Oh boy somebody is going to get paid

If that happened instead of a ticket maybe people would stop more often :laugh: but really they say they suspected because he was clenching his butt cheeks. Maybe the guy had to poo WTF was wrong with these cops.
Im thinking of making a poll..."would you undergo a 12 hour cavity search" for whatever this guy is going to get paid. I think he's going to own a section of NM after he gets through with his lawsuit but I will have to wait to see what comes out of it. Thats kind of a tough way to win the lottery :laugh:
From Deming NM web site "The climate and beauty of Luna county beckons you. It is a joy to live, do business, or experience a visit to our area. Please obey all traffic laws."

That last sentence is mine and I don't mind if they use it.
This is what happens when your reputation precedes you! Keep drugs away from your pooper and the dog won't ID you! :whistle:
From Deming NM web site "The climate and beauty of Luna county beckons you. It is a joy to live, do business, or experience a visit to our area. Butt Please obey all traffic laws."

That last sentence is mine and I don't mind if they use it.

I don't know that he will make a killing, but based on what I've read he shouldn't have a problem winning.
Thanks for the edit, Perfect. To be honest I think that guy is going to own Deming. The bigger picture here and I dont want to keep making lite of this is, Where the hell did our rights go? How can a group of LEO's possibly sit by and condone much less instigate this kind of assault on a person for a traffic violation? Are not the police there to protect our rights? Just dont get it.
Thanks for the edit, Perfect. To be honest I think that guy is going to own Deming. The bigger picture here and I dont want to keep making lite of this is, Where the hell did our rights go? How can a group of LEO's possibly sit by and condone much less instigate this kind of assault on a person for a traffic violation? Are not the police there to protect our rights? Just dont get it.
The LEOs seem to really have screwed up based on what we know, but don't forget the Judge. A Judge had to sign the search warrant. Our rights are the same place they've been for hundreds of years, however this guys rights seem to have been violated.
Not a lawyer, 05LE might step in, but I believe these actions are limited these days. Deming like all places have insurance and that's who will be paying up or settling out of court. Basically everyone that pays for any kind of insurance.
The LEOs seem to really have screwed up based on what we know, but don't forget the Judge. A Judge had to sign the search warrant. Our rights are the same place they've been for hundreds of years, however this guys rights seem to have been violated.

I have to disagree. The judge would not have been involved if the LEO had not filed for a warrant. You can say that the entire chain is responsible for violating this guys rights but it starts from the point of contact with the LEO that pulled him over.
LEO can tell the judge whatever story they need to make it sound like a warrant is a valid need. Whether or not that warrant bears fruit is not the judges problem. However, the judge has some responsibility to weigh the story against the rites of the individual. Unless I missed it, nowhere in the story did it say the man had a history of drugs. He didn't come to a complete stop and they claim a dog *cough* *cough* "hit on the seat of the vehicle. I seriously doubt the judge would have authorized a warrant that would knowingly allowed a citizen to be subjected to this, based on what we read. He likely got a story that sounded more solid than the published account reveals. Then the over confident cops came up with nothing when they tried the first time and they were up a creek without paddle if they couldn't come up with the drugs they were sure had to be there. So lets shred the guys rights and subject him to this. Dogs can't hit on anything false.....damn it.

In this case the guy may have not come to complete stop, (big IF) and may have to pay that ticket.......lol. That will pale in comparison to what he will get in settlement.
Oh and to answer the question about would I let them treat me this way? Your damn right and I'd do the same thing he did. Get an attorney afterwords. You want me to crap out my intestines 5 times, no problem. Just like having the flu. Colonoscopy? Been there done that. Rectal exams? Been there done that. All for free. For the money this guy is gonna get, I'd do it no problem at all. This is his retirement just given to him.
Insult to injury is the Gila medical center that gave him the exams sent him a bill for $6K. Hows that for justice?
OK think I'm gonna start clinching my butt at a safety inspection stop......and prey they ask me to step out of my vehicle.