Ok Why did you choose the Busa???

Wore out my Duc ST4s and needed another bike. The Busa FIT what I wanted the Duc to be but never could. Makes an OUTSTANDING Long Distance Rally Bike, much less just the Best performance bike around even before any mods. And I ALSO think it's a BEAUTIFUL BIKE (and as long as I think that, I don't care what other people think :laugh: ) . Actually the Busa is a perfect bike for me 80% of the time :cheerleader:
Got my first Busa by accident, my mate and I had a pair of matching GSXR1000K4s the black ones. And he crazed me to go with him to test-ride a Busa. I finally agreed and when I got there they had two, I was reluctantly persuaded to take one out, and when I got back I bought my first Busa K3. Now a proud owner of a Gen2 2010 and am in the process of persuading my missus to get one.
After 30 years of riding Harleys i decided it was time for a little speed,so walked into a Suzuki dealer and asked what the fastest bike was(this was in '02)and he said the Busa so i said sign me up.16,000 miles later some yoyo pulled out in front of me and totaled us both so after i got out of the hospital(a miserable 8 week stay)took the insurance money and bought the '03 i still ride today.:thumbsup:

(and if you're in the 6' 2",250 lb. range i personally think you look a little large on anything other than a Busa,ZX-14.etc....kinda like the proverbial monkey humpin' a football)
I choose the Busa because:


that's why. I have owned or ridden pretty much everything and My 2000 Unrestricted Hayabusa is the best machine I've ever owned ,I mean it does it all,You want to go to the corner store or to California, No problem ,just turn the key and go,You want to run 10's at the track or putt around in traffic like a scooter, no problem,You want to take your girl out for a nice Sunday ride, the Busa's got you covered. I love this bike for it's versatility and the bone crushing power it makes. Reliable ,FAST and Looks,what can I say the Busa is the KING. :thumbsup:

P.S. I'm 6' 0" and 350 lbs and my Busa moves my Chunky Butt just fine.
I did the math :laugh: Gotta go with the big girl, I saw the launch of the Gen2 "Stroker" on Superbikes with Jason Briton and just had to have it. :thumbsup: When they stroked the legend it was on....a "motor" thing :cheerleader: I ride my DL1000 in the wet, winter, off days.
2)stability at high speed and the great aerodynamic to go at high speed
3)Good for touring at high speed around 200km/hr long distance trips
4)love the overall look of it.
5)Its the fastest bike in the world:laugh:

1)Braking power is insufficient for me
2)The stock windscreen sucks
3)The torque sucks for me though
4)Stock chain guard is pretty useless
5)No headlight protector and radiator shield
Yes, I know the Busa is faster, but Honda is synonymous with quality and reliability, whereas I've never owned a Suzuki that didn't develop some sort of issue.

I've seen the VFR and it is extremely well built; much better than the Busa. Actually, it's probably the best-built bike I've ever seen.

True - the VFR is very well built.

Mind you, I have had 6 Suzukis (starting with a TM75 in 1974... :laugh:), and have never had a problem with any of them...
was looking for a bike for the wife,she likes the gixxer type bikes,had an 05 and 02 1000.was a smoking deal on a 01 gixxer 750 at the dealer,let the wife try it.she hated it,have to rev the **** out of it to get anywhere.she also drive my zx14,flies out and -1 in front,pulls like a freight train,so the 750 was out.the dealer says we have an 03 busa for $4000.i say must have 60000mile on it or something.no only 13000.****,got to get the wife to try it.take it for the weekend,she put 400 miles on it,she really liked it.i really like this style of bike ,had a zx12 for 4 years,then the 14.not like the litre bikes,you have to rev the snot out of them to get the same results.i like that the power is right there when you want it.ended up getting it for $3800 plus tx,not a bad price in the states,a super price in canada.oh and anybody says a busa doesnt handle,the wife was going way faster on our bumpy back roads on the busa than she ever did on the gixxers.
After market surpport is number one and never expected or wanted a stock bike; I wanted that fit me and my style
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My busa aquisition was a complete accident. I've been a Moto Guzzi fanatic for 20 years. (greatest bikes ever IMO) I've had a KTM supermoto (junk), a cagiva alazzura, and a triumph 1200 Daytona that I really loved, but had to sell. A customer of mine had a '05 busa with 1000 miles that he wanted out of his garage after it sat for 3 years. I volunteered to help him get it running to sell it but he never took me up on my offer. One day he comes in for dinner with his wife and asks me If I want it. No brainer.:laugh: A few months later and my busa has 3,000 miles on it, and the Guzzi's have been sitting. I'm amazed that something this stupidly powerful can make such a good daily driver. Yep, I've come over to the dark side.
I too, defected from the Harley scene. Orignally being from Milwaukee, I thought that I would own a Harley till I die. However, after owning cruisers, baggers, etc, it was getting a little boreing. There is a certian nostalgia and Harley's will always hold a place in my heart, but the truth is that they are overpriced, underpowered, over-rated, and high maintenace. I did own a YZF-R1 in 2003, but it was nowhere near as comfortable as the Busa. And after riding HOG's for a long time I would much rather be on the Busa.
Because it is a legend.

What else can you find, that is comfortable enough to ride the whole day, only stopping for gas, more stable than anything else available at very high speed and you can still mix it up with the 1K bikes on the track if you want?
I too, defected from the Harley scene. Orignally being from Milwaukee, I thought that I would own a Harley till I die. However, after owning cruisers, baggers, etc, it was getting a little boreing. There is a certian nostalgia and Harley's will always hold a place in my heart, but the truth is that they are overpriced, underpowered, over-rated, and high maintenace. I did own a YZF-R1 in 2003, but it was nowhere near as comfortable as the Busa. And after riding HOG's for a long time I would much rather be on the Busa.

Same here,from my first '54 Pan in 1970(i was 17)'til my last '98 Fatboy with about a dozen other Pans,Pan/Shovels,Shovels in between.Got my first Busa in '02(first sportbike i ever rode)and my second in '03(which i still have)and have never looked back.After a couple hundred 180 mph runs even it eventually started getting boring so i went turbo in '07,that extra 110 hp spiced it right up.:thumbsup:

(i figure i've spent just over $40,000 on it so far,but the thrill's worth it:laugh:)
the only thing i don't like about the busa is it gets hot easily, i need to get a second fan, but don't do metal work so i know how to make the tabs but i can't weld
I got my busa cause its a huge bike, doesnt feel like a toy when you sit on it. Plus its a frigin Busa! :laugh:

the only thing i don't like about the busa is it gets hot easily, i need to get a second fan, but don't do metal work so i know how to make the tabs but i can't weld

I didnt weld anything putting mysecond fan in. Drilled out the brackets and used metal epoxy then bolted it on. worked out very well for me