Remember this Photo (UPDATED)...

he has to wait on his track van wearing publicist to finish his press release.
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jonus brothers? nkotb reunion? abba?

:rofl: Hmmm.....American Idol Tour?? :laugh:

So we have to wait till tomorrow to get this answer!? *ponders* Hmm... So if he already has a pic of the event. That means that pic must have been from last year.?? Because the actual event is this Thursday?? When he will show who it is that's playing.... Ahhh to early for my brain this morning.
Come on Scar! Who is going to be :guitar:
:rofl: Hmmm.....American Idol Tour?? :laugh:

So we have to wait till tomorrow to get this answer!? *ponders* Hmm... So if he already has a pic of the event. That means that pic must have been from last year.?? Because the actual event is this Thursday?? When he will show who it is that's playing.... Ahhh to early for my brain this morning.
Come on Scar! Who is going to be :guitar:

It's a pretty amusing tale...

But I'm still really surprised that Dino didn't get the press release on this from Andrew. I'll have to have my secretary look into that...:whistle:
Only one other person on the .oRg knows anything about this...and I'm surprised he hasn't offered another clue for ya'llz...

:whistle: just sayin'...
Don't you folks know anything? That's the Cordell Coliseum in Vegas. Wayne Newton is playing, one show only. Get your tix now!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
thats a picture of the trash can you will be in charge of empty'n while on community service for breaking into mily cirus's dressing room to steal her toothbrush and eye liner
its the video screen where they put up your picture with a caption "are you sure about abortion..."