Rotrex Hayabusa build

Ya so that video my H2 was around 240whp and the busa was like 270whp. Now that my H2 is 300whp and geared properly it RUNS from that turbo busa at 270whp. I think a turbo busa would need at least 400whp or maybe more to run next to the h2 at 300whp. after 180ish mph a 400plus whp busa would have the advantage if the H2 hasnt ran from it in the front half.
What makes the H2 so dominate? Is it the way the supercharger has readily available power over the turbo needing to spool up boost?
A turbo system would add a bit more weight. Looks also like a h2 is 475 roughly wet and a gen 2 is 550 dry.
Right, I punched in H2 SX's a bit heavier than a Hayabusa which I know is 550lbs wet.

According to the inter-web an H2 is 524lbs so is lighter by a little...

A turbo will add weight but that weight would balance out by removing the exhaust and other bits and bobbles too....
The weight, gearing, how it makes power instantly and can put the power down. The stock exhaust and swing arm on the h2 are heavy. Id guess my h2 weighs around 475 wet. Its hard to explain until you ride a proper set up H2. They are just downright savage in the 60-200 races. Im in a lot of racing groups and no one wants to race the faster H2 guys unless they have a killer set up on a turbo/nitrous busa or zx14.
The weight, gearing, how it makes power instantly and can put the power down. The stock exhaust and swing arm on the h2 are heavy. Id guess my h2 weighs around 475 wet. Its hard to explain until you ride a proper set up H2. They are just downright savage in the 60-200 races. Im in a lot of racing groups and no one wants to race the faster H2 guys unless they have a killer set up on a turbo/nitrous busa or zx14.
You ever race hulkrider yet or 650ib?
You ever race hulkrider yet or 650ib?
Ive been talking to Ib to get the race set up. Hopefully it happens in the next week or two. Hes been trying to get his bike ready. He quickly realised how big of a ticket to pound town I was going to hand him after calling me out. I talk to hulk a lot too we are going to try to get together and hang out and get some runs in. We have the exact same power set up but he weight like almost 150lbs more than me.
Ive been talking to Ib to get the race set up. Hopefully it happens in the next week or two. Hes been trying to get his bike ready. He quickly realised how big of a ticket to pound town I was going to hand him after calling me out. I talk to hulk a lot too we are going to try to get together and hang out and get some runs in. We have the exact same power set up but he weight like almost 150lbs more than me.
Awesome love watching you guys, I know 650ib has rubbed a few people the wrong way and doesn't like to race people who will destroy him. The h2 scene is crazy fast! And that hulk can sure keep the front end down but can't really tuck hahaha.
This video is of my current set up on the h2 vs the busa at 270whp. Big difference now lol.
I believe this is the video I watched and made me raise the question if I should just get an h2 and trade in the busa, but the price of bike and mods are too high for me at the moment. I also feel the busa is a well rounded bike and not too big on the size of literbikes. I'm curious where a supercharged Hayabusa with a strict diet would stack up against an h2 with similar hp. I've watched your videos along with others and a modded h2 seem down right brutal. Kawasaki killed it with this bike!
I believe this is the video I watched and made me raise the question if I should just get an h2 and trade in the busa, but the price of bike and mods are too high for me at the moment. I also feel the busa is a well rounded bike and not too big on the size of literbikes. I'm curious where a supercharged Hayabusa with a strict diet would stack up against an h2 with similar hp. I've watched your videos along with others and a modded h2 seem down right brutal. Kawasaki killed it with this bike!
Hi. supercharged busa 6.4 1/4 . He runs XDA And is limited in what he can do to it in the rules.
I believe this is the video I watched and made me raise the question if I should just get an h2 and trade in the busa, but the price of bike and mods are too high for me at the moment. I also feel the busa is a well rounded bike and not too big on the size of literbikes. I'm curious where a supercharged Hayabusa with a strict diet would stack up against an h2 with similar hp. I've watched your videos along with others and a modded h2 seem down right brutal. Kawasaki killed it with this bike!
An older video of a supercharged Hayabusa.....the speedo needle sweeps pretty darned fast....

Imagine this system linked into the electronic suite of a gen would be quite a monster.

Here's a more modern video (in Greek).

Sorry @Big E I forgot to post it the first time...
An older video of a supercharged Hayabusa.....the speedo needle sweeps pretty darned fast....

Imagine this system linked into the electronic suite of a gen would be quite a monster.

Here's a more modern video (in Greek).

Sorry @Big E I forgot to post it the first time...
I was thinking the same just yesterday! Supercharged or turbo I'm curious how the electronics will stand up against 400+ horsepower. Really excited to see a supercharged gen 3 when it happens.
Ive been talking to Ib to get the race set up. Hopefully it happens in the next week or two. Hes been trying to get his bike ready. He quickly realised how big of a ticket to pound town I was going to hand him after calling me out. I talk to hulk a lot too we are going to try to get together and hang out and get some runs in. We have the exact same power set up but he weight like almost 150lbs more than me.
Hi where are you from? I am building a turbo busa. I will only race on a track. I have watched vids from 650ib and would NEVER do what they do. I have a thread my very slow build. The guys at DME, DAS, Frank at powerhouse, Rcc are giving me help me out.
Did some more work on the build, made the tensioner and checked ive it all fits.

Also finished most of the intake piping



Last week i looked where to put the oil tank for the rotrex and the water/methanol tank and i designed them to get it lasercut and then i can weld it together.

And ive also recieved some presents!:)
I'm flattered that you have copied my supercharger drive train so closely :) How are you compensating for crankshaft run out? You will obviously run an outrigger bearing. But these cranks can run out by more than enough to knock the bearing out! The early bikes are worse but I have seen several gen 2's with twisted splines causing run out. Good luck with your efforts. Regards Richard Albans TTS Performance.
I'm flattered that you have copied my supercharger drive train so closely :) How are you compensating for crankshaft run out? You will obviously run an outrigger bearing. But these cranks can run out by more than enough to knock the bearing out! The early bikes are worse but I have seen several gen 2's with twisted splines causing run out. Good luck with your efforts. Regards Richard Albans TTS Performance.
Not to thread jack but is there any info on whatever happened to the awesome stealth setup for the busa? I know myself as well as a few others have seen the video and would really like to one day be able to have a setup like that.