President goes all in on Immigration

Very well said! So, what everyone is going to do about it?

That's the key: Everyone. Unfortunately, it takes more than one person to turn the key. As it stands, no two average Americans seem to be able to compromise on anything long enough to even lift the key, let alone turn it. In other words, we, as a collective, are too busy fighting amongst ourselves about minor issues to mount any real challenge to the .01% that run the country/gov't/big business.

Seems you have no hope, feel that nothing can be done, and pretty sure that we are doomed. In part, I share your sentiment. You had to live in a socialistic country to really taste where we are going. You can't even imagine!

However, the the solution is here, explained step by step, and with detailed reasoning. You just have to notice it. Tell me specifically, which step is not going to work and why?
That's the key: Everyone. Unfortunately, it takes more than one person to turn the key. As it stands, no two average Americans seem to be able to compromise on anything long enough to even lift the key, let alone turn it. In other words, we, as a collective, are too busy fighting amongst ourselves about minor issues to mount any real challenge to the .01% that run the country/gov't/big business.

So true! Because... we are not focusing on something more fundamental.

And something more fundamental starts... with one person pointing to it, and maybe a few other people looking at it and thinking - Hmm, that's what we should focus on instead of arguing about small stuff. So, every other person in turn agreeing to this, and then they themselves try to convince another few people... and so on, and so forth... Otherwise, we will be having exact same conversation 5 years from now... except it's going to be a lot worse.
I voted for Obama (twice) for these reasons:

1. Healthcare. Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Nixon, Carter, & Clinton all tried to do this because like water and electricity healthcare cannot be regulated to "supply & demand" and therefore cannot function in the free market. We witnessed this with run-away healthcare prices in the 80's and 90's where healthcare companies raised their rate at a rate of 30-40% per year. Healthcare is freedom. No healthcare and corporations own you, it's plain and simple slavery.

2. End wars. Lots of people these days say Obama made a mistake getting out of there, "look at it now". But did anyone think the middle East was ever going to look rational to western eyes? People haven't noticed that our debt is going down. We simply can't continue to involve ourselves in these problems, it will break us. Worse yet, we don't need the oil anymore so there is really no benefit. I thought finally a rational leader who isn't ready to feed the MI complex when Obama said we'll provide air support to even the playing field but people of the middle east have to fight for themselves. This would be a great time for Obama to "wag the dog", Obama's restraint is refreshing.

3. General leadership. He got us out of the financial meltdown, managed to nurse the economy back despite extreme resistance from Republicans working against the American people, & what about the Gulf oil spill. I remember the news coverage of the Gulf Armageddon, apparently they knew what they were doing.

4. Diversity: It was huge to a lot of us that someone other than a White man can participate as a citizen in this country at the highest levels. Many feel we were stuck on the good ship USA and were watching complete idiots like "W" run into every iceberg in our path. But the objection to Obama is not race IMHO. It is that he is not a part of the political elite and is a common man. There is a huge fear that someone will come along and wake up the people to the fact that America is controlled by fewer and fewer very very rich people. We are becoming a big corporate town and the majority are sleeping while the rich consolidate the power. Obama pulled majorities not seen since the 40's. That was why Mitch McConnel came right out and said publically that destroying Obama's presidency was their main priority just 2 days into his presidency. That is an elected member of our government saying publicly that they intend to hurt the country in order to nullify an election (that's basically treason).

So, Obama has accomplished the things I voted for. He has defeated the dim witted "old white man" guard in Washington and we are all better for it. The news doesn't report that 71% of the people on Obamacare rate it as excellent! Even Apple doesn't have those kinds of approval numbers. On top of that, He is a stellar example of a family man, Michelle is easily the most beautiful first lady ever, and his children are angels. All of this is stuff you just don't get associated with being black in America. Maybe that makes me a fool for voting for him, but if you voted republican in the last few elections I think you are much more a fool than I.

Seems you have no hope, feel that nothing can be done, and pretty sure that we are doomed. In part, I share your sentiment. You had to live in a socialistic country to really taste where we are going. You can't even imagine!

However, the the solution is here, explained step by step, and with detailed reasoning. You just have to notice it. Tell me specifically, which step is not going to work and why?

Number one "first, we all have to agree". That'll never happen.
You have so many dependent upon government, for everything. Housing, income, food, phone, ect. Why give it up? Just try to take it away.
These freeloaders votes count. Only a small percentage of those on government assistance actually are working hard to get back on their feet, and more power to them. This is only a small piece of the problem anyway, as the list is long.
It is my personal opinion (as I have previously stated) that the visible government in D.C is only for show. I was not joking when I called them a public circus. They are there to continue the illusion that your vote counts, and that the current system still works.
It does not. If it did, people could and would work together for the common good of the nation. Things would and would have changed.
Our "elected" officials do not run this country. They merely head up the misdirection program, and do what they are told. In the meantime they collect big pay and benefits and enjoy exchanging favors for personal gain.
How about pork in bills passed? Do you really belive that a healthcare bill needs 27,000 pages to explain it? Nancy Pelosi was so bold to say "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it". WTF! If that wasn't a red flag I don't know what is.
The elite run this nation and this world, some of them are visible, some are not.
Things are progressing as planned, regardless of how any citizen feels about it, or what they belive.
To think that the U.S government just fell into this bad situation, never saw it coming, and has no idea how to fix it, is nonsense.
Those who are really in control are just letting the clock run down. Any number of negative scenarios can and will cause the America we've all know to crumble.
From that point, things can and will be restructured as planned. This takes none of us common citizens into consideration. Even a lot of our elected officials will find that they've been duped and aren't included in the new plan. Poor guys, oh well, you reap what you sew.
Once again, my opinion just clarifies me as a conspiracy nut. Suites me fine.

As for your personal feeling and efforts I.G, they are to be applauded.
I have nothing negative to say about you, and only respect.
Again, I truly do hate saying, I just think it is too late. There does come a point of no return.
It is only a matter of time for how long America can hang on. A week? A month? 2 years? More? Who knows? I don't. But rest assured, those who are really running things do.
I think the rich corporatists believe that the general population will do exactly what Sixpack577 is doing - give up. The truth is we have all the power but for example in the last election less than 30% of the people vote. People need to understand that if we vote at 90% for 8 years in every single election, things would change. I hear people *****ing about the poor but this is a very small amount of the people. Also, most people on public assistance are kids, women, and white people. Those are facts. This is not a race issue - it is an economic class issue. The rich are betting that the general population can't see that they are closing the door on everyone, not just minorities.
sixpack577, you are touching on a few things, but let's take one thing at a time, and let's try to keep our emotions out of it. I share your frustration and sentiment, but let's channel our frustration into something positive. One thing is for sure - nothing good is going to come out the way everything is going. And I think this is something we all could easily agree on.

Like in every seemingly dead-end desperate situation - cool heads, quick thinking, and collaboration may yield some amazing results. Giving up is the easiest thing to do, and maybe this is a challenge presented to us by God, who believes that ultimately we are capable of overcoming such challenge.

Speaking of God, wouldn't you agree that the story I mentioned in my first post about meeting a lady at the beach - is NOT coincidental? Don't you think that from my perspective this was a sign from God? Another 15 sec, and that meeting would've never happened! I am not going to give details, but during our walk on the beach, my wife and I were inadvertently delayed by about 15-20 sec when we were going back. If not for this delay, we would've been already driving, and even if I noticed the other SUV I mentioned, I would've never stopped.

You are being skeptical that we all (or most of us) could agree on the proposed solution - implementing Continuous Approval Process. Your doubts would be valid if we were talking about just another individual issue. However, the proposal revolves around something a lot more fundamental. I've spoken with many people in person - both pro-Republicans and pro-Democrats. While it was less surprising that pro-Republican folks were more receptive, I was pleasantly surprised that many pro-Democrats were receptive as well. While they were closer to pro-Democratic principles, being somewhat liberal in a better sense of this word, they were as disgusted with governmental abuses and other wrongdoings done by federal, state, or local governments. I have no doubt that given the opportunity to address the fundamental cause of our governments being out of control, they would gladly accept it and would pursue the new path.

I agree with you that many people have been bribed by our governments already, and such people will always support the government which gives them. However, no one knows the exact ratio between common sense people like you, me, and many others vs. those who have been corrupted. It is important to understand the dynamics of human behavior when it comes to estimating the number of common sense, responsible, and self reliant people. When people don't believe that their opinion counts, they don't participate - in voting and in expressing themselves. Such absence of participation (silence if you will) can easily be mistaken for lack of conviction, for lack of opinion, and ultimately create a perception that there are just too few of these people. However, if these people are shown a different path which they believe can produce results, the same people would become very active. Again, offering a well thought through fundamental solution has a real chance to be successful. I recognize that we may or may not be at the point of no return. However, I am willing to take a chance and proceed as if we haven't crossed that invisible line yet. To me, the effort is worth the risk, even if there is only a 10% chance.

I don't really buy the whole thing about secret forces, societies, etc. who really control the puppet governments. Sure, there are plenty of powerful people, companies, and organizations who want and do influence our governments, but no more than that. Frankly, it doesn't matter, even if you are right. By the time they realize what happened, it will be too late (for them). You just have to infect a small critical mass of people with the idea of CAP, and there would be nothing those in power could do. I have no illusions about those in power, and as the book points out "They will not hesitate to use any means available to them in order to deceive, discredit, falsely accuse, fine, imprison, and even kill their opponents. They are humans, and at times of desperation they will do what all humans have done throughout human history in order to preserve their power". However, they can't kill millions of people. On the contrary, their obvious resistance will only add fuel the the fire, and will only help many others to accept the idea of CAP.

Remember, you can only fight the system with another system, and that's exactly what the proposed solution is all about.

P.S. fallenarch, I didn't see your post until I posted mine. Yep, it took me a while to write and refine it in order to accurately articulate what I wanted to say. But I think we made some of the same points. Another coincidence! Or was it? LOL
I voted for Obama (twice) for these reasons:

I'm still trying to clean the coffee I shot out my nostrils on my clothes when reading this...Take me a day or two to retort properly...You need to take the Press Secretary's job Arch...Bagdad Bob would be proud of you!
I voted for Obama (twice) for these reasons:

I'm still trying to clean the coffee I shot out my nostrils on my clothes when reading this...Take me a day or two to retort properly...You need to take the Press Secretary's job Arch...Bagdad Bob would be proud of you!

Am I supposed to respond to this? There is nothing to respond to, except the fact that facts make you shoot coffee from your mouth. :laugh:
fallenarch, somehow I missed your post skydivr was referring to. While I didn't spill anything reading it, my eyes were opening wider and wider, my lips were getting tighter, and my head started shaking side to side. I do appreciate you being candid, and respect you coming out with your opinion which you knew wouldn't be very popular, but man, I feel quite different regarding most of what you are saying.

I don't want to turn this into a lengthy discussion, but my sentiment regarding BO can be summed up by my personal observations of his actions. He is a liar, a demagogue, and a lecturer. He is ignorant, arrogant, has his own agenda and is pursuing it like a tank. His objective is socialism. Most of you don't know what socialism really is firsthand and what it feels like, but here is my condensed impression from many years...

My typical life in socialistic country was challenging, depressing, hopeless, at times happy and fulfilling, and at times sad. There was no freedom of speech, no freedom to move, no political freedom, no entrepreneurial freedom; discrimination, indifference, shortage of everything all the time, bleak images, tired and frustrated people... It was possible to find happiness and peace, though temporarily. In short, you live in a huge prison, and can manage to find your way around. But it's still a prison, and light years away from our current US society. But slowly and gradually, we are getting there. New generations are born into a slightly transformed country. They think it's a norm, and as a result, the new transformations seem incremental.

I am neither a Democrat, nor a Republican. Both parties screw up in their own ways, causing the country to zigzag, causing us to fight with each other. However, I do dislike Republicans less. I didn't vote at all for his 2nd term as the result would be known ahead of time in NY, however, I wanted him to win. I also wanted Republicans to lose in midterms (although I voted for them), because people can only learn the hard way.

I predict the worst is yet to come - it's only logical. Republicans and Democrats will engage in more fierce standoff, which will only cause stalemates and a waste of energy. A few big cities declaring bankruptcy is not an aberration, but a sign of things to come.

Every six working people in the US have to support one government employee (all governments) - this is one real cause of high taxes! This situation is not changing no matter which party rules. On the contrary, this ratio is getting worse over time. While this would've been bad enough... Average salary in the US is $40k+, while average salary in Washington D.C. is $70k+. Only one word can describe this: unsustainable.

Forget about money. Money is simply a convenience tool to facilitate product and service exchange between people - a free exchange, mind you. When you hand someone your money, you effectively agree to work for them accordingly. So, when government takes away your money and gives it to someone else, they effectively make you work for someone else - a few days for welfare recipient, a few days for a government worker, a few days for a government project, and so on and so forth. When you are a) forced to work for someone who b) gives you nothing in return - this is a form of slavery. And the great thing about it that those who are enslaved do not even realize it because the use of money makes it faceless.

This entire situation is Killing America Slowly. Frankly, there is nowhere else to run. This is the last bastion, regardless whether those who were born here realize it or not.
Only a grassroots revolution will derail the sociopathic powers that govern our country and to a great extent our world. The PC movement has created the Dumb ( parents ) and Dumber (children ) for the elite to manipulate the masses as they see fit. Their program is 20 to 30 years ahead of the curve in terms of education, food, and politics. From time to time we do have small victories like turning the busses full of illegal immigrants around in Murrieta California several months back. ( they ended up in San Deigo ) It is going to take a large focused populace to derail the machine and dethrone the power elite that have taken over.

Sixpack, IG, Skydv and other like minded patriots are spot on... were in trouble as a country unless we revolt and retake control of our governmental system and all its corrupt connections. It really is history repeaing itself but now that we are in the electronic age life changes much faster than we can monitor, react, and remedy before it gets out of hand. BTW... All wars are based on lies. Consider the last 100 years and how the course of wars has changed our world.
fallenarch, somehow I missed your post skydivr was referring to. While I didn't spill anything reading it, my eyes were opening wider and wider, my lips were getting tighter, and my head started shaking side to side. I do appreciate you being candid, and respect you coming out with your opinion which you knew wouldn't be very popular, but man, I feel quite different regarding most of what you are saying.

I don't want to turn this into a lengthy discussion, but my sentiment regarding BO can be summed up by my personal observations of his actions. He is a liar, a demagogue, and a lecturer. He is ignorant, arrogant, has his own agenda and is pursuing it like a tank. His objective is socialism. Most of you don't know what socialism really is firsthand and what it feels like, but here is my condensed impression from many years...

IG. You guys are just wrong. Healthcare is not a Democratic issue, and now that Obama got it implemented it is not going away. Healthcare companies were looting this company and making profits and loan shark would dream of. Obama is brilliant by all objective measures of the word. If you all don't want to accept it that's fine. It's like so many conservative positions - you can have your own opinion but you can't have your own facts. Arrogance also generally is a reflection on the person who feels lesser and is not the intentional projection of the accused.

No one calls all of the breaks we give corporations socialism. In actuality it's fascism, and that's every bit as scary as socialism. If you look at where we are, and are going for that matter, we are in much better shape than we have been in many years past. The true dooms day a lot of you guys feel is that you are losing control of the country to a different demographic. I think a lot of white people would rather dissolve America than to allow it to evolve into a brown dominated country (Chuck Norris pretty much said that). That's pretty much the source of the hate to Mexicans, blacks, and specifically Obama. It's crazy but the flow of people actually dropped to a dribble during the Bush administration. We have members of congress actually voting against bills they themselves authored just to hurt Obama, really? I can understand the fear many have but as someone who is a minority it is survivable not running the show - lighten up! I guess it comes down to whether you actually believe the constution or not (All men are created equal).
After reading all the posts in this thread, based on American politics, I find it really hard to understand why anyone out there would want the job of President?
After reading all the posts in this thread, based on American politics, I find it really hard to understand why anyone out there would want the job of President?

Although I agree with little you have to say, I must stand behind you on this one. Just look at the best we could drag up to the presidential podium during these past two elections. Sad state of affairs, wouldn't you say? It seems most of the country now has buyer's remorse. Only ones who seem to support the captain of the ship now are the "Guberites". Oops, forgot the R, my apologies. :dunno:
arch, give it a few years and you will get a taste of socialistic healthcare... I'll tell you this, if there is so much emphasis on healthcare, the US is one sick country - everybody is sick and needs a healthcare. If there are wrongdoings in this area, there could be more incremental, measured, and overall common sense things done. I can only repeat - liar. I lost my health insurance which cost me $421/mon - hospital only - that's what worked for my family considering our circumstances. I had to switch to a plan with huge detuctibles paying almost $800/mon, and still paying out of pocket most medical expenses. Next year, it will be almost $900/mon. You have got to be kidding me that I and millions of others are forced to pay for this non-sense. Not to mention how much of my money was spent on all these websites, bureaucrats, etc.

Not sure where how you got the race into the mix. I and millions of other people have no problem with a Black president. It is a huge social achievement, etc., etc. I judge the man for what he stands for.

I disagree with breaks to corporations as well, and would be against it if it was up to me, and I guess that' s why I am not a Republican.
arch, give it a few years and you will get a taste of socialistic healthcare... I'll tell you this, if there is so much emphasis on healthcare, the US is one sick country - everybody is sick and needs a healthcare. If there are wrongdoings in this area, there could be more incremental, measured, and overall common sense things done. I can only repeat - liar. I lost my health insurance which cost me $421/mon - hospital only - that's what worked for my family considering our circumstances. I had to switch to a plan with huge detuctibles paying almost $800/mon, and still paying out of pocket most medical expenses. Next year, it will be almost $900/mon. You have got to be kidding me that I and millions of others are forced to pay for this non-sense. Not to mention how much of my money was spent on all these websites, bureaucrats, etc.

Not sure where how you got the race into the mix. I and millions of other people have no problem with a Black president. It is a huge social achievement, etc., etc. I judge the man for what he stands for.

I disagree with breaks to corporations as well, and would be against it if it was up to me, and I guess that' s why I am not a Republican.

Our healthcare costs went down for the first time since I have been a part owner of our company (10 years). Leading up to the passage of Obamacare it was going up crazy amounts 40% one year. My Nice and Nephew were covered until 21 and then went on Obamacare because they are not covered by their jobs. Very affordable and good choices. So this is a fact that a lot of you all are not going to get: Many Healthcare plans are not in your favor. People are paying money every month and the benefits are so minimal that it's essentially like not having healthcare at all. Also, many Healthcare companies took the opportunity to dump un-profitable plans and let Obamacare take the hit. As for doctors, many states did not participate in Obamacare and that changed coverages and plans. Obama should not have said you can keep your plan, he should have said that if the plan meets the minimum requirements for healthcare, you can keep it. He has no control over healthcare providers who take this cover to dump customers they didn't want in the first place. I don't know what your situation is IG but you are in the 28% who are not very happy with Obamacare.

It is very interesting for me because I like the people here and enjoy talking about the Hayabusa. But on the other hand I hear a lot of crap that is just plain B.S. I have tried to stay out of these conversations but when I hear some of the stuff that I hear on this site I have to express my opinion. We have discussed the situation with the country before, and people like the people on this site are definitely hyping the problems we have. If congress was not trying so hard to destroy Obama the economy would be booming. Have you seen the numbers on funding for various infrastructure projects that were scheduled to go? I will make a bet with you. If a Republican wins in 2016 all of a sudden business will start spending money, the government will be fixing roads, dams, and everything else. and there will be no mention of the debt. We've been here before with the republicans.
arch, I am not a Republican. As I mentioned they screw things up in different ways. I just happened to dislike them less.

I am probably among 28% of people who don't like Obamacare because I have to pay for the rest 72% who like because they pay very little - like $60/months or $100/months. Of course they like it! So far, we are talking about individual mandate only. Wait till the rest of the country starts participating.

BTW, I've talked with a number of doctors personally, and all of them dislike Obamacare.

Medical profession just became very unattractive. As a result, less youngsters will choose it as their field of study, and after some years there will be shortage of doctors - leading to so many predictable consequences like long wait time (months), poor quality of medical care, etc. - exactly what I observed in socialistic country I came from. Just give it some time. I also would like to point out that this situation is a great example of important philosophical principle: Something taken to an extreme often achieves the exact opposite of the original intent.

What is interesting and typical about socialism that proponents of socialistic ideas (I don't mean you, but politicians) want someone else to pay for their ideas, while those politicians have good salaries, benefits, pensions, etc. and personally contribute very little.

To me, someone who contributes all his spare earnings helping other people - has the moral authority to say, "Follow my example", But you wouldn't find such people among politicians.
I also think it would be appropriate to paste a chapter from my book on the subject.

"Killing America Slowly"
Reprinted with permission from the author

Chapter 3

Your nightmare

It is Saturday morning. My eyes are still closed. I feel the warmth of the Sun peeking through the window, and realize that I am no longer asleep. I smile to myself. It's not really a smile – my lips don't move. A vague image of myself gently smiling floats through my mind filling my body with warmth and comfort. It would be nice to stay in bed. Maybe fall asleep again.

I am about to turn and go back to sleep. Years ago I could do just that. But I can't. I have to get up and get ready to go to work. Saturday is no longer part of weekend. As a matter of fact, no one is using this expression any longer because there are no weekends. Government Department of Compliance mandated that everyone should work on Saturdays. It was announced that government scientists conducted an extensive research which proved that having just Sundays off was enough for most people to get rest and replenish their energy.

It made no sense to me. I work for a software company. There isn't much work there to begin with since the government took over all private enterprises because they were plague of our society and only benefited rich people. Working on a Saturday I would be sitting doing nothing. But I had no choice. I had to sit in front of the computer screen with both of my hands on the keyboard and with my eyes opened. My supervisor didn't care if I didn't press a single key during the day. But if he saw me doing anything else he would report me to the Department of Compliance. To kill time I often fantasized. Inevitably I would start dosing off and had to force myself to stay up.

No time to fantasize now. I have to get up rather quickly if I don't want to miss the bus, then another bus I have to transfer to, and finally a long walk. An hour of standing with other people like a pack of sardines in a can and then an unpleasant walk in the dark. No one is allowed to drive to work. Government scientists said this was the only way to save the planet. It didn't make sense to me. The planet was doing fine. Global warming has stopped years ago – it turned out to be one of seventy year cycles. Global cooling descended. No one believed anything any more. But I have no choice. If I drive and I am stopped by one of CDO (Compliance Department Officer), my license would be suspended. Only government officials are allowed to drive every day. Government economists conducted an extensive research and concluded that by allowing government officials driving every day the government is working more efficiently for the benefit of the people.

Trying to escape unpleasant thoughts I start thinking about food. I love mashed potatoes. I also like to have a crunchy apple at the end of the day. Fuji apples are my favorite. We only have a few potatoes and a few apples left, and need to wait another week for our designated date to buy fruits and vegetables. Government scientists determined that market economy was a really bad thing, and that rationing of food based on age, gender and weight was the best solution for the people. Never mind that potatoes are always covered in dirt and many of them are rotten. Never mind that I haven't eaten a Fuji apple for a long time – any apple is better than no apples.

Pain in my knee suddenly reminded me that it's been bothering me for a while. Years ago I could go to a private doctor. I could get an appointment within a few days. But now, I would be lucky to get one in three months. There are no private doctors any more. As the government explained, private doctors only wanted to make more money, and didn't work efficiently. There was ACA – Affordable Care Act. Then, there was something else. And then, there was ECA – Equal Care Act, supposedly giving the same quality medical care to everyone, managed by the government. My only choices were a hospital or a MeTreFac, Medical Treatment Facility. I call them sicko conveyers – sick and frustrated people are coming in, they are forced to hop from one room to another to see tired and unconcerned doctors for thirty seconds, and even sicker and angrier people are coming out.

Random thoughts keep flying through my head. They are unpleasant and annoying, but I can't stop them. I keep searching for the way out, but there isn't one. I know this is an exercise in futility. The feeling of smiling is long gone. I want to close my eyes even tighter and go back to sleep. I don't want to wake up. There is nothing to look forward to. I don't want to die, but I don't want to live like this either...

I barely opened my eyes, but closed them right away giving them a chance to adapt to the bright light. I am guessing this will be a nice sunny day. Something was different and in a good way. I felt a bit disoriented and confused when I heard familiar voice: “Bad dream again, Honey?â€￾ I closed my eyes and barely nodded with a sigh of relief. An uncontrollable smile appeared on my face while I was stretching for a few seconds. I wiggled to find more comfortable position. With my eyes closed and still smiling, I replied lazily: “It's so nice to sleep late on Saturday morningâ€￾.

I was falling back asleep, calmly drifting away, and still smiling. That's when I heard loud and angry voice from a distance calling my name. It took me a few moments to realize that my neck was hurting because my head tilted to the side, the coldness on my chin was saliva dripping from my mouth, and the bright light in front of me was not the Sun peaking through the window, but a computer screen glowing in the dark. As the loud voice I just heard was still reverberating in my head, a shadow appeared behind me. I knew who that was even before I heard: “Please come to my officeâ€￾.
President Osama is about to step all over the Constitution tonight with his imagration policy.
Just cause for impeachment. Argue the details all you want, how he's handling it is illegal according to the Constitution.
Congress and the rest of the U.S government are just going to sit back and let him.
Since when is the president king? Oh yeah, last 6 years.
Still think the people have a say and the government is for us?
President Osama is about to step all over the Constitution tonight with his imagration policy.
Just cause for impeachment. Argue the details all you want, how he's handling it is illegal according to the Constitution.
Congress and the rest of the U.S government are just going to sit back and let him.
Since when is the president king? Oh yeah, last 6 years.
Still think the people have a say and the government is for us?

Did you see the poll where about 46% disapproved of that action before he did it?

Yet he did it anyways. I guess when you can't be reelected you have nothing to lose.
Maybe he will get sued? Unlikely I know but we can dream. Probably did it to look better for the next democratic
guy that is going to run.