More climate change

I don't have a guy perse but I do realize there are people out there who are professionals in their fields who make these videos and have the wherewithal to post them...there are lots of videos to the contrary.

The very fact it is called a "Climate Crisis" by governments and activists is what gives me pause
Seems to all depend on what we as individuals want to hear or what lies within our concerns. We watch what soothes our egos and leanings. That’s why there’s so many videos on each side of the conversation. Do we want to wait until it really is a crisis? Do we wait until our motorcycles knock before we check the oil level? I care very much about the environment and as Jelly explained, our “contributions” to the atmosphere are very measurable even though, except in extreme conditions, we can’t see it with the naked eye.
Seems to all depend on what we as individuals want to hear or what lies within our concerns. We watch what soothes our egos and leanings. That’s why there’s so many videos on each side of the conversation. I care very much about the environment and as Jelly explained, our “contributions” to the atmosphere are very measurable even though, except in extreme conditions, we can’t see it with the naked eye.
Somebody somewhere is giving us that data and how do we know what they are reporting is 100% accurate and not a report in order to gain funding?

I've already posted several pictures of the atrocious water and ground pollution of which nothing is being done....I've been to parts of the world where pollution is a real problem.

I hear about our first world problems here and can't get around the fact that the world is a real mess out there beyond our borders and yet that is being ignored.

It's almost like going into a hoarders house and being more worried about cob webs than the gigantic mess....
It's almost like going into a hoarders house and being more worried about cob webs than the gigantic mess....
What is the best thing to do then? Join the party and add to the gigantic mess, or set the example and do your part?

The new generation is interesting.

We do all the cabinetry in new construction homes. Sometimes against our will, but to help out our builders, we do home remodels, meaning replacing all the cabinetry in the homes.

Not all, but in general:

Old folks' homes, generally everything has a place, everything is in place, the house is nice and clean.

Generation Z's nothing has a place, nothing is in its place, none of the beds are made, you can smell urine in the bathrooms and sometimes, clothes are lying all over the place on bedroom floors.

So yep Bee, maybe it is a lost cause to worry about the environment, as Generation Z is the next to shape the planet and they have a different set of standards. If that is how they live, I can't imagine they are concerned about the environment.

That still does not mean, we should not set the example.
First of all, immediately thinking someone is lying with ulterior motives sounds very conspiracy theorist to me. As to the other forms of pollution, of course they need addressed just like air pollution. Nobody should ignore it, but others being guilty doesn’t give us a license to do the same.
I guess we can post lots of links of those for and those against climate protection. To me the proof in the pudding always lies in the amount of work and research done by each party. I never see any solid quality research and knowledge from those who do not support cleaning up mother earth. Normally just an opinion, with a few shallow statements and a video with someone talking.

This one explains the 0.04% CO2 in the atmosphere, which some use to profess all is good.

We have known this since the 1800's

What is the best thing to do then? Join the party and add to the gigantic mess, or set the example and do your part?

The new generation is interesting.

We do all the cabinetry in new construction homes. Sometimes against our will, but to help out our builders, we do home remodels, meaning replacing all the cabinetry in the homes.

Not all, but in general:

Old folks' homes, generally everything has a place, everything is in place, the house is nice and clean.

Generation Z's nothing has a place, nothing is in its place, none of the beds are made, you can smell urine in the bathrooms and sometimes, clothes are lying all over the place on bedroom floors.

So yep Bee, maybe it is a lost cause to worry about the environment, as Generation Z is the next to shape the planet and they have a different set of standards. If that is how they live, I can't imagine they are concerned about the environment.

That still does not mean, we should not set the example.
We have to get everyone on board, not just pick and choose who is.

Right now we call this a crisis...having no drinking water is a crisis, poisoning the earth is as equal a crisis yet what is being done for that?

Nothing is what.....countries and corporations are clear cutting forests and rain forests with reckless abandon in their quest for natural resources.

Human beings are very destructive yet nothing is being done....we almost need a strong world organization to come together to get countries on board to what we need to do to save this dust ball we float around on...

As for this generation, I see how they are every day...I walk a route in our neighborhood everyday and notice this generation doesn't cut their grass or clear their driveway and often have junk and debris gathered on their property....we live in a fairly high end, desirable neighborhood where the older generation takes care of their homes, grass is manicured, hedges are trimmed, everything is in it's place....

I also see this with vehicles, the younger generation (my kids included) vehicles are filthy, full of trash and never get a good thorough cleaning and when I mention it to them their excuse is they are busy and have kids whereas I reply I was busy and had kids yet I always took time to look after my home and vehicle often with their help....

While walking down the side of the road the other day I saw a younger person throw trash out of his car window and noted there was a bit of trash already along the road side.....

How do we fix this?
First of all, immediately thinking someone is lying with ulterior motives sounds very conspiracy theorist to me. As to the other forms of pollution, of course they need addressed just like air pollution. Nobody should ignore it, but others being guilty doesn’t give us a license to do the same.
What I'm alluding to is we are focusing on one issue while ignoring all the's like putting new tires on a bike that has a worn out chain and brake pads but not caring as long as we have new tires and not only new tires but a specific make of tire that cost more and wear faster.

All of North American can go "green" tomorrow yet if the billions of other people on other continents could care less and continue on the path they are going, we will still all suffer the same fate.
I guess we can post lots of links of those for and those against climate protection. To me the proof in the pudding always lies in the amount of work and research done by each party. I never see any solid quality research and knowledge from those who do not support cleaning up mother earth. Normally just an opinion, with a few shallow statements and a video with someone talking.

This one explains the 0.04% CO2 in the atmosphere, which some use to profess all is good.

We have known this since the 1800's

Hi. It looks like if we just stop oil now. We will be OK. The only thing is where will we all will be? Living in caves?
Visiting a land fill is a horror show. So many items that could be recycled being bulldozed into holes and covered. Bee, no doubt it’s a huge concern along with air and as you mentioned, space pollution. The recycling center is one of my favorite spots, people that care, congregating, making an effort to make a difference. It’s my church, so to speak. While it’s true that not all items can be processed and recycled, we have to make an effort. I read that only 6% of plastics are recycled by consumers. That is a real concern.
Visiting a land fill is a horror show. So many items that could be recycled being bulldozed into holes and covered. Bee, no doubt it’s a huge concern along with air and as you mentioned, space pollution. The recycling center is one of my favorite spots, people that care, congregating, making an effort to make a difference. It’s my church, so to speak. While it’s true that not all items can be processed and recycled, we have to make an effort. I read that only 6% of plastics are recycled by consumers. That is a real concern.
What's scary is the recycling here goes with the ebb and tide of profit.....if the prices of plastic are too low-off to the landfill it goes...

A few years ago the profit for stryrofoam and soft plastic (bags and such) dropped off so now it goes in the garbage...whenever I go to the landfill/recycling center the trees surrounding the site are covered in plastic bags flapping in the wind and sytrofoam is seen rolling along the ground and resting on the perimeter fence stacking up like a snow drift...........Sometime in the spring when I do a run to drop off brush I'll grab a picture...

And this is all in a modern supposedly green country that has the environment in mind.....

I watched news footage of people fighting against a proposed battery plant going into a wet land......I kind of chuckled to myself thinking this is the same government that will tell me that my owning an EV will be a step towards going green yet think nothing of filling and draining a wetland to put in a battery plant......

This is why I won't let go of how I think...EV are not the all mighty path to saving the planet...getting our trash and toxins cleaned up is the path that will lead us there first...

When I see images like this, it gets my blood boiling far more than what an ICE vehicle is doing.....although any ICE like this needs to be immediately pulled off the road....

One way our government could have proven themselves serious is to ban all idling of vehicles, shut down all drive throughs and create more public transit to cut down on commuters....none of that has been done and they have gone so far as to even shut down emission testing on ICE.....pretty hard to take them seriously...


It's -26 out of my neighbors was out walking and asked when global warming was going to happen....

I said this summer when it's hot enough to fry eggs on my driveway is when it will happen...
Not sure I suscribe to it but this intense cold is part of the climate change too
....and climate change has been occurring ever since the earth started supporting life.

It's these climate activists and the coin phrase climate crisis that is generating the most anger out of citizens....

There are so many things that gets my ire that climate change doesn't even break the top ten for me.....and most of the things that do piss me off are ignored.
Humans are the only species on earth, who change the environment in many ways, from overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, deforestation, urban growth, cluttering space with debris, etc.

Interesting if we look at population growth, in the US it is entirely due to illegal migration and a failed border policy. If it is allowed to continue, the face of the country will eventually look very different, for better or for worse. I suspect the latter.

If we look anywhere else, it appears to always show highest population growth rate in countries which are poorly governed. Where there is poverty, violence and where there is a lack of the ability for self care. It follows that all the countries with a very high population growth rate, have to rely on financial assistance coming from countries with a negative population growth rate.

Link below

Humans are the only species on earth, who change the environment in many ways, from overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, deforestation, urban growth, cluttering space with debris, etc.

Interesting if we look at population growth, in the US it is entirely due to illegal migration and a failed border policy. If it is allowed to continue, the face of the country will eventually look very different, for better or for worse. I suspect the latter.

If we look anywhere else, it appears to always show highest population growth rate in countries which are poorly governed. Where there is poverty, violence and where there is a lack of the ability for self care. It follows that all the countries with a very high population growth rate, have to rely on financial assistance coming from countries with a negative population growth rate.

Link below

Humans are a very destructive and violent species...

Look at the millions upon millions which have been killed in violent acts over the last century...shocking to think of these figures...and yet see we are still over-populated.

I hate the pollutive nature of human beings as well....the lack of care for the environment in which we live is appalling....I've been in the back door and underbellies of many countries and it's eye-opening.. especially when you can look at the tourist resorts and see how pristine they are yet the people who work in them live in squaller....

Yet some well meaning "greenie" will drive their Tesla EV to the airport, hop on a fuel guzzling aircraft to go visit these resorts with zero thought and then tell everyone how environmentally conscious they are because they drive an EV...
Yet some well meaning "greenie" will drive their Tesla EV to the airport, hop on a fuel guzzling aircraft to go visit these resorts with zero thought and then tell everyone how environmentally conscious they are because they drive an EV...
You mean like John Kerry?

You mean like John Kerry?

He probably has lots of company...

Our glorious Prime Minister for instance.....he has a huge carbon footprint yet paints the image of a stout defender of all things environmental.....
I was in a shop today and the girl serving showed me a video about a hurricane. I know, random hey. Anyway I was surprised because I hadn't even heard about it in the news, which was odd considering the location and facts surrounding it. Acapulco, Nov 2023, the tourist destination, it was completely demolished by the strongest hurricane to ever hit the Mexican west coast. No real surprise there, but what was surprising is how it exploded from a tropical storm to a Cat-5 in 12 hours! Totally beyond the models. Check out the damage, it's biblical. I only mention this so that we keep an eye on storms near us. You can't take anything for granted.

I believe nature has a chain linking everything together in a delicate balance and we will see more of this.

Video posted above, which suggest current CO2 levels at 0.04% only is no big deal. It's around 440 parts per million, so 0.044%

What is not mentioned, is that at 0.5% we start getting migrains when breathing, at 1% drowsiness comes in and at 4% it becomes lethal. No one is sure, but at some point when nature cannot contain it, there will be a runaway effect.