Remember fallen riders with an arm band...

black wont stand out as much as white. the black wont necessarily mean "fallen rider", claiming white as the color would. the bracelet wont be seen as prominently as the armband.

i truly believe white around the upper arm, whether it be a printed band or a bandana is the way to go. remember most rider jackets are black, white will stand out the most.

Black has always been a sign of mourning, like the black tape on police badges.

I think this is a good idea but maybe a patch is more practical. I believe is was Acehole who mentioned they where patches on their vests for fallen riders.
but joe and jane public sees patches/leather patched vest as "gang related". i've ben painting and riding for 8 years and never knew about the vest/patches. but an armband would make me think...

and "black has always been a sign of mourning" is exactly why i think white would be better. we as "riders" would be claiming something for "us" to promote awareness, and for our heads on our ride as remembrance.
I believe white is the way to go also. I think it would be easier to have a bracelet made for the wrist than having an arm band of some sorts. I think if you start doing armbands you'll need to get into different sizes and that adds complication for something that should be fairly simple. For example I would need an arm band around 24 inches while I imagine our female riders would need one a lot smaller than that so if you wanted to hand these out before a ride it would complicate things a little. I also think if it's a tie on you run the risk of losing it on the road. Seems like a wrist band would solve all those problems. Just my .02 though and really a great reminder either way you look at it. Great job Rev :thumbsup:
For example I would need an arm band around 24 inches while I imagine our female riders would need one a lot smaller than that so if you wanted to hand these out before a ride it would complicate things a little. I also think if it's a tie on you run the risk of losing it on the road. Seems like a wrist band would solve all those problems. Just my .02 though and really a great reminder either way you look at it. Great job Rev :thumbsup:

It's ok can just say "welcome to the gun show"....we understand.

but joe and jane public sees patches/leather patched vest as "gang related". i've ben painting and riding for 8 years and never knew about the vest/patches. but an armband would make me think...

and "black has always been a sign of mourning" is exactly why i think white would be better. we as "riders" would be claiming something for "us" to promote awareness, and for our heads on our ride as remembrance.

I am with you either way. :beerchug:
For those campaigning for the wrist bands.......Many different styles, colors, and fonts to choose from.

Silicone Bracelets Silicone Wristbands Rubber Bracelets Wristband Rubber

Wristband shop for silicone wristbands, rubber bracelet, cancer and silicone bracelets, Make Key chains Wristband

I still like the idea of a bandanna of some sort. It just feels more "motorcyclely" hehe (anyone willing to search those would be cool)

How are we going to make a decision here folks?

We should remember not to get caught up in the fashion side of it and just remember about the purpose that we are trying to serve. Honoring our fallen riders.
Maybe we need to think about the sweat bands/terry cloth wrist bands? Like you wear when you play sports? They stretch. They can be embroidered. Can also be thrown in the wash when is gets grungy. Just a thought...
I haven't even picked a busa out yet and i would rock one. I'm sure keeping in the pocket of my jacket and slipping it on when I ride would be a great way to make you stay EXTRA alert.
but joe and jane public sees patches/leather patched vest as "gang related". i've ben painting and riding for 8 years and never knew about the vest/patches. but an armband would make me think...

and "black has always been a sign of mourning" is exactly why i think white would be better. we as "riders" would be claiming something for "us" to promote awareness, and for our heads on our ride as remembrance.

I'm with you all the way Rev. I completely agree with what you're saying.

I'll do both to settle the dispute. I'd like a wristband to wear while I'm not riding and then I am going to have the bandana sewn onto my jacket. Let me know when we're gonna do this cuz I'm in.
Count me in either way. If I have my choice I would go for the white. I know that Black is a sign for mourning. I personally don't spend alot of time in mourning, more a celebration of the life that our fallen brothers and sisters led and shared with so many. I think that whichever way we decide to go that it should be geared more towards awareness to the public. Just my two cents.
Seems if this is to bring awareness to "cagers" then it is going to need to be "conspicuous" in nature.. arm bands and bandannas might be a bit tough on "full" gear guys (jackets off and on a lot etc) is there some type of a ribbon that could be hung on the bike? helmet?

Also, when the bike is just sitting in a parking lot, it gets a lot more scrutiny than it ever does going down the road.. Be nice if what ever is used could do its job then as well...
I like the bracelet idea. It is just more practical for everyday wearing. And I agree that the bracelet would be for ALL fallen riders, but having the .Org on it would let others know that we are actually a caring family.
And like was mentioned earlier, get some made without the .Org on them just to pass out to other riders.
The armband would be more difficult to keep from moving while wearing it (just my opinion).
I say let's do the bracelets!!