Remember fallen riders with an arm band...

I'm 100% in agreement on the color WHITE for all the reasons stated. I'd wear both--arm band and wrist band. As an MSF instructor, I'd like nothing more than have the students ask me WHY and what it stands for!
I'm in. I like the sweat band idea too. I was even thinking maybe a white band sticker across the wind screen somewhere, so when the bike is parked it would be noticed.
i'm in for what ever you all decide just let me know
and i dont mourn for very long either i celebrate the life that was lived
I vote white,

But with only 5 words embroidered into it with black stitching.

"Each day is a gift"

All who ask or see this arm band need to be aware eah day is a gift, a wonderful gift from a God that loves. I know we each have different views and I think the arm band with this on it respects all of them.

It should be treasured, and remembered.

I only met Don once and it was at Varners funeral, I am just at a loss for words. When I spend countless minutes a day to try and understand certain things, others embrace the day and smile at it. Knowing this day too shall pass. And what does tomorrow bring, for some it brings tragedy, some pain, some it brings even more lost hope. But if we can come together in some way and stay strong we can remind people that each and every day we are above ground is a gift. For us to survive, fight, conquer, even just last a little longer. SO that hopefully we have helped someone get through something they thought they were fighting alone in.

I think we need to use this to remind everyone of the thing Don always reminded me of. Seriously I read that "Each day is a gift" whenever I would scroll through the posts and I always would say to myself or think "Man that's the truth"

i'm in for what ever you all decide just let me know
and i dont mourn for very long either i celebrate the life that was lived

amen to that, when I go that's my only wish that everyone celebrate my life not mourn it cremate me and use whats left to have a BBQ with all my good family and friends, Play loud music and party till the next day. That's how I would like my funeral to be.
I love this idea, Count me in, We had some stickers made up for one of my friends that got killed and we all wore them on our helments. It read

In memory of our friend and brother

It has been 3 years and they are still doing a ride for him every year.

Please Let me know if i can do anything to help, Doug
I think it would be great to get a color ribbon designated for fallen riders so we can put them on our cages too. ( like yellow for soldiers, pink for breast cancer,...etc) I've seen quite a few of the sun glasses ones that state something about motorcycle awareness. the more applications, the more apt it is to be seen.:thumbsup:

I vote white,

But with only 5 words embroidered into it with black stitching.

"Each day is a gift"

All who ask or see this arm band need to be aware eah day is a gift, a wonderful gift from a God that loves. I know we each have different views and I think the arm band with this on it respects all of them.

It should be treasured, and remembered.

I only met Don once and it was at Varners funeral, I am just at a loss for words. When I spend countless minutes a day to try and understand certain things, others embrace the day and smile at it. Knowing this day too shall pass. And what does tomorrow bring, for some it brings tragedy, some pain, some it brings even more lost hope. But if we can come together in some way and stay strong we can remind people that each and every day we are above ground is a gift. For us to survive, fight, conquer, even just last a little longer. SO that hopefully we have helped someone get through something they thought they were fighting alone in.

I think we need to use this to remind everyone of the thing Don always reminded me of. Seriously I read that "Each day is a gift" whenever I would scroll through the posts and I always would say to myself or think "Man that's the truth"


If everyone can decide on a final version(s)
2-non members
I used to work at a Screen printing shop and have some old contacts at a embroidery place.
I could contact and see what they could do for us, but I know they would want to see it. Embroidery is all about #of type and size of type
I had actually been looking into getting some bracelets made (I'm not looking to take over a project, please don't take this comment that way :thumbsup:). Was going to just buy the minimum quantity and give them out to those that wanted them (depending on cost of course).

Mike, Kevin, and Don's passing had gotten me thinking about it and I really wanted something that could be for all of them. I'm glad that you brought this idea up. Maybe we could do both the bandana and a bracelet?
Just for conversation sake.....I went to one of the websites that I was looking at for having the bracelets made up. A black silicone bracelet, with white lettering saying "Fallen Riders" on the front and "Never Forgotten" on the back (this is the entire outside of the bracelet...not the inside) at a qty of 100 would run $245 (price of production plus $29.95 rush shipping)

IF they were ordered on Monday, they could be shipped to the bash for a Thursday delivery. Just in time to wear for the ride on Saturday for Don.

Like I said tho....I don't want to take this over.....just offering some advice. :beerchug:
These are some great ideas and good reasoning behind the opinions...and it's nice to see the support behind this. My vote:

+1 Rev...of all the options, i like the simplicity/visabilty of Rev's idea. If it blows off, a replacement (without embroidery) is cheap. Not that I'm against the embroidery idea, but like others have said, may be a little tough to accomodate a one size fits all - as far as applications/gear are concerned.

As for the stationary/parked view, I like the "Bogus" bike mounted concept.

And finally as for "off the bike - not riding at the moment", I like the bracelet.

My personal color vote - same as Rev's...white with black letters.
Just for conversation sake.....I went to one of the websites that I was looking at for having the bracelets made up. A black silicone bracelet, with white lettering saying "Fallen Riders" on the front and "Never Forgotten" on the back (this is the entire outside of the bracelet...not the inside) at a qty of 100 would run $245 (price of production plus $29.95 rush shipping)

IF they were ordered on Monday, they could be shipped to the bash for a Thursday delivery. Just in time to wear for the ride on Saturday for Don.

Like I said tho....I don't want to take this over.....just offering some advice. :beerchug:

You'd have my contribution in your hand with out question when I see you at the Bash.
Pretty fair to say, so would most everyone else attending.
If you would like some help to offset the cost. Please let me know and I will do what I can to help.
Again...not trying to push you in a direction to lead or take over this project. But if I can be honest...someone needs to step up at some point. Or these ideas will just keep going in circles.
It's a great idea MrsGrumpy....I say go for it!:thumbsup: