Long Island guys

(djac2163 @ Oct. 15 2006,17:53) thought we was going up state? (bear mountain).
the ride will be up state [better roads] and mark is from yonkers , but and knoiws the area better than us islanders ! and even two up he is probably quickest through the twisties! so who better to lead than someone who wont slow anyone down and also knows where he is goin , there are alot of blind corners up there and it helps alot to have someone leading who knows whats around the bend. it will be a good ride !
yous guys coming from staten island we have a meeting point in yonkers on the way up , or we can also meet at the top of the mountain by the tower?
Hey what's up Johnstein. I got your e mail for the last bear mountain run but couldn't make it.
This one I should. Mattyss, it sounds great. Hit me up if you're ever up for a night out riding. I sometimes meet with a few bikers at the sunoco on south ave. Oh and Johnstein, that sounds good. I know yonkers well.
Any night ike i live 2 minutes from there thats the station i get gas .I also go most sunday mornings (early am) to seaside wildwood or ac on garden state with one other bike a zx-12 let me know if your interested
Hey sounds cool.
Right now I'm not doing any riding. I toasted my back, I'm all twisted up and out of work right now because of it. Hopefully things will go back to normal in a few days. I'm dieing to ride.
lookin fowars to meeting you guys , hope you heal up quick , should be more posted in the next week or so ?
Cool! I just got to heal. My back is killing me. I still cant stand up right.
Take care.
Lumbar disc problem? Welcome aboard. Hope you can make this one. We don't get too many together and are alwaya looking for more riders!
feel better ike a back injury and back surgery sidelined me for 3 years just back in the saddle this season . thank god the hayabusa is so comfortable just wish it was a little lighter
Thanks Matt. I just took another muscle relaxer. The pain I have is terrible.
I wait till night to take a pain killer so that I could sleep. Man, this aint good.
I just want to heal up quick. Up untill friday I rode my enduro everyday to work.
The winter did't stop me. No snow or rain, i'm riding. Now I cant even think about it.
I'll heal and ride again. I just hope what ever is going on in my back stops quickly.
I'm dieing to get on my bus.
Hey All ,,I did'nt forget about this i was in Jury Duty for 9 glorious days finally over with ( and no i did'nt send him to jail LOL ) Ok if its Bear Mountain you want thats finee with me i 'm working on a decent route around some adjacent areas to keep everyone awake i'll post up some more in a couple of days....
genral area of ? we dont have to hit bear mountain , ive been there a few times already . i wrote a note to the jury duty people along time ago ! they still havent responded !
but i am sure it put my name on a list somewhere !
(johnstein @ Oct. 17 2006,20:58)
but i am sure it put my name on a list somewhere !
Uh, John.... I've been meaning to talk to you about this.... your name is on a list.... a warrant list...



Forts, Castles, whatever you got Mark. I think I'd like to forego the tour of the surface streets of the Bronx this time though....


Jen still unsure. She's waiting to hear what plan is. Looking at my front tire, she may be staying put again.
long term forcast says were good to go ! i hopin i aint on any warrant list ?

im ready to roll !