Remember this Photo (UPDATED)...

Oh, is Wednesday isn't it...*sigh* I thought it was Thursday already. Poo...

My vote is NKOTB. Oh oh oh oh...oh oh oh oh...oh oh oh oh...the right stuff...(stuck in your head now isn't it?!?)'s Thursday....WHERE YOU AT SCAR WHERE YOU AT?

I've got things to do to day....hurry up!!! :laugh:
So, here’s the story…

A week ago, I (among others, I presume) got a text message from Wag (Lou) saying he was at the Nine Inch Nails concert in Albuquerque. The text conversation went pretty much exactly…:

Lou: I’m at the NIN concert, MF’s!!.
Me: Cool! I know the drummer.
Lou: FU, beotch!
<Lou snaps a pic of the stage with his phone and sends it to me> (see post #1, this thread)​
Me: Want his autograph?
Lou: I’d love that!​

So, I forwarded the aforementioned pic to my e-mail account, opened it, printed it, gave it to Ilan (NiN drummer) to sign just before their show here in San Diego, and…just got it back today.

Here it is.

Wag: I need your home address so I can send you the original…

Thanks everyone, for playing along!

Ilan Rubin Autograph.jpg
Pretty cool Scar!! As I said yesterday, if you have ANY connections to Chris Cornell, by all means, hook me up! :rofl:
Holy crap!

That photo came out a helluva lot better than I was expecting, especially from my stupid cell phone!

Scar, thanks a million for getting the autograph for me. That's outstanding, man!

I'm amazed. I take a pic, send it to Scar and it gets three pages of posts before I even get a clue. Need to pay more attention! really truly rocks.

Now, here's the other side of the story that Scar didn't mention. A couple of days later, he texts me, paraphrasing 'cause my phone got overloaded with texts.

Scar: How was the concert?
Wag: Eh. A bit disappointing
Scar: Bummer. Still want the autograph?
Wag: Absolutely!!!

See, the thing is, another friend of mine several (five?) years ago said, "If you ever get a chance, go see NiN. Best show I've ever seen."

Sooooo, I got all excited about it, missed one opportunity a couple of years after that and then when I heard they were going to be in podunk Albuquerque, I nearly wet my pants, I was so excited. That was right after my wife and I had attended the Disturbed concert and were absolutely blown away by how powerful they were.

I was like a kid at Christmas Time waiting for the night of NiN.

The first two songs were outstanding and Trent ripped the front of the stage apart like a psycho maniac, just like I had hoped he would. I was thinking, "He's just getting warmed up! This is going to be outstanding!!!"

Then it just kind of went down from there. Not as much energy as I had hoped. They played several songs from the Downward Spiral CD and those were good but they didn't play Closer or Reptile and waited until nearly the end to play Head Like a Hole. THAT was the most outstanding part of the concert.

So, I was a bit disappointed.

Having said all of that I realize a few things:

1. I had overcharged my expectations. That usually causes me to be disappointed.
2. It was an outdoor venue which I really hate 'cause the energy gets lost with this kind of music group.
3. The crowd kinda sucked. No participation.

Last but not least, NiN STILL put on a great show! Relatively speaking, they rank right up there and I could sit and listen to them play all day long. I have almost all of their music on my iPod and I use it when I'm riding. Reznor is an outstanding musician, obviously classically educated and purely outstanding.

I'm still a huge fan! I'll still go to their next concert if they do another one any time soon.


Thanks again, Scar. You da man!
