Back in '02 i worked construction in Hollyweird for a year and had to ride('02 Busa)through the Rampart Division at 5:30 every morning...i'm not at all religious but i swear i prayed every morning not to get pulled over.
Back in '02 i worked construction in Hollyweird for a year and had to ride('02 Busa)through the Rampart Division at 5:30 every morning...i'm not at all religious but i swear i prayed every morning not to get pulled over.
Then you already know to just hope that your day comes when they pull a Rodney on you. Try a lane change without a blinker, or maybe an erratic lane change.
Then when they shine that flashlight in your face, don't look them in the eye. And maybe if your hands are cold, they might shake. Oh and clinch your ass. You now know these actions provoke them.
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