It my experience that it is easy to accuse someone of some sort of sexual misconduct but very hard to shake it off even if it is some sort of revenge accusation...
As people gain in status and authority, there are predators out there who use sexuality to extort money and fame and whether the accusations are true or false, the accused wears that badge forever.....
Most authority figures are really cautious around others for this reason but humans will be humans and an evening of consensual relations can turn into a nightmare.....
It's happened to people I dated a lady and when it went south, she cried rape and even though he was found not guilty, his career and reputation tanked......and tanked hard....
I thought the defense secretary looked hopeful for that position....he is a decorated veteran so that carries a lot of weight for me....and he wants to eliminate wokeness from the military which is also something I fully support.....wokeness in such an organization gets people killed.
Since the woke movement of the Me To movement, it absolutely has been weaponized. All that has to happen now is stating something happened and a career can be ruined. As we learned by the Kavenaugh hearings, there is also no reasonable time limit to make the accusation.
What I implemented was the voluntary wearing of body cams for any females that wished to have the company pay their legal fees in the case of a sexual harassment claim where they were the victims. We had female staff that worked off-site, as well as onsite. Female sales staff who would very often conduct business over lunch or one on one in a closed door environment. At various hours included having business dinners.
All C level management had to wear them, regardless of gender.
We did not hold the videos in our facility, they were downloaded to a secure storage daily when the cams were placed on the re-charge station.
That way we had no liability of monitoring, or reviewing or surveiling anyone. Or privacy issues. It was simply a stored record of each person's daily interactions. We only retrieved data when a specific date was needed to support a claim. And it was reviewed with 3rd party arbitrators present. To make sure it was untouched records being viewed.
Most of the females liked the program. They were offered complete legal support in the event of an incident. The C Levels never had one incident of a false accusation. It bullet proofed us from extortion payouts.
It was however amazing at how ballsy men were to the sales ladies. Even after reading of our policy on making them aware that video recordings were done. It's a gray area when things happen off site. But that's a different thread. For the females that did not wish to wear the cam, they were on their own.
There was one incident where a couple of our guys were talking between themselves. They had been pheasant hunting and were recalling their last hunt. They were in an outter office. Just as our EA walked in, she heard and saw one of them hold up his hands to a gap and said, "And I got a cock about this big". He was attempting to show the size of the pheasant. He had no idea a female had entered behind him at that moment.
EA sort of went into shock, turned around and hurried out. Bob was mortified about it, and apologized profusely to her.
6 weeks later, the attorney letter arrives. The tapes were retrieved, and when the context of the statement was taken into account, the matter was dropped. They all felt horrible about it. But it would have probably resulted in a pay out had the full story not been heard. Her getting an attorney was at her expense. The attorney attempted to discredit the entire policy of recording. Everyone signs a statement acknowledging they know they are employed based on video surveillance being a daily activity and a condition of employment.
I install cams in all vehicles we use. Mainly because our insurance carrier gives us a heck of a break in our rates. And secondarily, I want to have a daily record of what happens onboard. In our business we have to secure a patient in a wheelchair. Some of them can't secure themselves. So we have to place belts across their laps. And across their chest/breast. There is no way to avoid close contact. Despite all the training it's still a touchy issue. It would be impossible to deny verbally that you didn't make close contact if a complaint is lodged. But add a video to the testimony and it is worth its weight in gold.