Not punishment; natural, foreseeable, and sadly, preventable consequences of the riders' actions. I'm sad that two fellow riders are down and one out, but if they had taken their lunacy to the track, they'd probably be just fine right now - AND they would have spared the poor guy/gal in the car from the anguish he/she is surely going through from having been involved in the death of another person.(06BUSA @ May 06 2007,04:19) A bit harsh. Not the proper punishment for the crime. I agree racing has it's place. (at the track)
The more I live, the more I am convinced that all the insurance money in the world can't repair the damages that are done in an accident. Yet we drive around like they never happen (or will never happen to us) and without thought to the consequences.
We all have the control over whether or not an accident will happen in our hands and our heads - let's exercise it. Or as BusaWhipped always tells me, "If I'm in a wreck - it's my fault; regardless of what the accident report says."