My guess come Friday February 5th...

It's launched!!!!







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Love the styling but have to agree that the engine is a let down. Was fine with it not having a turbo or supercharger but was hoping for 1440.

I guess time will tell how much they have improved the old motor. Can’t see it having a massive performance gain over the Gen 2.
Optional seat cowl? Optional? Finally CC but same size engine that somehow (which usually means being severely restricted) meets the new EPA rules? I am sorely disappointed and I wasn’t even pining away for one.
Yeah, weird. Going by the shape of the rear cowl, I can't imagine what the pillion seat will look like. Vinyl postage stamp?
Yeah, weird. Going by the shape of the rear cowl, I can't imagine what the pillion seat will look like. Vinyl postage stamp?
I saw a video in which they showed the pillion seat. Bigger dimensionally than the cowl; looked very similar to the gen 1, probably fairly comfy.
I’ll say after sleeping on it a few days, I actually really like the bike. I’m a little let down it doesn’t have more displacement but after seeing all the changes, I feel there is a lot of power to be uncorked. I wish they offered a Blue but I’m sure they will at some point so trying to decide on Black or Silver....hmm...