Mexicans as well as most people around the world, and I have already given my THEORY as to why it is illegal.
In regards to legality, there is no misunderstanding or denial on my or any other contributor's part.
The questions have been raised about the reasons or morality of the illegality of immigration, declared during the highest concentration of Mexican immigration.
1. What does that say to you?
2. Why didn't the Irish, Italians, Greeks, Jews, Poles, Russian or Scandinavians get told to stop and turn around?
3. Why is it that a very easily identifiable immigrant group was made the sacrificial lamb?
4. Why did the Mexicans (those brown, medium skinned and anglo ones included) get the sh!t end of it?
5. Why does everyone keep saying there is no more room here for them?
6. Why isn't the real reason so blatantly obvious to everyone else?
Lets be reasonable about the issue and really look at what it says about America's social nuances and defects.
What do you say?
I separate as SSgt Castaneda 2E271, USAF in August 2002, and served 8 years, Kelly AFB (Security Hill Cryptologic Support Center) 94-97, RAF Croughton, UK (AutoDIN) 97-00, Pentagon (Joint Staff, National Military Command Center, Red Switch) 00-02.
Do you know me? I might know who you are. You know how small the Military world is...
But I think waaaay in the past immigration was a natural thing and did not seem to cause any problems at that time.
But I think in current day it is not just Mexican's from Mexico that are having a difficult time getting into this country, I think everyone from everywhere is.
I think the Mexcian issue is just brought to light more because there are more people in the United States bring it up as an issue and shining the spot light on the Mexican migration issue and plight for a better life.
And I don't know why you keep bringing yourself into the situation.
You said you were born here right? the laws state if you were born in the United States, regardless of your parents status, you are a US citizen.
So you are a US citizen, period. Your parents status has no bearing on who you are in relation to citizenship.
And if you served in the US military, then that gives you even more brownie points
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