Long Island guys

I was informed the other day that i can not make the ride on sunday sorry guys i have a christening that i was told about a while ago but forgot till wife told me to clean my suit on wed
Ike if you feel up too it im going to go out tonite for a while you can call my cell if you want to meet up ill be home around 7 -1-917-583-7326
I would love to come but I have a flag football game at 9 am and then work at 2. Its killin me, I really want to go riding with you guys, dayum.
Guys guys guys. I heard the winds sunday are going to be killer.
If that is the case when I wake up hours before the meet to check the forcast I will not attend. I do not enjoy rideing in any winds over 30mph.
I know ! to some I may be a wus but hey, I ride my enduro everyday to work. I love to ride. This week going over the bridge with winds a bit over 25mph for 3 afternoon rides home was uncomfortable. So weather permitting I'll meet you all in Yonkers.
ike give me a call back when you can your number was restricted I just assumed it was there I had an ear piece in
Last forecast I saw was winds in low to mid 20's from S/W. I'll most likely be 2-up so the Whitestone may be tricky? I dunno, what is max wind speed others will tolerate before it becomes work?
see what the forcast brings , bridge is tricky in wimds , but doable !

once we get upstate it could be a whole different forcast ? make a final call sat night , for now its a go!
Man I hope the weather is nice. If I don't get on my busa soon she is gonna want a divorce. I'm on the enduro so much ( work comute ) I don't ever get to ride my baby. Last time I had her out was october 14th for a short night blast.
This week was my 1st week back to work because of my back and it took a little getting use to the enduro. Its a little tall so it bothers me getting on and of it. To bad its raining now or I would have taken a little blast out to meet Matty.
i ride the shid out of mine it is my comuter bike , by the time the 2008 i s released ill be ready for one ! or a big bore ! gotta ride , i have thought of the enduro but i nrrd one i can touch the ground on !
I got tired of taking the busa to work cause of the brooklyn streets. 3Rrd ave use to be one big pot hole until a few months ago so when I got a deal on an enduro I took it. It eats any bumpy road up. I can't tell you how many times it felt like I bottomed out the suspension on the busa going to work and I'm not a big guy.
yeah brooklyn probably isnt a good place to be ridin the busa everyday ! so what kinda enduro are you runnin like a kawi 650 ? what is the seat height on it ?
Well ,,Well so far the weather man say we are are going to get an arse beating with the wind thats coming ..will just have to wait and see ...20mph is fine 30-40 mph like they are saying ,is nothing short of dangerous ...Keep fingers Crossed....
Well I made it through today dodging tree limbs and power lines while managing to get soaked.
Last check winds in 20's with "occasional" gusts to 45mph. I guess we are in circle pattern until I wake up at 05early am. Assuming the trees aren't bent over 90* I'll give a shot at least to the LIE 63 meet. We'll have to decide from there?
Jen printed out the info on the mansion. I told her she better study in case we had questions.
Unless I read/hear different I'll see you in morning? Mark, if things go sour on either end you have cell numbers as do we. Ike, maybe give Johns cell a call around 0630?
I'll check here again in few hours. Keeping fingers crossed!

Or you'll be waiting for me...  
or leavin my azz behind!!  