It's very interesting how you immediately brought the health care issue as soon as term "socialism" came. Socialism is an idea, noble idea, I might add. The health care issue is a reality. U.S.A. is the only developed country where medical industry is heavily represented by the most influential lobbysts. When neccesity like medicine and clean water becomes profit driven enterprises only, people suffer.
The reality is that our current health care system does not run efficiently, hence for the need of goverment oversight. Call it socialism, call it welfare system, call it whatever you want. But U.S.A. need step up and join the rest of developed countries and do something with her sick populations with no coverage.
Mexico is working on providing universal health care of her people. And they are far ahead of us. Go to mountain village of Oxaca. You will find free clinic for it's villagers. Go to Sri Lanka, and recieve government issued prescriptions. Chile, Brazil, and Argentina provides universal health care. China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam also.
What is your fear of the term 'socialism'? Is that archaic left over hysteria from the cold war?