I agree on the weather, it's been the same here.
I havn't missed riding at all for over 2 months, as it has been miserable riding weather, a drought and still super hot at 3am, and then it was back to normal...super hot and steam bath humidity.
The last week it has been really nice though, and I've been trying to get my Goldwing done so I can enjoy it, before the cold comes back.
I've been to those forks in the road before as well. I got divorced over 3 years ago, after 14 years of marriage and 19 together.
I swore off all future relationships with women after, to simplify life, lol(really).
Next thing I know, I went on a date, then again, and again, and after 2 years of that, I married her about 4 months ago...best relationship I've ever had.
I sold a few bikes over the years too, and sometimes out of need vs choice.
But, I'm happy that I have a bike that I can ride now('18 gsxr1k), and that my GW will be done soon, as it's always nice to have something to escape on, even if only for an hour or two, and even if it sits on a battery tender for a long time, as my bikes did that for quite a while when my now 13 year old daughter was young.
Regardless, whatever happens, I wish you well in life sir.