Woman gets a $835 parking ticket.

I wasn't trying to bring race into it as I'm pretty mixed up myself. Nor was I looking for pity for my friend. He did the crime and did the time.
Also wasn't labeling all as 'rich whitey's' but was only speaking to that one case I experienced. The way the judge said it and presented it that it how it came across to all of us.

Cqt1414 I agree with you on the rest of your post.
Carry on folks....:hide:

There are countless people who have worked so very hard their entire lives for a company, or to make a company of their own grow. They want to live a comfortable and SAFE life. They want to put the young people they care about in a good college. These are the kind of people that contribute to the growth, job creation, and tax revenue that make this country strong. But increasingly these days, there is a disturbing trend. if they accomplish some of these things, it is becoming more common to label them as greedy, evil and undertaxed.

Race was not an issue in this discussion until you brought it in with your negative comment on white people. If you think people with money are all "rich whitey" as you just said, then you need to visit Texas. There are people from every corner of the globe with money, with every skin tone. I do not have sympathy for your drug dealing friend who got a relatively light sentence for contributing to the drug trade (which 'may' fund terrorist activity). I respect his time in the service, but that does not in any way clear him of his felonious behavior..

I would also point out there are huge numbers of people in jail who could not afford even the smallest fine. And many of them are white. So you can take your pity party elsewhere.

I love to joke around on here and pull a few chains,, and get poked back at also :) ... but my opinion is you are dead wrong to reach to the bottom of the deck, and deal the race card on this one.

Here is some real numbers for parking violations in Iowa

Parking Violation Costs
Handicapped Parking Violation...$100
Fire Lane Violation...$25
Snow Route Violation...$35
All Other Violations...$15 (not inculding prompt pay discount)

Oh and driving on the side walk is a designated lanes ticket i believe... and the ticket cost in CO is roughly $45.00 and 1 point....not that i know from experience :whistle:

So based on what that says then how is $835.00 a fair and just fine that goes with the standards of the state? By saying that she deserves that high of a fine is because you are angry because you think she felt privileged and can do what ever she likes. I think everyone agrees she deserved the ticket and everyone agrees that fines should be imposed. But using the standards of their state this is an unjust amount to pay.

Fair? Fines are not supposed to be fair. Their supposed to be deterents. The higher the fine, the greater the deterent. If the community doesn't like a given penalty, all they have to do is make their legislators change it. Apparently this community is in favor of an $835 fine for parking on the grass at that facility.
Laws and fines should be the same whether we drive a Honda or a Lambo. My opinion was the fine was to high for a parking offense. Sorry about your friend, that would have pissed me off too... I too am a commoner living in a "well to do area" and I know where you are coming from with the attitudes of some but we as a society should not have different laws for different people. No matter a non moving violation should not be two to three times that of a moving violation. Why is it so high?

IMHO, driving through a park/over a sidewalk invites injury. Every bit of distance traveled through a park where folks would not expect to encounter a vehicle creates a pretty large potential safety hazard. So, in that sense, it's a moving violation that, if the potential is realized, puts pedestrians in harms way of a vehicle. Although probably not likely, if it does happen, ped vs vehicle accidents are some of the most injurious.
Bottom line, the woman chose to break the law with no good reason/circumstance to do so. For that reason alone, be the fine $25, $835 or $8350, she has NO GROUNDS to complain. She played the game and lost. She just didn't learn the stakes before deciding to take her chances. Good. Next time she will likely think twice or <gasp> maybe even just park in one of those legal spaces like most folks.
Fair? Fines are not supposed to be fair. Their supposed to be deterents. The higher the fine, the greater the deterent. If the community doesn't like a given penalty, all they have to do is make their legislators change it. Apparently this community is in favor of an $835 fine for parking on the grass at that facility.

I think you made your point clear in one of the last 20 posts you made here man. There is no need to go through and rip everyone elses posts apart that don't agree.

You are wrong about fair. Punishments in our country are supposed to be fair and just. Also by looking at the list i posted of parking fines you will see that the community did not decide that parking violations are $800 so the fine is wrong.

* Eighth Amendment – Prohibition of excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishment.

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Last post for me here as i made my view apparent.
Well,, what did 'the other people' that parked on the grass have to pay ?? Wasn't there mention of other cars parked there? But no mention of tickets like this for them?
Yes it is a high fine, but why did she pass open spaces, drive over the curb and park on he grass. My guess...SHE WANTED TO PARK IN THE SHADE. Common problem in the sun belt, the shaded parking spaces are few and taken first. Good chance she made some type of impression in the ground which would have to be repaired. If she parked my lawn, $800 fine would not be too high. Whole point is she thinks the law does not apply to her. Not seeing the sign? Poor excuse. Where is common sense? She will probably get donations from the public and make a nice profit from this. It all evens out.... :rofl:
This is the kind of woman who would park illegally and sue the city because she tripped over the curb she just drove over.
I think you made your point clear in one of the last 20 posts you made here man. There is no need to go through and rip everyone elses posts apart that don't agree.

You are wrong about fair. Punishments in our country are supposed to be fair and just. Also by looking at the list i posted of parking fines you will see that the community did not decide that parking violations are $800 so the fine is wrong.

* Eighth Amendment – Prohibition of excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishment.

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Last post for me here as i made my view apparent.

Not trying to rip anyone...just trying to be clear and consistent in the debate.

If there is a constitutional basis for limiting the fine, "fine". ;) However, no the definition of "excessive" comes into play here. Thus, it's back to the legislature and if the community agrees that $835 is not excessive, then it stands.

As far as arguing that the other fines are evidence that the community didn't agree that $835 is acceptable for the parking on the grass fine, I don't see how that makes such a case. My point was to say that since the fine is $835and the fines are presumably set by elected officials (or at least officials appointed by elected officials), then the community has, at the very least, accepted the $835 to the point that they've made no effort to change it.
Really? You don't think an $835 dollar fine will have any deterrent effect? I'm guessing it does and it not only saves the tax payers the money for installing/maintaining physical barriers, it also provides monies to the comm when someone decides their more entitled than everyone else.

Yeah, Really.

Some disgruntled people would throw down grass killer after having to pay some ridiculous fine amoount.

Im trying to actually provide a SOLUTION to the problem.

An $835 ticket for parking on grass is assinine.

Just my opinion.
Not trying to rip anyone...just trying to be clear and consistent in the debate.

If there is a constitutional basis for limiting the fine, "fine". ;) However, no the definition of "excessive" comes into play here. Thus, it's back to the legislature and if the community agrees that $835 is not excessive, then it stands.

As far as arguing that the other fines are evidence that the community didn't agree that $835 is acceptable for the parking on the grass fine, I don't see how that makes such a case. My point was to say that since the fine is $835and the fines are presumably set by elected officials (or at least officials appointed by elected officials), then the community has, at the very least, accepted the $835 to the point that they've made no effort to change it.

Our Mayor promised the Red Light Cams would go away if proven not improve safetyat intersections as a part of his campaign. Well no safety benifit was proven and he just proposed the the City Council extend the the contract for the cams.

We really don't have a say in how much or what can be fined. Yes we elect the officials, but the cost of citations is the last thing I would choose a candidate for. If people were allowed to vote on fines they would be $0.
Our Mayor promised the Red Light Cams would go away if proven not improve safetyat intersections as a part of his campaign. Well no safety benifit was proven and he just proposed the the City Council extend the the contract for the cams.

We really don't have a say in how much or what can be fined. Yes we elect the officials, but the cost of citations is the last thing I would choose a candidate for. If people were allowed to vote on fines they would be $0.

I wouldn't vote for a candidate based on fines. Rather, if the citizens are united on a particular matter, they can demand action from their representatives. This rarely happens, of course, but when it does the gov't has little choice but to listen. If it doesn't happen, the one must assume that the issue is not important enough to enough people and therefore the law is as "democracy" would have it.
Yeah, Really.

Some disgruntled people would throw down grass killer after having to pay some ridiculous fine amoount.

Im trying to actually provide a SOLUTION to the problem.

An $835 ticket for parking on grass is assinine.

Just my opinion.

The fact that there are always an exceptional few willing to take such extreme action doesn't mean that the fine has no deterrent value.

Judging by the discussion in the forum alone, I think it's obvious that virtually no one wants to deal with being fined $835. Therefore, it's safe to say that virtually no one will park on the grass if they know that it may cost them $835.

On the other hand, many legal metered parking spaces and garage spaces can cost $20 to use for a single day in some cities. So...a $20 fine is often seen as simply the cost of parking in which case there is no deterrent value whatsoever.

Let's look at it this way: You're a city official trying to ensure that no one parks on the grass. You don't have budget to install a physical barrier. How do you best ensure that folks don't park on the grass?
The fact that there are always an exceptional few willing to take such extreme action doesn't mean that the fine has no deterrent value.

Judging by the discussion in the forum alone, I think it's obvious that virtually no one wants to deal with being fined $835. Therefore, it's safe to say that virtually no one will park on the grass if they know that it may cost them $835.

On the other hand, many legal metered parking spaces and garage spaces can cost $20 to use for a single day in some cities. So...a $20 fine is often seen as simply the cost of parking in which case there is no deterrent value whatsoever.

Let's look at it this way: You're a city official trying to ensure that no one parks on the grass. You don't have budget to install a physical barrier. How do you best ensure that folks don't park on the grass?

Start off with a reasonable fine, something like what it cost to park in a handicap spot, also make it an ascending fine for repeat offenders or simply make it a tow a way zone...
Start off with a reasonable fine, something like what it cost to park in a handicap spot, also make it an ascending fine for repeat offenders or simply make it a tow a way zone...

Poor people worry about the cost of the fine. Booth or towing is the best deturant for people with money, they value their time more than a few hundred dollars.
Start off with a reasonable fine, something like what it cost to park in a handicap spot, also make it an ascending fine for repeat offenders or simply make it a tow a way zone...

??? I still don't know why fines s/b "reasonable". Reasonable fines are like sending a spoiled kid to their room on "time out" as punishment when they have every entertainment device known to man in there and asking them what you can bring them to eat or drink while their on time out. :rofl:

Poor people worry about the cost of the fine. Booth or towing is the best deturant for people with money, they value their time more than a few hundred dollars.

Right on. Add booting and/or towing to the fine. :laugh: That way everyone is covered! :laugh:
??? I still don't know why fines s/b "reasonable". Reasonable fines are like sending a spoiled kid to their room on "time out" as punishment when they have every entertainment device known to man in there and asking them what you can bring them to eat or drink while their on time out. :rofl:

For the same reason that we don't cut off someones hands when they steal a candy bar! You might want to spend a little more time studying the Constitution and the letters written by our founding fathers. Maybe that will give you a little more understanding of our justice system and fairness under the law..
The fact that there are always an exceptional few willing to take such extreme action doesn't mean that the fine has no deterrent value.

Judging by the discussion in the forum alone, I think it's obvious that virtually no one wants to deal with being fined $835. Therefore, it's safe to say that virtually no one will park on the grass if they know that it may cost them $835.

On the other hand, many legal metered parking spaces and garage spaces can cost $20 to use for a single day in some cities. So...a $20 fine is often seen as simply the cost of parking in which case there is no deterrent value whatsoever.

Let's look at it this way: You're a city official trying to ensure that no one parks on the grass. You don't have budget to install a physical barrier. How do you best ensure that folks don't park on the grass?

If people knew how much the ticket is going to be for sure the wont park there, but how are they going to know that? It looks like this is an ongoing problem, and a extreme fine is just going to teach 1 person at the time, it looks like there was a "no parking" sign but it was a lil far away from the side that she parked, the asked couple of persons and they say they didnt see it, they need to put couple more with the amount of the high fines and towing away.