Oh ! So now he's my Vice President

First I rather think of myself as Maury !

Second no need for thread cuz answer is yes.

Third I do like stirring it up cuz it stimulates your noodle !

Goes way back to St Pauls Christian Academy when I asked my teacher if she believed in aliens.
I think her mouth is still open !

Tell the truth was it that or when you started talking about your abduction that her mouth flew open. :rofl:
You have no idea.
I got expelled.
Parents called in .
Father assumed I had cussed the teacher or something .

We all get in there to go before headmaster and he repeats what I said .
They tried to make it out to be blasphemy .
My father first reminded them he was a Muslim so to question Christianity was no biggie .
They got even more freaked .
Then he himself got into a downward spiralling discussion on infinacy and the universe and creation and oh boy !!!!
Needless to say after three days susp I went back to a class that all looked at me funny.
Like I had antennae or something !
Wow all good points.
I brought it up cuz I literally thought I was gonna be attacked this morning .

Islam is a religion with many facets but it is one of the few that acknowledges others. It preaches acceptance and not war. Sure there are many verses about killing the infidels but these can be likened to our Old Testament. A more violent reflection . When the Christians sacked Jerusalem they murdered every man woman and child.
When Saladin retook it he had every right and motive to do same but instead he allowed the Christians to stay and did not harm one after the fighting had stopped. Many incidents on both sides but I don't beleive we would be forever fighting Islam as some think . They have no interest. 5000 yrs and they are still simple folk. Just want to be left alone is all.
Trouble is the western world can't stay out !

Sorry for the long post but this is a subject that requires discussion and explanation , not smilies or quick comments .

Sorry dude,

I can't agree with you. Islam's interest is world domination and they will accomplish this. They likely can do it without shooting one bullet or lopping off one head with a butter knife. They will do it with shear numbers, and when they can control governments with their votes, then we will all be living under their subjugation. Great Britian is starting to see this in their part of the world right now. And our political correctness, along with feeling sorry for the poor Arab, we will play right into their hand. I won't live to see it, but I'm certain my grand kids will and likely my kids as will. And our freedoms we now cherish will be gone.

As far as them wanting to be left alone, perhaps that was true 100 years ago, but there is a new plan, and that is for a one world religion and government. If the Arab world really want's us out, I support that completely! But we need to be completely out, no trade, no food, no nothing! They don't get it both ways, cuz that's not the way the world works. Not for the US and not for them. This is a quid pro quo world.

As far as Israel, God is pretty clear that governments that turn their back on Israel will come under his wrath. The Jews are his chosen people, and Christ himself was a Jew. Christians and Jews alike need to remember this.

Finally, I wasn't going to say it but it needs to be said. Islam is a dog religion created by an evil, hateful, warmongering pedophile, Mohammad. It's teachings are nothing like you suggest Blanca, and I emplore everyone to read the Quran for yourself, and the various off-shoot documents as well. Don't listen to me or Blanca, read for yourself! Because it is important to know your enemy, and folks Islam is the enemy of this country and our personal freedoms.
Ok fair thought .
Please provide proof of your claim Mohammad was a pedophile ?
Cuz if you can't it kinda skews the rest of what you said .
This issue of taking young girls as brides still occurs in the Muslim religion, so it's not some thing that was just occuring "in the day".

Also remember my context of my statement is based on USA customs, and current US laws. Even today if a Muslim couple lives in the Middle East the husband can legally beat the crap out of his wife, even murder her and he likely will be found to be justified in what he does. But if they move to the US he would not.

We hear about the violence that is allowed, even encouraged by the Muslim faith in our news in our country.

Child sexual abuse, subjugation and abuse of women into adulthood, hmmmm, what a great religion.

Yes. Mohammed was undoubtedly a pedophile.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV) Read what the DSM IV has to say about pedophilia

Mohammad The Pedophile Some of those in the Muslim faith believe it to not be proper

There are dissenting opinions on whether Mohammad was a pedophile, but for me the evidence is clear.
Well done.
All I wanted.
Easy for me to find but I prefer that the person who labeled the prophet of anothers religion a pedophile to back it up.

This is all I wanted , a nice discussion.
If you say something provide what you have done.
Good job.

So does this taint the soul of every man woman and child who may follow the religion but not to the 'T' ?
3/4 of the world population are now pedophiles or it seems worship one ?

How does this play into the plight of tens of thousands of men women and children in Gaza ?
Because their prohet was a pedophile justifies Israels treatment of them ?
In the sense of American separation of powers you are mixing religion with politics ?

ps....Ghillie I couldnt sleep last night after seeing that video on your site.
I wonder how it would do if posted here ?
There was a thread not long ago 'dont pick a fight with old man' or something that had same content ?
It lasted. That would be a very good what would you do thread.

Feel free to cross post the video, but I think the language has the possibility to offend some. But I'm willing to bet it would fuel debate on several issues.

So Blanca, lets discuss other topics from now on. Clearly we are both passionate on this general topic, and best to let it end I believe.

So, how 'bout those Florida Gators! :laugh:
Ghillie I'm mostly on your side so have at it.
Like I said what you said can be even after you backed it up quite inflammatory.
Not something you would bring up at the mosque I think !
So I just wanted there to be some links or quotes as you provided showing evidence to your claim.

I hope from my threads and posts you realize I'm a Christian at heart but I must be mindful that my father is Muslim. His family still in Damascus for almost 800 yrs is Muslim.
My dad is an American citizen and has worked for this country for many yrs .
He eats pork and drinks beer, just likes to go to mosque on Friday to ask forgiveness ...:laugh:
My mom maiden name is Jones and can be traced back to John Paul.

Your point is well taken and backed up .
I take no offense by it and in fact just had a great dinner and watching scooby with my little buddy.

Still leaves open the questions I ask regarding the situation .

As far as the gators go sorry....
if you like I'll sing Rocky Top for you !
Grew up in TN so LETS GO VOLS !!!!
remember I posted this thread as an American asking the question
'how do you feel about MY Vice President' .
Since it was our VP that publicly used that word I thought it worth discussion .

I'm gonna start a nice gun thread I'm sure you will enjoy now .
As far as the video yes the Lang is bad but the same stuff was easily heard on the fight in the bus and it stayed .
but yes prolly best left not posted as it would freak a few folks out.
Kamala Harris Gun Control GIF by Election 2020
View attachment 1687311
He's right. There will be a revolution. Conservatives for the most part will tuck tail and go home while the left and their commie buddies continue with their bloodless revolution and the great reset.

secondly, I have no idea who wrote the first post? Somebody hacked my acct?!
'I have respect for Biden'
Who the heck would say that?

Geebus, “we’re fighting for god by voting for trump”

trump hasn’t read even one whole page from the bible and these idiots think he’s next to god.
May I please ask that when you refer to the lord almighty you capitalize his name?
Thank you wanker....

Proposed vice president

Vance painted himself into a corner by lying about immigrants eating pets, and now tries to come off as the bigger man by admitting it? Supposedly for the “greater good”?
He is the perfect mate for Trump, also the worst choice since Palin.
Proposed vice president

Vance painted himself into a corner by lying about immigrants eating pets, and now tries to come off as the bigger man by admitting it? Supposedly for the “greater good”?
He is the perfect mate for Trump, also the worst choice since Palin.
Are you telling us the Koreans and Chinese in this country didn't bring some of their habits with them to this country?