Rev's Hi Dollar Custom Mod...

Hey Rev, how 'bout an after pic without the tag? :super:
I know it's just a little thing, but hell I got to much booz in me to ride tonight so I might as well post a few without the tag on like you asked Bulletrain.

What surprised me was how much better the rear looked just by getting rid of what I did back there...

Thanks FatJap, I think a lot of the members of the home made club would also belong to the (To Quote Rhythm) Got More time than money club. :beerchug:

Last one... Hey you think this a weird mod to post pics of, wait until I get my little mini-Windscreen cut. I bought a second stock screen and I am going to cut it WAY down, So it just barrely covers the gauges. I know a lot of folks complain about the lack of weather protection on the busa but it certainly keeps you out of the Air flow effectively on hot days. I am going to see if I can get more air to the upper body while still retaining a satisfactory look. We'll see...

Meanwhile last one after cutting W/O plate on it.

but hell I got to much booz in me to ride tonight
uuuhhhhh mmmm I thought you didn't drink ?

I thought you waz jus a tea-toteler....

I'm confussed....ya I know Rev.....confused is not spELd that way .

What are you doin' up-solated....its way past yer bed time.

momma....not in the mood?
Hehe  Fug You RSD...  :biggrin:

Nah, I had to go to big ole' corporate dinner with my wife tonight.  (Her Work)  So I have to put on the Suit and Tie and sit around with the folks from her work.  Not a bad thing I suppose, went to a place called Charlie's here in Tampa.  Damn fine steak and Lobster tail yadda yadda.  Anyway they were celebrating the 5 million dollar mark, not bad for a 12 person office.  But the point is that for me to sit there surrounded by her co-workers and listen to them talk about the Actuarial Consulting business I am going to have to be drunk...  or at least really really Buzzed, helps me keep a civil tongue in my head believe it or not.  They are good people but listening to one of them describe a 1979 Rothschild or some sh*t as "liquid Gold" and as being "Friendly" It's time for Rev to order another Captain and Coke...
 So then I get home, wear out the House Mouse, and try to sleep only to realize that the old bed is a SPINNIN!!! So I may as well stay up and stay Verticle to avoid them damn spins...

And darnit my bikes purty!  Besides Skinomax is living up to it's name.  So I got music playin, nekid chicks on TV and a decent buzz...what else do I need???

Oh and did I mention that dinner and drinks were all on the Company? Makes it worthwhile... Only thing better than Steak and Lobster is free steak and lobster....
Been thinking about doing that for a while now,i have seen some great undertails but i would like to retain the stock signals. :laugh:
Damn Bullet, That would have been a pretty good idea...But Sorry it's allready at the bottom of the trashcan and I am not going after it... :sad: Besides it really wasn't that good of a template, it would almost certainly do more harm than good.
Looks good Rev.
The only reason I haven't tried something like that is because I hate getting that Streak of gunk up the rear of my gear when it rains. I'd really like to find a rear fender that mounts to the swingarm and moves with it.
Hey RaiderDM, I know what you are talking about but believe me, you will not get any splatter on you if you trim the rear. The folks following behind you will get a nice rooster tail in the rain but Seriously, splatter is not a concern.
Rev, The stock metal license plate bracket is bent - like a wedge when viewed from the side - to make the plate sit vertical when mounted on an angled fender. You can take the bracket and flip it over top to bottom. This will lay the plate more horizontal rather than vertical the way it sits now. And then you can mount it higher than you have it now and it tucks up nicely out of the way right under the tail light. Look at the side view pix above and this will make sense.

A dremmel makes it easy. I put one those 1" saw/friction blades on and followed the lines I drew on the plastic. EASY! Very little after sanding if you take your time and get it close. You can even use the Dremmel drum sander attachment to make the sanding quick and easy.
Sierra, I owe you a beer...Damn good Idea, Thanks man...I am going to go do this right now...

Oh Hey, Anyone else getting this annoying pop-up login script for griffithmotors?
Damn Bullet, That would have been a pretty good idea...But Sorry it's allready at the bottom of the trashcan and I am not going after it...  :sad:    Besides it really wasn't that good of a template, it would almost certainly do more harm than good.
So, ummmm, wrap a piece of thin cardboard/thick posterboard around the whole thing now and trace it from the inside with a pencil. It'd be even better than having half and havin' to flip it side to side. Can ya hook a brotha up that way there Rev? I really like the way you cut yers. Would also be interested in pics after you flip the bracket like Sierra suggested. :super:
I can prolly do that BT...Just gimmie a couple of days, when I go to work tomorrow I'll grab some more cardstock. No Sweat.
Hehe  Fug You RSD...  :biggrin:

Nah, I had to go to big ole' corporate dinner with my wife tonight.  (Her Work)  So I have to put on the Suit and Tie and sit around with the folks from her work.  Not a bad thing I suppose, went to a place called Charlie's here in Tampa.  Damn fine steak and Lobster tail yadda yadda.  Anyway they were celebrating the 5 million dollar mark, not bad for a 12 person office.  But the point is that for me to sit there surrounded by her co-workers and listen to them talk about the Actuarial Consulting business I am going to have to be drunk...  or at least really really Buzzed, helps me keep a civil tongue in my head believe it or not.  They are good people but listening to one of them describe a 1979 Rothschild or some sh*t as "liquid Gold" and as being "Friendly" It's time for Rev to order another Captain and Coke...
 So then I get home, wear out the House Mouse, and try to sleep only to realize that the old bed is a SPINNIN!!! So I may as well stay up and stay Verticle to avoid them damn spins...

And darnit my bikes purty!  Besides Skinomax is living up to it's name.  So I got music playin, nekid chicks on TV and a decent buzz...what else do I need???

Oh and did I mention that dinner and drinks were all on the Company?  Makes it worthwhile... Only thing better than Steak and Lobster is free steak and lobster....
Daayyymmmmm!!! Charlies..... ranks right up there with Burns. Better in my book. Free Steak & Lobster, Free booze,
a pretty woman....nekid chicks... Rev you do days off RIGHT!

:cool: :laugh: :thumbsup: