ROADTOAD's new ride

I am watching and gathering info as I go a bit with this bike . I dont care for more hp than what is basically limit for known reliability , I want to try to keep this motor healthy and strong . I think , short wheelbase the 1st woolich tune will take it to 230 to 240 whp . Then , I can fit intercooler to go next phaze , the cams and stage 2 gears I think , but my tuner is already telling me off for buying up a lot of stuff before we even had a talk lol . I will keep it short wheelbase and try it out , I dont care too much about running it at any drag meet as yet , all that will happen when I get it done . That kit has the stage 2 gears packaged up and the turbo blow off valve , and the stronger fuel pump boost regulated . I got a boost gauge coming when the bloke machines up some housing .
I am watching and gathering info as I go a bit with this bike . I dont care for more hp than what is basically limit for known reliability , I want to try to keep this motor healthy and strong . I think , short wheelbase the 1st woolich tune will take it to 230 to 240 whp . Then , I can fit intercooler to go next phaze , the cams and stage 2 gears I think , but my tuner is already telling me off for buying up a lot of stuff before we even had a talk lol . I will keep it short wheelbase and try it out , I dont care too much about running it at any drag meet as yet , all that will happen when I get it done . That kit has the stage 2 gears packaged up and the turbo blow off valve , and the stronger fuel pump boost regulated . I got a boost gauge coming when the bloke machines up some housing .
You've probably watched all the videos.....some of these guys are getting 350 rwhp out of theirs......but you never hear how reliable they are at that power level...
You've probably watched all the videos.....some of these guys are getting 350 rwhp out of theirs......but you never hear how reliable they are at that power level...
I do not think you can expect long term reliability when you are getting 350 whp , those motors are going to be pulled out and checked at some point , best probably even regularly . I seen a fella on youtube , and he gave an honest appraisal of owning a H2 modified , he said it wont be a question of whether you experience some issues , but when .
I am looking at getting the first tune , which basically frees up the restrictions , and gives the bike 240 whp . Then , I go for stage 2 level , which could translate to + 30 whp more . That should be fine for my streetbike needs combined with some reduce weight I get done , and hopefully , retain some reliability . We Aussies get the EU version H2 , which is marketed less restricted than the US version , which has to jump through emission hoops to get past the tight import regulations US have in place .
I do not think you can expect long term reliability when you are getting 350 whp , those motors are going to be pulled out and checked at some point , best probably even regularly . I seen a fella on youtube , and he gave an honest appraisal of owning a H2 modified , he said it wont be a question of whether you experience some issues , but when .
I am looking at getting the first tune , which basically frees up the restrictions , and gives the bike 240 whp . Then , I go for stage 2 level , which could translate to + 30 whp more . That should be fine for my streetbike needs combined with some reduce weight I get done , and hopefully , retain some reliability . We Aussies get the EU version H2 , which is marketed less restricted than the US version , which has to jump through emission hoops to get past the tight import regulations US have in place .
We get the same one here as you do......oddly enough....

You should have fun on that thing when you get done with it.....
you are going to need a rear tire sponsor Andrew , BIG power *
Black Mamba Motorcycle GIF by Moore Mafia
That is an interesting read , @fallenarch got it pretty right in his summation .
We get the same one here as you do......oddly enough....

You should have fun on that thing when you get done with it.....
I am looking forward to this bike being fitted up with the new forks and also the wheels when those arrive . The H2 is very well made , the quality is really amazing , albeit , it is a low production , really a factory bespoke bike . Compared to my ZX14R when absolute stock form for comparison , this bike is premium .
The H2 European market model is no more , so I do not now know what market model Australia will get after 2024 . The price , new has also increased AU $6K FOR 2024 here , so I got brand new in time luckily .
you are going to need a rear tire sponsor Andrew , BIG power *
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All my bikes run 200/55 rear tires , the KTM got the Pirelli SC1 for best carving and the Kawasaki both got RS11 Bridgestone . I do need tire sponsership bro .:rolleyes:
Hi. This is a 100% street legal street bike not like Bill ot Gus's bike. I will try to get a new class for modified street bikes.
Yours is really on its own level , with very few peers bro , but I am sure you got other people there who will join up the class you want to introduce . I think having a super powerful street beast is fantastic , even to me , my lowish end of high power H2 build will be great fun . Most people wont even experience 200 whp bike , so we are living our dreams and enjoying unique fast machines before it is too late to worry . I know I would be joining that new class if I lived in the USA , man , we would most likely be riding buddies if we could .
Two threads going on this it seems...
I'll contain myself to this one...

If one were to buy an H2 here they run north of $35k.....and there aren't many around for sale (one)....and there is a carbon model but it doesn't have the price listed for some reason.
The H2 Carbon are a limited edition , so more expensive than my H2 model . But exactly the same , but has a carbon fairing top . The who rode today is where you commented on seeing the Busa with H2 . That is answered i guess ...