You'd have my contribution in your hand with out question when I see you at the Bash.
Pretty fair to say, so would most everyone else attending.
If you would like some help to offset the cost. Please let me know and I will do what I can to help.
Again...not trying to push you in a direction to lead or take over this project. But if I can be honest...someone needs to step up at some point. Or these ideas will just keep going in circles.
It's a great idea MrsGrumpy....I say go for it!
Thanks. I just figured since it was something I looked at already I'd share my information.
I also looked at the "debossed" bracelets. These are just the solid color of our choice. No special anything added. So it would be black with black lettering.
Starting Price ........................$1.79
FrontMessage ....................... FREE
Back Message .....................$0.25
Total Quantity ........................ 100
TOTAL COST ........................$288.95
Production Time 2 days -- $0.25 each
Rush Shipping 3 days -- $49.95
Color Filled (this is the black with white lettering)
Starting Price ........................$1.79
Front Message .....................FREE
Back Message .....................$0.25
Font Color .............................$0.10
Total Quantity ........................ 100
TOTAL COST .........................$263.95
Production Time 7 days -- no extra cost
Rush shipping -- 3 days -- $49.95
Rushed Orders that are placed by noon get shipped the same day. So if everyone agreed to go with the debossed option they could be shipped to whomever orders them by Friday the 18th if they are ordered by noon the 14th.
Hope this info helps....