More drama with my bike accident!!


You just gave me a headache! Marine math don't work like that... LOL!


Glad your ok! Best advice I'll give you is to expect everyone to do the unexpected and cover your break lever...

Living down here in the Land of Q-tips and Bluehairs I've had more than my share of Snowbirds pull out in front of me. Even after looking me dead in the eye, they'll look away and pull right on out. Larger vehicle has the right-of-way I guess it what they are thinking...

Ride Safe!
Just reading this thread. OMG!!! If you want to learn braking, buy a dirtbike and ride the crap out of it.I'am glad you are ok,get this crap settled.I got ebc pad's and stock rotors and the busa will stop on a dime. You have to bleed and flush the fluid once and awhile to restore the braking performance.Good luck with all this stuff!:beerchug:
Larry, I'm sorry to hear all this!!! Just take this as a lived lesson my friend. The lesson here is TRUST your tires. Your tires will slow you down WAY faster than plastic. NEVER panic. Most of us have been in a panic spot. Some of us got lucky and some of us not. But we ALL learned from it and became better riders as a result. Regardless of who's legally at fault goofed. IF it ever happens again brake as hard as you can w/o locking up and scan for an exit. TRUST YOUR TIRES. They are far more capable than you.

To be completely honest with you it sounds like you just plan paniced and lost control (refer to post #90). Nothing to be assamed of as long as you learn from it. At least your posting about it and not Brittani!

Get well my friend and WEAR THAT JACKET
ok, I just read this whole thread and about 90% of it is nothing but laughable. Blue, normally I'd be on the bikers side always but fromt eh reports you've given, it sounds to me as though you were following the other car and then chose to switch lanes right as you were coming up on the road where that woman was about to pull out...everything you've stated leads to this scenerio. You said you just switched lanes and then thought"wow, this is gonna hurt" you also stated that the woman said that she saw the car in front of you but not you(which means you must has been bheind that car when she was checking to pull out), and that you were traveling at the same speed as the other car which means you must have just pulled out to pass him at that exact moment..even the witness saying he heard you gun it right before you hit leads to that conclusion...that being said, the ENTIRE accident was purely your fault. you cant blame someone for pulling in front of you when you just pop out of nowhere at the last second. I mean, cmon bro, that'd be like hiding behind a tree and then jumping out infront of a moving vehicle as it passes and then blaming the passing vehicle because form every statement you've made...thats exactley what you did! Well..substituting the car for the tree that is:laugh: At any rate, I'm glad you came out of it ok and glad that you're going to be able to get your bike fixed. But just take a moment to think about what really happened and visualize what would have prevented it so you dont have to go through this again.:beerchug:

And as far as this whole"zip tieing you're brake line to remove air from the system thing", um....Thats got to be the most retarded **** I've ever heard of. Talk about overcomplicating a simple procedure! theres a written procedure for removing air from your brake system...its called "bleeding the brake system" and until now, I thought it was common sense to anyone with any kind of vehicle. Holding constant max pressure on the braking sytem for 24 hours solid in my mind cant be good for anything. Basically you're over stressing every seal and hose in the system so dont be suprised to come back to your bike one morning after doing this and finding brake fluid all over your garage floor. I mean seriously, this sounds like some BS that some idiot stunter would come up with just to help him hit stoppies with one finger or some crap like that. You're brake lever is designed to be a bit soft for a reason and the reason is simple...When you first start to pull on your breaks, your fingers are almost straight out theresfore you dont have the leverage to apply maximum the lever moves in it gets a bit stiffer but you're fingers are curling more so you've got more leverage to continue squeezing harder to apply more brake force. Now imagine that lever was harde at full extension...unless you've got super long fingers(and I realize that some people do), You're gonna get cramps just trying to ease to a stop! Bottom line...if you want the air outta your brake system, dont try to pop seals and stretch your brake lines...simply do it the right way and take a few minutes to bleed the damn things!. OK, I'm finished ranting now so I'm going to bed.
And as far as this whole"zip tieing you're brake line to remove air from the system thing", um....Thats got to be the most retarded **** I've ever heard of. Talk about overcomplicating a simple procedure! theres a written procedure for removing air from your brake system...its called "bleeding the brake system" and until now, I thought it was common sense to anyone with any kind of vehicle. Holding constant max pressure on the braking sytem for 24 hours solid in my mind cant be good for anything. Basically you're over stressing every seal and hose in the system so dont be suprised to come back to your bike one morning after doing this and finding brake fluid all over your garage floor. I mean seriously, this sounds like some BS that some idiot stunter would come up with just to help him hit stoppies with one finger or some crap like that. You're brake lever is designed to be a bit soft for a reason and the reason is simple...When you first start to pull on your breaks, your fingers are almost straight out theresfore you dont have the leverage to apply maximum the lever moves in it gets a bit stiffer but you're fingers are curling more so you've got more leverage to continue squeezing harder to apply more brake force. Now imagine that lever was harde at full extension...unless you've got super long fingers(and I realize that some people do), You're gonna get cramps just trying to ease to a stop! Bottom line...if you want the air outta your brake system, dont try to pop seals and stretch your brake lines...simply do it the right way and take a few minutes to bleed the damn things!. OK, I'm finished ranting now so I'm going to bed.

You won't stretch anything or bust any seals. If you have problems with that, it has nothing to do with putting pressure on your brakes. Putting pressure on them is what they are made to do. Putting a zip tie around it is just a simple way once a month or so, to get your brakes back up to par again, instead of bleeding your system. It has nothing to do with stunting and it WILL NOT make your brakes any firmer than they were stock. You are laughable as most idiots on 2 wheels. Don't talk about **** you know nothing about.
I didn't think there would be so many misinformed squids on this website but it doesn't appear to be different than any other.
You fail to see the point like evryone else LILtroy. Granted like they said i could have stopped in the distance it took my bike to hit her car. I'm not gonna argue that but at that moment i felt the safest thing for me to do was lay the bike down to avoid severe impact and it worked as i walked away with minimal roadrash. As i get more experience riding hopfully thatwill never happen again. Now back to my point. I guess you have never heard the phrase right of way, which is what i had. I honestly cant remeber anything but me seeing her in my lane and me laying the bike down. I vaguely remember that due to the concusion i received. If she wouldnt have tried to chance turning out when she did none of this ever would have happened. I never take chances like that in my car or bike, because you never know someone might just pop out of nowhere like i did. I always wait till the road is perfectly clear to make my turn. Thats why i have never to this date had an auto accident. I'm not saying i never will but so far i have had none.
No i wasnt fined. How am i at fault when she failed to yeild, If i would not have laid the bike over i would have t-boned her in the driver door and i wouldnt be typing this message right now. SO again how am i at fault?

It the cops didn't give you a ticket then accident wasn't your fault
Posted via Mobile Device
Is this the same crash I read about some time back where the biker was passing a car in the right hand lane and some woman pulled into the left lane resulting in a rear end collision?

Why in the heck would you pass a car on the right you are asking for trouble?

She probably figured he lane was clear to pull out. You were partially at fault and the cop wrote it up correctly.

You fail to see the point like evryone else LILtroy. Granted like they said i could have stopped in the distance it took my bike to hit her car. I'm not gonna argue that but at that moment i felt the safest thing for me to do was lay the bike down to avoid severe impact and it worked as i walked away with minimal roadrash. As i get more experience riding hopfully thatwill never happen again. Now back to my point. I guess you have never heard the phrase right of way, which is what i had. I honestly cant remeber anything but me seeing her in my lane and me laying the bike down. I vaguely remember that due to the concusion i received. If she wouldnt have tried to chance turning out when she did none of this ever would have happened. I never take chances like that in my car or bike, because you never know someone might just pop out of nowhere like i did. I always wait till the road is perfectly clear to make my turn. Thats why i have never to this date had an auto accident. I'm not saying i never will but so far i have had none.

Not sure if you actually had the "Right of way" passing on the right. Also why would you think laying it down is the safest thing to do when like ytou said: i could have stopped in the distance it took my bike to hit her car.

One thing it true, you are lucky but man get to an MSF Course or do something to get some more training.
Apparently you're not :thumbsup: I avoid accidents nearly everyday with these WA drivers with their phones glued to their head swerving around the highway with no turn signals whilst slapping their child in the backseat and playing with the radio with their toes with a big mac in their mouth. I never feel the need to hop onto a forum to ***** about how my skills weren't up to par to avoid an accident or how I *almost* got hit by so and so doing x and y. It's just the name of the game if you're on 2 wheels. Get used to it. Build your skills. Assume that everything with 4 wheels is trying to run you over. Go to a parking lot and practice practice practice!! It'll save you lots of pain, headaches, and money.

+1000...You need to take care of yourself...those individuals on the road eating salad while talking on the phone and trying to drive (seriously saw it) don't even realize you are on the road. Protect yourself.
just curious zxwut, where do you get air in your brake line every month? if that happened wouldn't those thirty year old gs1100s would have nothing but air in them? and wouldn't the zip tie only let the air get as far as the outside of the mc(inside the brake line) not actually into the mc. there is no pressure in the mc its just to store more brake fluid, if i am thinking correctly the air still wouldn't actually get out of the system.???
just curious zxwut, where do you get air in your brake line every month? if that happened wouldn't those thirty year old gs1100s would have nothing but air in them? and wouldn't the zip tie only let the air get as far as the outside of the mc(inside the brake line) not actually into the mc. there is no pressure in the mc its just to store more brake fluid, if i am thinking correctly the air still wouldn't actually get out of the system.???

It works. If you can pull your lever back further than what it was stock and want to try it, do it. You'll be pleased. If you don't want to try it, don't.
You fail to see the point like evryone else LILtroy. Granted like they said i could have stopped in the distance it took my bike to hit her car. I'm not gonna argue that but at that moment i felt the safest thing for me to do was lay the bike down to avoid severe impact and it worked as i walked away with minimal roadrash. As i get more experience riding hopfully thatwill never happen again. Now back to my point. I guess you have never heard the phrase right of way, which is what i had. I honestly cant remeber anything but me seeing her in my lane and me laying the bike down. I vaguely remember that due to the concusion i received. If she wouldnt have tried to chance turning out when she did none of this ever would have happened. I never take chances like that in my car or bike, because you never know someone might just pop out of nowhere like i did. I always wait till the road is perfectly clear to make my turn. Thats why i have never to this date had an auto accident. I'm not saying i never will but so far i have had none.

Unfortunately there's a traffic law in most states that cover this situation. Basically even if you are not at fault for causing the events leading up to an accident but you had a reasonable opportunity to avoid it, you must avoid it otherwise you hold some responsibility for the accident.

In other words, if someone crosses the white line into my lane, I can't just let them hit me and file a claim. I should have slowed down or changed lanes or honked or whatever to avoid the situation entirely.

I have a feeling this is what you're getting pinched by. Abandoning your vehicle wasn't an attempt at avoiding the accident, it was merely your way of ensuring that your person wasn't tangled up in the wreckage. I'm not hating on you, I'm just stating what I believe you've already said yourself.
It works. If you can pull your lever back further than what it was stock and want to try it, do it. You'll be pleased. If you don't want to try it, don't.

The funny thing is that "pumping" your brakes has the same effect that you're describing concerning the zip tie. You shouldn't have (that much) air in your line. Perhaps a few tiny bubbles but nothing significant. Definitely not enough to change your braking characteristics from day to day. If you do have enough that the characteristics are changing that drastically you really need to start taking your bike into the shop so that a professional can look at it and stop buying zip-ties.
The funny thing is that "pumping" your brakes has the same effect that you're describing concerning the zip tie. You shouldn't have (that much) air in your line. Perhaps a few tiny bubbles but nothing significant. Definitely not enough to change your braking characteristics from day to day. If you do have enough that the characteristics are changing that drastically you really need to start taking your bike into the shop so that a professional can look at it and stop buying zip-ties.

Pumping the brakes does not have the same effect. I never said I do this day to day. Once again, stop putting words into my mouth. This works and if you haven't tried it, then you don't have any room to say whether it does or doesn't.
The funny thing is that "pumping" your brakes has the same effect that you're describing concerning the zip tie. You shouldn't have (that much) air in your line. Perhaps a few tiny bubbles but nothing significant. Definitely not enough to change your braking characteristics from day to day. If you do have enough that the characteristics are changing that drastically you really need to start taking your bike into the shop so that a professional can look at it and stop buying zip-ties.
I think what they are doing is trying to give the seals some "memory"

as you mash down on the brakes, all the seals etc tend to "roll" a bit as pressure goes up.. I did find a caveat to this rather goofy process however.. the pistons (in the caliper) need this "parked" memory to help hold the brake pads off the rotor just a fraction.. When you release the brakes, the piston seals go from slightly rolled (under application pressure) back to flat parked (when released) This "roll" action pulls the piston back into the caliper bore.

Same would go for the cups in the brake master, they are going to compress a bit and swell against the bore on application.. if the softness is from air in the system, it needs bled regardless..

sounds like a worthless process to me for the street , if this is going to help you with emergency braking, I think you need a parking lot worse...
tying the brake lever in compressed form is a very old racer trick. I don't do it but many claim it helps. I do offer it as a remedy if you have trouble getting all of the air out of your system. And no, pumping will not have the same effect.
tying the brake lever in compressed form is a very old racer trick. I don't do it but many claim it helps. I do offer it as a remedy if you have trouble getting all of the air out of your system. And no, pumping will not have the same effect.

Holy crap, finally someone that has a clue. Thank you!