Not good news for the country this morning!

TwoBros is right, once a democracy gets to the point that you vote for what it can give you, party is over. We should take some points from Lee, strong leadership & knock off the pantywaist approach to wars & problem solving. America was on top, & better take some serious moves if it wants to be on top, weakening the strong will not get us there. No excuse for us to be in a war takes more than a year or so, we just wear gloves. Peeps not part of the solution are part of the problem.
Well, it's probably because, since I'm a Democrat, they think I'm a subversive, anti-American bent on destroying this country with my "socialist" ideas. If there is any other possible reason as to their awful and hurtful behavior, I'd love to hear it. Doyle

I'm surprised at this too. How did they know you were a Democrat?

I can't imagine anyone other than a whack nut yelling hurtful things to a veteran at a parade.
Well, it's probably because, since I'm a Democrat, they think I'm a subversive, anti-American bent on destroying this country with my "socialist" ideas. If there is any other possible reason as to their awful and hurtful behavior, I'd love to hear it. Doyle

Don't get mad, but do you have Democrat tattooed on your forehead. It would be interesting to sit down and talk with ya. I'm a registered Independent, but my leanings are conservative. Most of that based on my experiences in life, as I'm sure most peoples political views are. Never yelled at anyone, let alone a group of veterans. I just pull the lever every November and donate a large portion of my earnings to the feds :laugh:
Socialists = bad thing?

I've been raised in America and it was ; well a long time ago when you earned your way. So yeah, I likes to keep what I earn and take care of mine.......

And the harder I work and the better decisions I make in life the better off I have it........

Uhmmmm...yes....socialism does not = capitalism which is what this country was founded upon. You want the govt to level the playing field and take away the competition amongst business? Move to Canada or Europe and enjoy their health care plan.....or talk to my former-Canadian stepdad and let him verse you in how well he enjoyed it before moving to the states. I also had the great experience of living in Germany, wouldn't trade it for the world but the wife had to be seen off-base by GE healthcare, wasn't anything to hoot and holler for. Complain about the healthcare costs as much as you want, but find a motivated doctor in socialist USA to be on the leading edge of curing new diseases. Let me take say.....$8 away from your hourly rate (assuming you make at least $16/hour) and see how motivated you are at work. Everyone has the ability to be/do whatever they want here in the US.....even immigrants here on green cards/visas....just visit NYC and see how well some of them have done for themselves.

It's very interesting how you immediately brought the health care issue as soon as term "socialism" came. Socialism is an idea, noble idea, I might add. The health care issue is a reality. U.S.A. is the only developed country where medical industry is heavily represented by the most influential lobbysts. When neccesity like medicine and clean water becomes profit driven enterprises only, people suffer.

The reality is that our current health care system does not run efficiently, hence for the need of goverment oversight. Call it socialism, call it welfare system, call it whatever you want. But U.S.A. need step up and join the rest of developed countries and do something with her sick populations with no coverage.

Mexico is working on providing universal health care of her people. And they are far ahead of us. Go to mountain village of Oxaca. You will find free clinic for it's villagers. Go to Sri Lanka, and recieve government issued prescriptions. Chile, Brazil, and Argentina provides universal health care. China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam also.

What is your fear of the term 'socialism'? Is that archaic left over hysteria from the cold war?
It's very interesting how you immediately brought the health care issue as soon as term "socialism" came. Socialism is an idea, noble idea, I might add. The health care issue is a reality. U.S.A. is the only developed country where medical industry is heavily represented by the most influential lobbysts. When neccesity like medicine and clean water becomes profit driven enterprises only, people suffer.

The reality is that our current health care system does not run efficiently, hence for the need of goverment oversight. Call it socialism, call it welfare system, call it whatever you want. But U.S.A. need step up and join the rest of developed countries and do something with her sick populations with no coverage.

Mexico is working on providing universal health care of her people. And they are far ahead of us. Go to mountain village of Oxaca. You will find free clinic for it's villagers. Go to Sri Lanka, and recieve government issued prescriptions. Chile, Brazil, and Argentina provides universal health care. China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam also.

What is your fear of the term 'socialism'? Is that archaic left over hysteria from the cold war?

Like I said, you love socialism so much....MOVE! I'm sure there's more than a few here who want nothing to do with socialism....count me as another! Universal health care?? Have you looked at the punishment for not having health care?? Like DOT said...I worked for mine, I want to keep it.....I work 50-60hrs a week....not the welfare recipients....they don't tend to my family while I'm at work!

Cold war??? Please!! Get over the past 20 yrs!
I don't see what an approval rating has got to do with him!

Well it speaks to how the people feel about the job he's doing, and how they see him as a leader. If it was simply about race I don't think he would have been elected based on percentages. I did not vote for President Obama, but I was on here thread after thread saying give the guy a chance. I'm not exactly happy with what I'm seeing and little of it has to do with hundreds of years of shid but 10 months of it. I don't really see that changing. Instead of concerning himself with Afganistan and Iraq where we have troops, and the economy, I see him trying to push a federal take over of America. That's not the Federal Governments job.
Like I said, you love socialism so much....MOVE! I'm sure there's more than a few here who want nothing to do with socialism....count me as another! Universal health care?? Have you looked at the punishment for not having health care?? Like DOT said...I worked for mine, I want to keep it.....I work 50-60hrs a week....not the welfare recipients....they don't tend to my family while I'm at work!

Cold war??? Please!! Get over the past 20 yrs!

Free basic educations for your kids, Fire and civil protection for your property, libraries, parks, freeways, PBS......laissez faire, I think not.
OK I'll chime in, too. First, Noah's ark wasn't built with the help or support of others. His own children only helped by threat. His community mocked and shunned him. The ark was built for faith, and faith alone. And yes, there's a reason I know things about the Bible that there's no need to go into at this point.
But, to the actuall issue, I've reached a point of wondering how much we can achieve by blaming anyone for anything. I can blame anyone I know for any of my shortcomings. I don't think any of them will be corrected by that action. We can blame anyone, any group, or any time period for our problems. Again, none of them will be corrected in this manner. Our problems are no more than downfalls that we have created for ourselves. We, as a people, are at the very core of all that is good in our society. We are also in the depth of everything that is wrong. You simply cannot claim credit for one without accepting responsibility for the other.
You may ask, "So what's your point?". My point is this; Don't look at the world outside your window and wonder what went wrong. Look at the world through you open door and ask yourself how you can fix it.
The point is, you don't have to work 50-60 hours a week to provide your family. Work only 4 days a week. Spend rest of your time nurturing your kids for the future. Spend time to volunteer for the worthy causes, further your interests, educate and be edcated. Wouldn't you like that?
Obama is a very likeable person. I'm just having a difficult time supporting his ideas. I have not seen much, if any positive results of his actions?

I was looking forward to "Hope and Change" in a positive way. The change we are getting is not quite what I expected when I checked the appropriate box on my ballot. Hope and debt was never mentioned.

Like so many others, I supported our president in the beginning. But through his actions he soon caused me to loose trust and confidence. At this time, I really don't know what his motives are? With every passing day, I become more concerned that he may not be capable of steering us out of the situation we are in? :dunno:
You just don't get it b4thenite. Maybe you like the free lunch? I enjoy feeling like I've earned mine and don't want/need the feds telling me how and when to do everything. I enjoy my private healthcare very much that comes through my employer due to my work. My family is just fine with my work schedule, we reap the benefits on my time off...and fyi, I already have a 4 day work week. Get your passport and go see some of that stellar healthcare in Mexico compared to the Mayo, or Hopkins, the list goes on and on.
Posted via Mobile Device
Free basic educations for your kids, Fire and civil protection for your property, libraries, parks, freeways, PBS......laissez faire, I think not.

You lost your argument when you used the term "FREE"! Nothing is free! It's free to you because you are working four days a week. It's not free to the guy who works seven days a week and pays for your "FREE" healthcare, kids education, etc. etc.!

If you think health care is expensive now, just wait until it's free!

I think the problem with our society is half the people who get free services think it really is free. When one person gets something for free it means someone somewhere paid for that free service who did not get it!

You cannot make the weak strong by making the strong weak.
1. noah's ark did not exhist, there was never a flood that destroyed the all living being on the planet....except for noahs family, and the animals he loaded into the ark..

with a gene pool of two, every animal on earth would retarded, and have birth would all of us. that is you cannot marry your sister/brother.

after the PR stunt backfires, and the terrorists are released....will they be to file a lawsuit for against the US for unlawful imprisonment??
I don't claim to be an expert because I'm not, but I've read reports over the years about this great universal healthcare you speak of. It is very limited, very business like. Once you reach a certain age you're looked at as someone who has had their fun and really doesn't deserve basic needs. That's just a little taste. In America we enjoy some of the greatest healthcare in the world. As long as an individual can afford it they can have it. No questions asked. It's between them, their family in some cases and their doctor, not a bureaucrat.

If it's such a great thing then why isn't it mandatory for all citizens. Congress and the President seem to be excluded. Ever wonder why ?
You lost your argument when you used the term "FREE"! Nothing is free! It's free to you because you are working four days a week. It's not free to the guy who works seven days a week and pays for your "FREE" healthcare, kids education, etc. etc.!

If you think health care is expensive now, just wait until it's free!

I think the problem with our society is half the people who get free services think it really is free. When one person gets something for free it means someone somewhere paid for that free service who did not get it!

You cannot make the weak strong by making the strong weak.

I only work 2 days a week.
You just don't get it b4thenite. Maybe you like the free lunch? I enjoy feeling like I've earned mine and don't want/need the feds telling me how and when to do everything. I enjoy my private healthcare very much that comes through my employer due to my work. My family is just fine with my work schedule, we reap the benefits on my time off...and fyi, I already have a 4 day work week. Get your passport and go see some of that stellar healthcare in Mexico compared to the Mayo, or Hopkins, the list goes on and on.
Posted via Mobile Device

How about people less fortunate than you?

1936, Italy invaded Etiophia. Haili Salasse spoke in front of the League of Nations. "Today it's us, but tomorrow it'll be you". Subsequently, rise of fascism followed.
You referring to people that don't want to work? I've been on the "less fortunate" spectrum, wasn't fun. Served my country, paid for and received my education benefits and am now more fortunate. You're sounding more and more like a bleeding heart freeloader!
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