There really is not a true Palestine, it is a name given to Israel by the West. There are Arabs who integrated with Israel, about 20% of Israelis are Arabic, they are fully integrated and live peacefully among the Jews. They are not Jews, they are Israelis.
The Arabic population labelled as Palestinians, current generation right down to kindergarten have been programmed through every walk of life, from pre grade school to adults with the wish to free the region of all Jewish people. Until this generation accepts their fate and until their values change, there is really no other solution than eliminating everyone who wishes to exterminate the Jewish population. Other than the Jews leaving Israel, or the Palestinians leaving the region, there is really only one solution. That is for the Palestinians to abandon Hamas, to surrender to the Israelis and to through the years prove that they are trustworthy to be accepted as the other 20% accepted citizenship many years back.