Ok Why did you choose the Busa???

I fell in love with it the very first time I saw it. I told myself....."I got to have that." 9 years later, it was a dream come true.:cheerleader:
i ride with alot of harleys, tour riding. and I WIN! what ever it is, I WIN.:cheerleader:
i can ride longer harder and faster than any harley rider in my neck of the woods, thanks to my 07 Hayabusa. my cow Bessie the Hayamoosa is the greatest bike ever created. every bike should have the rock solid Busa engine in it.:rulez:

you have made a wise choise.:thumbsup:
:welcome: to the ORG.
I want the busa cause its gonna slow me down! it's a big bike that is very heavy, almost 600 pounds so it wont be that fast but it still looks good... Oh wait a minute your not my wife, thats what I told her..:laugh:
saw a copper and silver long time ago...been addicted since...and for looking rounded....i cant stand all the sharp lines on the new bikes....imagine cleaning all those cracks.

The engine.

I've been riding for 35 years. I've owned every style of bike (apart from a cruiser...).

My last bike was a B-King (Busa motor).

After a 2 day tour on the King, I had enough of wind blast....time to accept the inevitable, and get the Bus.
Your's looks just like mine!


Mine came from Craigs too.

After my R1 was totaled out from under me, I had to get a new bike.

The bike would have to be acceptable for two-up riding, and although I'm over 50, I still like to run hard at a trackday or on the mountain.

The usual suspects (GSXR, R!, ZX10R) were out for obvious reasons - my girl (seen in the background of the above pic) made it through exactly one 200 mile day on the R1, and although she loves riding behind me, that was it for her.

I looked at VFR's both old and new, I passed.

Looked at the ZX14, I passed.

The FZ1 almost made it for me...but not for her.

The 'Busa made the cut, I love the power, there's enough support in he aftermarket that I can get every piece need to tune the suspension and brakes for supersport level performance, and the power output is already there. Katie loves the way it looks, more so than the R1, and that's a help as well.

I couldn't be happier.
I do a lot of 2 up riding and my VFR800 hundred while a great bike just did not have the grunt needed. I am still in my sporty rider mode and after testing the K1200S and the Hayabusa. There was no competition. The BMW engine felt coarse and the gearbox agricultural.
I fell in love with the looks of the Busa the first time I ever saw one. It was at Daytona and it was a 99 Copper Top. I am 6'6". Sportbikes typically are not even remotely close to something I can fit on. The Busa was larger and longer ad I began thinking right then I'd like to own one. It took me about a year before I found the right bike, right color, right price. The speed aspects where never a thought as to why I wanted the bike. But once that gets thrown in as well.......

Had her ever since. Don't regret a day of owning her.

I had a mid-range sport cruiser that I was riding. Still love that bike. Kept both bikes for 3 years together. Selling my smaller cruiser to get a larger one now.
It's sheer perfection (IMO) and the only other bike I want is another V-Max BEFORE THEY MUTILATED IT WITH THEIR NEW DESIGN :guns:
Had to sell my last one before moving here......stoopid stoopid stoopid
I fell in love with it the very first time I saw it. I told myself....."I got to have that." 9 years later, it was a dream come true.:cheerleader:

lol me too..

saw my first one in 99 on Camp LeJeune, NC.. next weekend went to see one at the dealership..

7yrs later got my endorsement and a GS500
3.5 yrs after that i got my dream bike....


:banghead: the dream just cost me 560 bucks in tires...
got a new set... punctured the rear TWICE on the same road with 600miles on it. had to replace it
I owned many bikes over the years. Mainly cruisers and touring bikes. Now at 41 years old, I was gonna give in to my long time desires. Much to the dismay of my Harley friends...I was gonna come out of the closet and get a sportbike!!:laugh: I wasnt getting any younger and I had to fulfill my lust for speed. Yup, I was a closet sport rider!:sulk: After narrowing it down between the GSXR 1k, BMW s1000rr, zx14 and the busa....I chose the busa for several reasons: It does everything well. I can ride 2 up for long trips, Go fast in a strait line, corners well, And at 6'1 140#...I just look better on it!:cool: I also found it 6 weeks ago for $9600 new!!! so I headed up to Jersey and rode it 6 hours home! I could not be any happier!:beerchug:
When I was looking to upgrade my bike everyone was talking about it, "The king of the street" "fastest production bike" "Fast, Powerful and comfortable" so I start to look into it. The more info i find the more i like it. :laugh:
TBH, I really wanted the new VFR1200...but at $25000 I couldn't justify it. So I searched bikesales.com.au and found a 2006 Busa with only 7000km on the odometer. I went and looked at it (it was immaculate), had a test ride and then bought it the next day.
I love it...but if Honda ever comes out with something that looks as good as the Gen I Busa and goes as fast, I'll be trading in my Busa.
I have ridden the VFR1200 - a mate has one.

Not that flash, actually. The power delivery is peaky and there is a lot of heat on your right shin.

The Bus eats it.

I have ridden the VFR1200 - a mate has one.

Not that flash, actually. The power delivery is peaky and there is a lot of heat on your right shin.

The Bus eats it.


Yes, I know the Busa is faster, but Honda is synonymous with quality and reliability, whereas I've never owned a Suzuki that didn't develop some sort of issue.

I've seen the VFR and it is extremely well built; much better than the Busa. Actually, it's probably the best-built bike I've ever seen.

As for heat issues, the (Gen I) Busa is akin to sitting on top of an Oil Heater. - Great in winter, not so much during summer.
Riding for 45 years and 57 bikes later. Never had a Busa so wanted to try. Traded 07 Bandit and GSXR 750 for the 08. Then wife complained that it was not as comfortable as the Bandit so to make mama happy, Bought on 09 Dyna Low just cause I had never had one, sold Busa rode HD for one full year and that was way too long. Started looking for a new 1250 bandit again to make mama happy but could not find one, keep walking past an 09 Busa at the stealer and started to work on mama about how comfortable I could make it for her. She didn't say no so I figured that was as close to a yes as I could get and traded the HD for it.
I am still sold on the Busa. Best bike I have ever had and not ever going to go to anything less. Interesting though, mama now says she is very comfortable on the Busa where she did not think so on the 08 that I had.