Remember fallen riders with an arm band...

if I may add to that rough draft I like it I was thinking maybe a little wider and for org members we could add the website to it.


Talk to Doug first, he's the last say in the site address being on there..... :super:
Protocol usually goes like this.
Armband worn from the time the person dies, until the funeral is over or sunset on the day of the funeral.
Great idea Rev. One thing though white is not going to stay white for very long and will end up looking grubby.
I would LOVE an arm band like the one shown !!

But I think Rev. was talking about something anybody could put on, and wear all the time, as a reminder of those who lost their life. In hopes of alot of other riders putting one on so that people in cars start asking, "what's up with the WHITE BANDANA on the arms of people on motorcycles, I see them all the time" ?

Kind of like the yellow ribbon, for soldiers.
word K MAC, sad line "i see them ALL the time"...

as far as the design posted Doug does have the last word on the name being on the armband. but yeah this aint about the Org, and don't get me wrong i love this site and you all but it's about fallen brothers and sisters everywhere. since this is about remembering the fallen the words should be bigger and the website smaller. the words could be on multiple lines. just my .02
I like the rubber bracelet like the Lance Armstrong ones. I think black would be better like the police do. They put a black band on their badges when one of their own has fallen. I can't wait until this goes through. :thumbsup:
Armband on the biceps is an excellent idea Rev. I am in. Will it matter which side we wear it on?
I think it would be great to get a color ribbon designated for fallen riders so we can put them on our cages too. ( like yellow for soldiers, pink for breast cancer,...etc) I've seen quite a few of the sun glasses ones that state something about motorcycle awareness. the more applications, the more apt it is to be seen.:thumbsup:
Would be very interested to help see this through to completion. Since we are throwing ideas & opinions out. Mine is that we go w/ either white w/ black lettering or reverse. Personally I'd be in favor of black w/ white lettering, but which ever is good.

Also...I do not see it necessary to put our website addy any where on the band.
Just my thoughts.
Looking forward to see where this goes.
black wont stand out as much as white. the black wont necessarily mean "fallen rider", claiming white as the color would. the bracelet wont be seen as prominently as the armband.

i truly believe white around the upper arm, whether it be a printed band or a bandana is the way to go. remember most rider jackets are black, white will stand out the most.