Woman gets a $835 parking ticket.

Strong penalties bring stron compliance and vice versa.

Not true...
Just couldn't let this one go. Murderers get the death penalty, doesn't stop killing. Under your premise, if you get pulled over for speeding then they should take your bike... Be real.... PENALTY SHOULD FIT THE OFFENSE... It was not a moving violation and she did not turn left in front of a motorcycle!

no one said she turned in front of a motorcycle...don't twist the words around to fit your opinion. I think Rainbow7 would call out the "Straw Man" argument....:laugh:
I mean I get that they are trying to keep people from parking on the grass but that is a bit extreme.... I would say imposing community service to replant grass on those people would not be a bad idea...
no one said she turned in front of a motorcycle...don't twist the words around to fit your opinion. I think Rainbow7 would call out the "Straw Man" argument....:laugh:

Folks like her will likely be the one that turns left in front of a motorcycle, with some lame excuse for that too.

Just an example^^^ Of where this thread has gone ^^^ I know let's cut off her hands then she can't park on the grass.????????????

My original point was... THE PENALTY NEEDS TO FIT THE OFFENSE....It was never about the woman...
I think she deserved a fine for sure. But to over fine her like that is NOT Just. I believe the United States was supposed to be a Just country and over punishing and or extreme punishments does not fit that defining part of our land. Think about the crime committed and the punishment for just a second... An extended fine was in order but not an excessive one. Time/fine to fit the crime. In other words if you cut off my finger it wouldn't be right for me to take your arm.
I think she deserved a fine for sure. But to over fine her like that is NOT Just. I believe the United States was supposed to be a Just country and over punishing and or extreme punishments does not fit that defining part of our land. Think about the crime committed and the punishment for just a second... An extended fine was in order but not an excessive one. Time/fine to fit the crime. In other words if you cut off my finger it wouldn't be right for me to take your arm.

+1000 Nice to see some common sense :beerchug:
They may have targeted her because she drives an escalade... Maybe not but its possible

High value vehicle = high fine :dunno:
I believe in Germany they fine speeding based on % of your yearly income. Another reason to say YAY for being in the states.
Folks like her will likely be the one that turns left in front of a motorcycle, with some lame excuse for that too.

Just an example^^^ Of where this thread has gone ^^^ I know let's cut off her hands then she can't park on the grass.????????????

My original point was... THE PENALTY NEEDS TO FIT THE OFFENSE....It was never about the woman...

Again, your taking someone's words and changing them to try and validate your opinion.....there's a big difference between stating an opinion and trying to turn a thread into an argument. Cut off her hands??? Why would you want to do that? Isn't that a little extreme? :rofl::rofl:
Im just sayin if the grass is so important a small fence, or better yet wood bollards, would easily keep cars off.

Here is a reality of life:
The busier and more crowded an area gets, the more fences/bollards are NEEDED.

This way kids and dogs can still get to the grass to play. Or is the city against kids and dogs playing on grass.
Because way back in the day when I was a kid and a dog I liked playing on grass. :rofl:

Because the sign said no PARKING on Grass, not keep off the grass.

Im just sayin.

This is a nice idea, it will solved the problem for sure. Since they said its not about the money, they should consider building one of this. This lady for sure is not going to do that again, but what about the others? People will keep parking there since there were others park there as well.
Strong penalties bring stron compliance and vice versa.

Not true...
Just couldn't let this one go. Murderers get the death penalty, doesn't stop killing. Under your premise, if you get pulled over for speeding then they should take your bike... Be real.... PENALTY SHOULD FIT THE OFFENSE... It was not a moving violation and she did not turn left in front of a motorcycle!

I disagree. There will always be someone willing to risk ANY penalty. But the stronger the penalty, the fewer people that are willing to take the risk of facing it.

The point here is that as with any law, if you break it, you risk the penalty and if busted you should "man up" and take your medicine.

It'd be one thing if she ANY sort of extenuating circumstance or if there was something beyond her control that left her with no other choice...but that's just not the case. She offered no defence other than the fact that she thought the penalty was too high.

I'm not arguing if she did or didn't do $835 worth of damage. What I am saying is that she freely chose to break the law and her only complaint is that the penaly is more than she was prepared to deal with.
Folks like her will likely be the one that turns left in front of a motorcycle, with some lame excuse for that too.

Just an example^^^ Of where this thread has gone ^^^ I know let's cut off her hands then she can't park on the grass.????????????

My original point was... THE PENALTY NEEDS TO FIT THE OFFENSE....It was never about the woman...


I understand what you're saying. However, harming someone is not the point here.

I see several issues with determing if a penalty "fits" the offense.

a) Such a thing is purely subjective
b) A given offense can potentially create greater offenses
c) A weaker penalty inspires lesser compliance and violations are paid for by others, including those whom do comply

A governing body can set any penalty they wish, so long as they and their constituency agree on the penalty.

Although simply parking on the grass is fairly mundane, it could lead to curb damage, grass/turf damage, and even injury or death (esp at a park with hundreds of children around). So, the penalty of $835, IMHO, is a bit much if no property damage is done and no one is hurt. However, the $835 is paltry is prop damage is done (which would certainly happen over time with repeat offenses) and if someone is hurt or killed, the $835 is joke. However, in ALL cases, the $835 is quite a deterrent to most folks (as evidenced by the discussions here) and serves to prevent the specific offense as well as the potential of the other issues that may result.

Again, I would have a problem with the high fine IF there was some reason beyond ones control that one might be forced into breaking the law, but when it's simply a matter of someone not being bothered to comply AND the offense is potentially dangerous to kids...well, I say make the fine as high as possible. Only folks that will be fined are those that CHOOSE to break the law...and that's on the OFFENDER.
I think you're ALL missing the point,,,I mean she HAD to park by the tree to keep her ride from getting so hot and making her,,,actually sweat !! :poke: Haha ,, D.A.B.
I think you're ALL missing the point,,,I mean she HAD to park by the tree to keep her ride from getting so hot and making her,,,actually sweat !! :poke: Haha ,, D.A.B.

Wow. Can't believe I didn't consider her well being. I see now that this is a situation of the law discriminating against a handicapped person who's condition requires them to park on the grass and under the tree. Obviously, in this case, the law was VERY short sighted and s/b repealed on the grounds that it's unconstitituional and discriminatory.

I seriously doubt she endangered anyone. I Just personally think the fine is ridiculous for a parking offense. Just seems to me a reasonable fine would be in order or an ascending fine for repeat offenders but that just seems TOO logical... Maybe post signs making it a tow a way zone if it is a problem in that area...
She got what she deserved. She admitted passing open spots , seeing 'no parking on grass' signs and still parked her spoiled azz selfs Escalade wherever she wanted.
Sorry but I see enough women driving those and deal with enough of them to know she thought she could ignore the law and clearly posted signs and park wherever she wanted.

Should have towed it as well.

'oh but there were cars all over the grass, why me?'
Just because everyone does it doesn't make it right.

Just listening to her tells me all I need. Her rich hubby will pay it no problems.
Her lease payment on that Caddi is more than $835.
I mean I get that they are trying to keep people from parking on the grass but that is a bit extreme.... I would say imposing community service to replant grass on those people would not be a bad idea...

Yeah I can really see that woman planting sod :rofl:
what he said^^

if she is so Privileged she can conciously ignore signs, warnings, and do whatever she likes, then she can also have the privilege of a nice fat ticket...

i think this example is fairly indicative of where society is headed... entitlement, privilege, and selfishness rule most of our daily actions.... kinda sad imo...just sayin...
Wealth envy??? Is that what I'm reading???

We ALL park in non designated parking areas, whether it be on the front of a row at Walmart or on a sidewalk some where, if nothing else to keep some a$$hat from opening their door or backing into or bike or maybe if nothing else just to keep an eye on our beloved bike to keep it from being stolen. Just because we have a bike doesn't make it right.So the next YOU (WE) and YOU (WE) will, park in a non designated parking spot, think about this $835 dollar ticket and think about whether or not it was too high... I would never wish this outrageous fine on you or any one of my org brothers and sisters...I don't care if you drive a Hayabusa or an Escalade. I still contend THE FINE WAS TOO HIGH!!!
Wealth envy??? Is that what I'm reading???

We ALL park in non designated parking areas, whether it be on the front of a row at Walmart or on a sidewalk some where, if nothing else to keep some a$$hat from opening their door or backing into or bike or maybe if nothing else just to keep an eye on our beloved bike to keep it from being stolen. Just because we have a bike doesn't make it right.So the next YOU (WE) and YOU (WE) will, park in a non designated parking spot, think about this $835 dollar ticket and think about whether or not it was too high... I would never wish this outrageous fine on you or any one of my org brothers and sisters...I don't care if you drive a Hayabusa or an Escalade. I still contend THE FINE WAS TOO HIGH!!!

Smac all due respect , speak for yourself. I park where I'm supposed to.
The ladies whole attitude in video was 'omg I can't believe this happened to me' like she's so above the law she never expected to get a ticket for parking in a no parking zone. I didn't sense one single iota of remorse from her not one.