Needing to vent - Lockdown again (apologies to all)

That may be true but when the biggest lie in history is being fed to people then some sort of big action may be needed.
The "biggest lie" theory is not shared by the entire world.

Mob rule and anarchy have been proven to not work...if a country's governmental system gets de-stabilized, what has been accomplished?

It is an easy thing to "armchair quarterback" and criticize the actions of people in authority...these same people are human beings with all the same flaws, desires and needs as any other human many cases the decisions they make are probably pretty difficult to do.

I myself have had to make some decisions which although unpopular were necessary to get the mission done...I didn't have time to second guess and take a poll as to what each team member thought we should is much the same with governments in situations like this...

Politicians thrive off popularity so for them to make an unpopular decision like this most likely took quite a bit of soul searching. I'm sure they know decisions like this can be career ending.
The "biggest lie" theory is not shared by the entire world.

Mob rule and anarchy have been proven to not work...if a country's governmental system gets de-stabilized, what has been accomplished?

It is an easy thing to "armchair quarterback" and criticize the actions of people in authority...these same people are human beings with all the same flaws, desires and needs as any other human many cases the decisions they make are probably pretty difficult to do.

I myself have had to make some decisions which although unpopular were necessary to get the mission done...I didn't have time to second guess and take a poll as to what each team member thought we should is much the same with governments in situations like this...

Politicians thrive off popularity so for them to make an unpopular decision like this most likely took quite a bit of soul searching. I'm sure they know decisions like this can be career ending.
I do my own research and see that anything whether the truth or not is being ‘fact checked’ if it goes against this bs plan.
mid you still believe this is about a virus and all these measures are for everyone’s health(read good health) then it’s best if we stick to chatting about bikes.
We can disagree on this one.
I do my own research and see that anything whether the truth or not is being ‘fact checked’ if it goes against this bs plan.
mid you still believe this is about a virus and all these measures are for everyone’s health(read good health) then it’s best if we stick to chatting about bikes.
We can disagree on this one.
Been too many places and seen too many things to believe otherwise. I do believe this is about a virus and what's best for citizens....

I guess we can stick to discussing bikes until you disagree with me about something to do with them.

I don't get stressed about such things.
Been too many places and seen too many things to believe otherwise. I do believe this is about a virus and what's best for citizens....

I guess we can stick to discussing bikes until you disagree with me about something to do with them.

I don't get stressed about such things.
I wont disagree with you on anything bike related.
I doubt it anyway.I come here for help from the many experienced mechanics and experts with regards bikes.
I posted a video about certain patents in regards Covid 19.If you watched the video you’d realise they had the vaccine patented before the pandemic was announced.
Also,the biggest court cases in history backed by hundreds(thousands more likely) of real doctors who are willing to lose their livelihoods speaking the truth should be enough for anyone to see what’s going on.
I’m not here to convince anyone against their own opinions but to be open minded and speak their truth if they believe what the masses do not.
All the evidence is there.Have a good day.
Been too many places and seen too many things to believe otherwise. I do believe this is about a virus and what's best for citizens....

I guess we can stick to discussing bikes until you disagree with me about something to do with them.

I don't get stressed about such things.
There was also a court case in Alberta recently in July.Deena HinShaw vs Patrick King.
King requested proof that the virus was isolated.They couldn’t provide it because it never was isolated.
A virus has to be isolated for it to be proven to exist.
Aus an
I seen queens land is build camps in sparsely populated areas that hasn't even been approved from Australian government yet. They are designed to house people flying in, so you have to stay at this prison camp till your quarantine is over.
OZ and NZ seem to be a bit worse than other places with these rules.I sure the politicians will get a nice fat envelope from the cabal for doing so.
It must warm the believer's hearts to see Southern Australian police pepper spraying and shooting citizens with rubber bullets 'for their safety' against a cold virus.

The minute an authority figure labels something 'for your safety', you can bet that it's anything but.
Have you seen the tickets they are handing out? That's a good enough push to push someone to suicide... all for wanting to for a walk outside or go shopping... bizarro land... I hope Canadian's never turn in their weapons.
Trudeau isn’t worth a fuzk.Rockefeller foundation and its alliances.Same as 1918.
Just the grandsons and daughters this time.David died in 2017.
The siblings are stepping up his wishes I’m guessing.
You are an astute student of history. The elites like the Rockefeller's have written into books what they have planned for humanity. And yet, people call is conspiracy theory nonsense. I have to laugh at the ignorance from those that just can't get the fact that we are being manipulated by the rich and influential sociopaths that desire to rule over us like the tyrants that they are..
You are an astute student of history. The elites like the Rockefeller's have written into books what they have planned for humanity. And yet, people call is conspiracy theory nonsense. I have to laugh at the ignorance from those that just can't get the fact that we are being manipulated by the rich and influential sociopaths that desire to rule over us like the tyrants that they are..
Thanks for the support.
I never looked too much into this stuff(maybe a little) until this hoax started.
I have a huge problem with this huge lie being told making us all feel like we’re walking lepers infecting each other even if we have zero symptoms.It’s the stupidest sh1t I’ve ever seen and the fact there isn’t more kickback amazes me.
I will not fight with anyone who feels the opposite to me as I only have so much energy.
At the end of the day my anger from all this affects people with similar beliefs to me and those who have not awakened yet/feel differently than me.
But that’s ok.I’ve always spoke my mind....I’ll never walk with the crowds just to be part of the gang.Right now we all need to come together before we need to be filled with more experimental gene therapies year on year to go indoors.
Again it’s so ubsurd it defies logic.
Rockefdeller and Rothschild that’s David and Jacob made a deal in 2016....a year before David died.If you don’t know the Rothschilds own about 97% of the banking system in the world.And if you don’t know the Rockefdeller family set up the WHO in 1948.An umbrella under which many countries healthcare systems operate.Hence they’re all pulling the same covid scams on people.Anyway the ‘banking system’ and the ‘health system’ came together,made a deal(a deal that Google obviously don’t go much into’.
A year later Fauci is predicting a pandemic under Trumps admin.That video is still on YouTube btw.’Fauci predicts pandemic 2017’.
The WHO changed the meaning of pandemic in 2009 to basically include infections/cases( read there doesn’t have to be deaths nowadays for a ‘spamdemic’ to be announced.
The whole PCR test fraud that it’s all based on is what Reiner Fuellmich is attacking in the biggest class action lawsuit in history.It’s what I’m hoping will pull down the curtain.
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Thanks for the support.
I never looked too much into this stuff(maybe a little) until this hoax started.
I have a huge problem with this huge lie being told making us all feel like we’re walking lepers infecting each other even if we have zero symptoms.It’s the stupidest sh1t I’ve ever seen and the fact there isn’t more kickback amazes me.
I will not fight with anyone who feels the opposite to me as I only have so much energy.
At the end of the day my anger from all this affects people with similar beliefs to me and those who have not awakened yet/feel differently than me.
But that’s ok.I’ve always spoke my mind....I’ll never walk with the crowds just to be part of the gang.Right now we all need to come together before we need to be filled with more experimental gene therapies year on year to go indoors.
Again it’s so ubsurd it defies logic.
Rockefdeller and Rothschild that’s David and Jacob made a deal in 2016....a year before David died.If you don’t know the Rothschilds own about 97% of the banking system in the world.And if you don’t know the Rockefdeller family set up the WHO in 1948.An umbrella under which many countries healthcare systems operate.Hence they’re all pulling the same covid scams on people.Anyway the ‘banking system’ and the ‘health system’ came together,made a deal(a deal that Google obviously don’t go much into’.
A year later Fauci is predicting a pandemic under Trumps admin.That video is still on YouTube btw.’Fauci predicts pandemic 2017’.
The WHO changed the meaning of pandemic in 2009 to basically include infections/cases( read there doesn’t have to be deaths nowadays for a ‘spamdemic’ to be announced.
The whole PCR test fraud that it’s all based on is what Reiner Fuellmich is attacking in the biggest class action lawsuit in history.It’s what I’m hoping will pull down the curtain.
It was well over 10 years ago when Richard Steele, a former CIA agent and military guy said...

( paraphrased ) about 6000 people around the world need to take a dirt nap. After that humanity veers off in a much more peaceful direction.

We know who some of these people are... and many more we don't know at all. The people like the Rothchilds, Rockefeller's, Soros and others are simply the front men for the evil that exist on the level they operate from.

One possible ending for those with power is similar in a way to what happened to at least one ruling aristocrat family in Europe centuries ago. When the people had had enough they took out that ruling family by force.

Most people here probably think that is an uncivilized approach to solve this problem with rich elites that think we don't deserve to live free. The "Elites" plans is simple... enslave everyone for the purpose of controlling the masses or kill them off entirely. Doesn't leave a lot room for a plan B escape, does it?

You can always pick up a copy of Joel Skousen's book titled, Strategic Relocation. It is a broad-view book of ideas and ways to survive just about anything if you have to resources to assemble it.

Consider this... if the dollar collapses... will it take down other countries currencies with it? Are all big government currencies based in fiat currency? I believe they are even though some countries have metric tons of gold on hand. Isn't our survival as a modern civilization based in the value of its currency in use? I have noticed lately that banks are not writing loans like they did just a few years ago. Banks are holding onto their cash reserves for good reason... and so is Buffet and other investors that have a good sense of when to get out of certain markets. I know Gates sold off a lot of Blue chips lately too.

The world is ripe for financial mayhem like we haven't seen before in recent history. The next 5 to 10 years will stand a good chance of showing us what we have all been told will happen if the SHTF.
It must warm the believer's hearts to see Southern Australian police pepper spraying and shooting citizens with rubber bullets 'for their safety' against a cold virus.

The minute an authority figure labels something 'for your safety', you can bet that it's anything but.
I'm now a little concerned about my daughters' levels of anxiety over the whole thing. First her cousins' grandmother tested positive so my daughter thought she was sick but she tested negative. She insisted on wearing a mask to protect everyone around her anyway. Now my daughter's mom has Covid and my daughter thinks she's sick again but has tested negative again. My other daughter is the only one at school wearing a mask which I think is a good precaution but she feels self-conscious about it. She even tried to wear the mask while running outside in cross country...while staying 6 feet away from everyone!!!
None of us are sick with covid.We May test positive on a test that they cycle 35 times or more which means nothing.
Kary Mullis,the PCR test inventor is on record saying many times that this test cannot detect infection.He died Aug/07/2019.
It happens all the time person to person as well as between groups.

People can have Covid and not be infected with it?
There is no new dangerous novel coronavirus.
You can have covid as far as testing positive with a test that is useless at doing what they say it does.
Look at what they say are the symptoms of covid 19
Sore throat
Runny nose
Loss of smell
And so on.These and others that I prob didn’t name are the symptoms of every and anything since FOREVER.
They’re trying to make a system where sickness(at least that what they’ll call it) is demonised and it’s in YOUR best interest and more importantly in the interest of ‘public health’ to imprison yourself for a few days until your better.
I’ll post that video from the vaccine section again.Watch it.It’s not a lunatic in his basement with weird ideas.It’s one of the top criminal lawyers that specialises in fraudulent corporations prosecution and Dr. David Martin.A patent analyst....
It happens all the time person to person as well as between groups.

People can have Covid and not be infected with it?
That video I posted.You can listen to it.It’s Reiner and David Martin chatting about what’s going on.
Its good and enlightening.Some important stuff in there.