Not good news for the country this morning!

The one person one vote thing is coming into question for me? If the people that pay for everything can be outvoted by the people that "need / want" everything how is that fair?

How many people accept the term tax credit? Have you consided the fact that the government can not give what it has not taken away from someone else. Credits are dollars. Just say it!

No bias for anyone in the above statements.
Let adults continue this discussion? OK, if it can happen without attacking someone because they disagree with you. The smartest among us are the ones who understand that they don't have all the answers. Humility and openmindedness are far more powerful than machismo.
Reminds me of a couple of weeks ago when I walked in the Veteran's Day Parade carrying a United States Marine Corps flag. I was walking with a group of Veterans that happened to be Democrats.....a "tea party" group shouted, "socialists" at us....ON VETERANS DAY.

As a combat Marine, I buried close friends, and I really don't remember their political affiliation.
Doyle Smith USMC 1966-69
The one person one vote thing is coming into question for me? If the people that pay for everything can be outvoted by the people that "need / want" everything how is that fair?

How many people accept the term tax credit? Have you consided the fact that the government can not give what it has not taken away from someone else. Credits are dollars. Just say it!

No bias for anyone in the above statements.

I don't think this will ever change. And yes; a lot of people have trouble understanding where the federal dollars come from. These days; other countries.
Reminds me of a couple of weeks ago when I walked in the Veteran's Day Parade carrying a United States Marine Corps flag. I was walking with a group of Veterans that happened to be Democrats.....a "tea party" group shouted, "socialists" at us....ON VETERANS DAY.

As a combat Marine, I buried close friends, and I really don't remember their political affiliation.
Doyle Smith USMC 1966-69

I've said it before but it can't be said enough. Thank you. Don't understand why Tea Party folks would yell any negative comments toward a group of veterans.
Who runs dying empires? Eunuchs and mad priests did. Eunuchs prevail after the fall of the emperor, while mad priests takes over during the fall of the emperor. Eunuchs are docile under the emperor's rein, but become most vicious dogs when they can attack. Hoewever, mad priests continue with emperor's policy since the policy was his own to begin with.

Now go find eunuchs and mad priests.
I've said it before but it can't be said enough. Thank you. Don't understand why Tea Party folks would yell any negative comments toward a group of veterans.

Well, it's probably because, since I'm a Democrat, they think I'm a subversive, anti-American bent on destroying this country with my "socialist" ideas. If there is any other possible reason as to their awful and hurtful behavior, I'd love to hear it. Doyle
Let adults continue this discussion? OK, if it can happen without attacking someone because they disagree with you. The smartest among us are the ones who understand that they don't have all the answers. Humility and openmindedness are far more powerful than machismo.
Reminds me of a couple of weeks ago when I walked in the Veteran's Day Parade carrying a United States Marine Corps flag. I was walking with a group of Veterans that happened to be Democrats.....a "tea party" group shouted, "socialists" at us....ON VETERANS DAY.

As a combat Marine, I buried close friends, and I really don't remember their political affiliation.
Doyle Smith USMC 1966-69

I've said it before but it can't be said enough. Thank you. Don't understand why Tea Party folks would yell any negative comments toward a group of veterans.
Yea that really does not make sense at all... as it is a "Tax" related issue.. are you sure it was actually "Tea Party" people or just "supposed" to be?

The group here was pretty much just the "tax us do death" types with nothing towards military.. sad...
Let adults continue this discussion? OK, if it can happen without attacking someone because they disagree with you. The smartest among us are the ones who understand that they don't have all the answers. Humility and openmindedness are far more powerful than machismo.
Reminds me of a couple of weeks ago when I walked in the Veteran's Day Parade carrying a United States Marine Corps flag. I was walking with a group of Veterans that happened to be Democrats.....a "tea party" group shouted, "socialists" at us....ON VETERANS DAY.

As a combat Marine, I buried close friends, and I really don't remember their political affiliation.
Doyle Smith USMC 1966-69

Socialists = bad thing?
As I was settling into my office chair with that luscious caffeine treat called a "Latte" and the morning news on the tube, I hear the newscaster say our presidents approval is the lowest of any president in history at this time (10.5 months) into his presidency @ 47%.

It appears I'm not the only person with voters remorse. I'm now wishing I would have supported Hillary. At least she had Bill's experience to lean on.

With our country in such poor shape, we are in desperate need of strong leadership.

WOW steven, this is the FIRST time ive actually agreed with you on the topics of politics! :P

I want a "re-do" on this whole election thing.
I don't see what an approval rating has got to do with him! In the nut shell it is how the country was ran before he even got into office that got to the point it is in now. I hope the people that voted for him did not think there was a quick fix to hundreds of years of stepping in S@#t. I was watching a commercial on tv the other day and some vet was talking about fighting for freedom and at the time he was at war people over here could not vote, had to go to the back of stores to get food and all kind of other bull. I remember him telling the people they would not like some of his actions and that it will take a long time to pull out of the current situation and into who knows what in the future. Some how people have just forgot what politicians they vote for say and want to replaces it with what they thought they heard.

As for myself, I don't give a ratz azz which way it goes!

I don't really understand how a 47% approval rating is worth all this angst. After all, 49% of us voted the previous president into office not once, but twice.

It would be nice to see faster progress reversing and correcting issues created in the past, but democracies, or representative republics, are not the most efficient form of government.
Let adults continue this discussion? OK, if it can happen without attacking someone because they disagree with you. The smartest among us are the ones who understand that they don't have all the answers. Humility and openmindedness are far more powerful than machismo.
Reminds me of a couple of weeks ago when I walked in the Veteran's Day Parade carrying a United States Marine Corps flag. I was walking with a group of Veterans that happened to be Democrats.....a "tea party" group shouted, "socialists" at us....ON VETERANS DAY.

As a combat Marine, I buried close friends, and I really don't remember their political affiliation.
Doyle Smith USMC 1966-69

Doyle, I can't understand why anyone would yell (cheer yes, yell no) at a group of veterans during a veterans day parade. How did they know you were a Democrat? Did you have a sign that said Veterans for Obama? ???
Socialists = bad thing?

Uhmmmm...yes....socialism does not = capitalism which is what this country was founded upon. You want the govt to level the playing field and take away the competition amongst business? Move to Canada or Europe and enjoy their health care plan.....or talk to my former-Canadian stepdad and let him verse you in how well he enjoyed it before moving to the states. I also had the great experience of living in Germany, wouldn't trade it for the world but the wife had to be seen off-base by GE healthcare, wasn't anything to hoot and holler for. Complain about the healthcare costs as much as you want, but find a motivated doctor in socialist USA to be on the leading edge of curing new diseases. Let me take say.....$8 away from your hourly rate (assuming you make at least $16/hour) and see how motivated you are at work. Everyone has the ability to be/do whatever they want here in the US.....even immigrants here on green cards/visas....just visit NYC and see how well some of them have done for themselves.
Yea that really does not make sense at all... as it is a "Tax" related issue.. are you sure it was actually "Tea Party" people or just "supposed" to be?

The group here was pretty much just the "tax us do death" types with nothing towards military.. sad...

Anyone who says anything against the military should be banished to Antarctica......250+ years of bloodshed for our freedom!! A little cold there, well how's neutral non-military feel now??