Racist woman on tram

I think that reinforces the point...
Obviously we as a society haven't "fried the little fish" so to speak or we wouldn't have as high a prison population.
There is something seriously wrong with our justice system, but that's a different thread topic!

Our Justice System is only reacting to our broken Rearing System.
no argument there. two words come to mind....:evil: Casey Anthony!
That whole episode was a sick joke. From the acts that started it, to the way it was handled, to the media's coverage, all the way to the aftermath. It's an exercise in apathy.

This morning I went to sign my Chavs up for welfare. At first the lady
said, "Chavs are not eligible to draw welfare." So I explained to her that my Chavs
are mixed in color, unemployed, lazy, can't speak English, and have no frigging
clue who their Daddy's are. Yet they expect me to feed them, provide them with housing,
plus pay for medical care. So the welfare lady looked in her policy book to
see what it takes to qualify.

My Chavs get their first checks Friday

Wow, you guys were right, that joke isn't racist at all..... :whistle:
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She is a clown! Simple as that, she is lucky she didn't get knocked out. Just a shame her kid gets to be raised i such an environment!
The woman could of fell into the category of "Disturbing The Peace" here in the good Ole USA.
What a ignorant woman. Being in the military and working side by side with many different ethnic backgrounds and cultures i personally don't tolerate racism to any level in or out of uniform. Somebody should've took her kid from her and then knocked, what appeared to be, her drunk ass to the floor but unfortunately that would only lead to another issue for the person that would've done it. With the way she was carrying on i'm sure the N word gets thrown around quite often in her home if that word is even used in England. The sad part is that the child will possibly have the same views as he gets older.....it's people like her is why racism will never die.....what a BS society we all live in.
Thank you for your service. The only color I ever cared about was ARMY GREEN :)
I think she has a cute accent... :laugh: Why so serious everyone, she was drunk and if she was in a train with pale brits she would have done a drunken rant on something else besides race that would have pissed people off. I thinking it's more entertainment than anything, like a free show. :rofl: I would have just laughed at her and told her a bunch of banana jokes. :laugh: I'm actually tired of coc-asians feeling guilty about everything. :moon: These emoticons are cool :whistle:

Anyway, she was in no position to hurt anyone and she wasn't sober, if she was sober and saying that, then I would be worried. ???

Merry Christmas!
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I'm sure if she had been in this country she would've been beaten down

Please look at this You Tube clip,

British Woman on the Tram goes CRAZY at Everyone ! (Must watch!) - YouTube[/url]

Don`t take it personal. She has her views, so be it. The bad thing is she will raise her child to be like her.
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Charged? Because she spoke her mind? I'd consider it Stupid and Excessive, but Criminal? Of course this is GB not the USA where 1st Amendment certainly would give her the right to open her stupid mouth.

Not on a public transportation system. The ones here in Denver have rules posted in them, including disorderly conduct, at least. The tram operator should have just stopped and told her to gtfo.
Alone I would have done my best to ignore her because all your gonna do is see who can yell louder.
But if had my kids I'd probably be in jail now for stuffing a diaper in her mouth!
Free speech yes but you should respect others and their kids. Sit there and cuss and act a fool and somebody is gonna shut your mouth for you.

I'd just like to know what started it all?

Lastly in the very last seconds of video pay close attn to the child.
He is pale white as a ghost and looks like a deer in headlights. Kid has no chance with her raising him.
His first grade teacher will appreciate his vocabulary for sure :)

Sadly I truly hope the govt takes her kid away. She had zero concern for his safety on the train and did not realize that she would be found out and now publicly labeled. The kid would have wound up on the floor amongst the feet of scuffling adults had a fight broken out. And now that she's been publicly labeled her home, life and family are most def in jeopardy. My bet is within a week her home will be vandalized if not set ablaze.
Sadly I truly hope the govt takes her kid away. She had zero concern for his safety on the train and did not realize that she would be found out and now publicly labeled. The kid would have wound up on the floor amongst the feet of scuffling adults had a fight broken out. And now that she's been publicly labeled her home, life and family are most def in jeopardy. My bet is within a week her home will be vandalized if not set ablaze.

Exactly; I actually applaud everyone who restrained themselves from beating her azz right there on the spot, and they probably would have if it wasn't for the child she was holding in her lap - I don't know if she'd have gotten the same consideration if she'd done that in Memphis, Atlanta, Philly, LA, etc....And there are plenty that might just try and hunt her down to 'teach her a lesson'...
Yes I actually applaud all the 'non Brits' (:laugh:) she insulted for being so restrained.
Let her open her mouth like that on a NY subway and headlines will read:

'and the search goes on for woman missing from train. Only thing found so far are two teeth and her son!'