Long Island guys

I was itchin to ride yesterday and didn't so today is the day.
After my morning run i'm out. Don't know where I'm going but I got to ride.
mannn it was nice out today i left the house at 9am and just got back at 9pm

went west to freeport on the southern state parkway, hung out, then later in the afternoon wet down port and met up with djac, anthony, and another rider. weather was scweeeet. put about 140 miles on her today.
i was in port today , about 3 pm not a sportbike in site ? so i went over to ocean pwky to finish scrubbin my tires in on the round abouts , real good weather at the beach ! congrats on the 140 miles feels good to get out !
ok djac lets settle this...if you did'nt already have an '06 and you walked into the dealer TODAY which would you buy?
By the way thats page 36 !
Only 293 more to go and you guys will be caught up with us on the northwest!
Its hard to say,because when I purchased my busa i originally was going to purchase a gsx1000 and was blow away by the busa shape and style.Not to say that the 08 is not stylish which it is and the changes they made is fantastic.Me personally don't like the shape and style of the rear.Every thing else on the bike is great.
