Long Island guys

We talking about Ferry.
When we riding ? Let me know. One nice morning I think I'm gonna take a ride out to LI.
Maybe find me a coffee or some lunch before I head back home. Haven't been to LI no more than 3 or 4 times and that was long ago. Maybe some place by the water would be nice. Any recommendations?
sundays looks like the best weather for the weekend. noon, while it's still warm out.

how far out you want to ride ike? huntington exit 49 on the l.i.e.? or further out to port jefferson exit 63 l.i.e.?

keep in mind daylight savings saturday night at midnight. back one hour.
Ike, good luck in NYC marathon tomorrow. When you hit the 20 mile wall, just knock it down one gear and blast through it!
Have safe run brother!
yo PD whats that chicken wing joint on main in riverhead named? the one that looks like an old diner.