Mr. Bear, I agree with you.
I was at my dealer today and a customer had just bought a '00 9R. The most beautiful dark, dark purple (looks black until your about 5' away), I have ever seen. The shop flunkies put it together and when they rode it out of the shop to the lot, they said something was wrong with the engine. They started talking to the service manager about valve problems and all kinds of crap. The customer was starting to freak out (his first sportbike) when he couldn't pick the bike up. Their top mechanic doesn't work on Saturdays and the other 2 bike mechanics had taken the day off. No one had a clue as to what the problem actually was or what to do about it.
Their JetSki mechanic dropped by to get something and the service manager begged him to test ride the brand new bike (1 mile on the odo). The mechanic told the SM that he should have ME do it, since I know more about sportbike the he does. Either I seriously got him fooled or he just didn't want to do it on his day off (I think it was the latter). So, I got a helmet and gloves off the rack and off I went... on this customer's brand new bike. I didn't have to go a 1/2 mile, before it became obvious what the problem was. When I got back, I started to discribe what the problem was to the JetSki mechanic (I didn't know that the customer was standing right next to him - they are good friends).
It turned out that the vacuum line from the carbs to all that pollution control crap (ERG? EGR? - I don't know what it's called) got pinched by the tank or the airbox. I was lucky to have figured it out. When I took all that off my 7R, I just pluged up ALL the remaining lines with screws. Didn't run worth a crap (just like this 9R) until I reconnected that one line back to the airbox. I realized that it was the customer standing there, when he gave this great sigh of relief, after my "it's nothing serious diagnosis".
The customer didn't get his bike, today. IMO, such repairs are best left for the "professionals". Had the bike not been "pre-delivery" test rode, he would have thought he had a major problem the first time he rode it. Also, being this guy's first sportbike, he would have never felt comfortable with it. Even after it was repaired. The test ride saved this guy and the dealer, alot of future heartache.
The majority of buyers don't have anywhere near the knowledge that ANYONE here has. The "test ride" is for the buyer's AND the dealer's benifit and protection. The pinched hose was a rare fluke, but it will be fixed and all parties involved will be pleased. Imagine what would have happened if the customer had rode off the lot, at closing time today (they won't be open again, till Tuesday). The customer would have 2 days to worry about it and listen to all the BS ideas from his equally inexperienced buddies.
[This message has been edited by redelk (edited 19 March 2000).]